Mission Statement
Our Lady & St Edward’s Catholic Primary School
Mission Statement
‘Hand in hand we journey with Jesus by our side.’
Our Mission Statement is -
Our school is more than a building, it is a community where we learn, grow and achieve. It is a welcoming and joyful place where everyone feels happy, safe and protected. We are valued as individuals and our talents are shared and celebrated.
By living out our mission everyday, we journey towards fulfilling our vision –
At Our Lady & St Edward’s we will encourage all children to reach their full potential in body, mind and spirit inspired by our Catholic Christian way of life.
Our distinctive aims are -
- To place emphasis on the teaching and learning of the gospel messages through our religious education syllabus and through the way we relate to each other in our everyday lives.
- To foster a living community of prayer and celebration both within the school and in partnership with the Parish of Our Lady’s to feel that they are part of this community and indeed the worldwide family of God.
- To enable children to understand and respect other faiths.
- To equip our children with the necessary information and skills to enable them to make the right choices to keep safe and be healthy in the community of Birkenhead, Merseyside and beyond.
- To give special support to those parents and families who may need it. There may be a variety of reasons why the school offers families extra support.
- To nurture within our children a sense of aspiration, self determination and a desire to achieve their academic and personal potential.
- To provide a curriculum that supports all children’s social emotional behavior.
In partnership with our families we aim –
- To provide a foundation for a Christian Catholic way of life in an environment where the Gospel message underpins all that we do.
- To provide a curriculum that combines high standards of literacy and numeracy with a broad and balanced curriculum where children are excited and engaged and there is joy in what they are doing.
- To provide learning that is focused on individual pupils’ needs and abilities in order that all children reach their potential.
- To build a partnership with parents by giving good information and by embedding the school into the fabric of their community.
- To provide to the best of our ability an inclusive school where children with Special Educational needs, gifted and talented children and minority ethnic groups will be given support.
- To promote high standards of behavior by teaching and modelling positive behavior to our children.