Year 3 2024 - 2025
Miss Kealey
BA (Hons), PGCE, QTS
Mrs McGunigall
BA (Hons), QTS
Our Year 3 staff are:
Miss Kealey
Mrs McGunigall
Miss Houlihan
PE and Homework
PE is taught every Thursday afternoon. All children should ensure their PE kits are in school on this day. Please label all items with your child's name.
Spellings are set on a Monday and tested on a Friday. Children will write their spellings down on a Monday morning and bring these home with them at the end of the day, ready to practise through the week. Spellings can also be found by clicking on the 'weekly spellings' icon at the top of our class page.
Reading packs are sent home on a Friday and should be returned on Monday. Extra reading books can be accessed online via the Oxford Owl/ Phonics Bug websites. Please ask your child's teacher if you have lost your child's login details.
Children are encouraged to read as much as possible at home and can also bring in reading materials that they enjoy reading at home e.g. comics, magazines, recipe books, biographies etc. The children will be given time each day in our 'reading for pleasure time' to read.
On the website, you will find homework menus for the children to choose pieces of homework to complete each half term and bring into school (or to photograph and bring in).
Useful Websites
Year 3: News items
School Attendance Newsletter 1 - Spring 2025, by Mrs Harris
Attendance Policy on a Page, by Mrs Harris
Mr. Potato Head Challenge, by Mrs Harris
Year 3: Blog items
Skeletons with Year 3K, by Mrs Harris
Y3M Ancient Egyptian Homework, by Mrs Harris
Y3M Ancient Egyptian Homework, by Mrs Harris
Year 3: Calendar items
Year 3 Workshop - Rocks, by Mrs Walker
KS2 Author Visit, by Mrs Walker
KS2 Ash Wednesday Mass, by Mrs Walker