Christmas Singalong 2020

Date: 17th Dec 2020 @ 6:14pm

This year has been unprecedented and not like any other we have known.

Looking back we can smile at the many ways in which we all joined together as a community when we were told to stay apart!!

Many of our children clapped for carers and the NHS, walked alongside Captain Tom and brought happinness to their extended families from their doorsteps.

School has been a very different place and our children have surprised us all with their willingness to adapt to new routines including social distancing, extra hand washing and sanitising and keeping each other as safe as possible.  

We do hope that you can look back on 2020 and take joy from these simple actions.


As you know, we have not been able to enjoy the usual Christmas celebrations in school this pantomime or Christmas performances.............however............we have joined in The Alzheimer's Society Elf Day, Anti-Bullying Week with odd socks, Save the Children Christmas Jumper Day, had TWO Christmas Lunch days, enjoyed a class bubble Christmas Party and received a visit from Father Christmas smiley

Tomorrow children will listen to The Nativity Story before we break for Christmas holidays.


OOOOOPS, almost forgot!!  We also had a CHRISTMAS SINGALONG in our class bubble.....ENJOY!!


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