Designated Safeguarding Lead / SENDCO - Clare Sutton
Designated Safeguarding Lead - Debbie Smith
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads - Sarah Murphy, Felicity Salisbury, Leanne Brown, Therese Harris
SEND Policy
Our Lady and St. Edward’s is a Catholic Primary School which values the individual and has a strong commitment to the support of children with special educational needs. Every child has an entitlement to a broad and balanced curriculum and opportunities to fulfil their potential. It is the policy of the school that all school staff commit themselves to developing strategies which enable individual needs to be met. The school caters for a range of pupil needs and provides an inclusive environment.
At Our Lady and St Edward’s School our belief and policy is to respect the individuality of our pupils. We recognise the diverse nature of pupils’ abilities and the intellectual, social and emotional experiences that they bring to school. We believe that pupils should participate in the decision-making process where appropriate. We believe that each child should have a sense of worth and that their achievements should be noted and celebrated. We encourage high aspirations in our pupils and aim for them to achieve desirable outcomes.
We welcome and value the views and experiences of parents/ guardians/carers and encourage them to play an active role in school. The school has an open house policy for parents and strives to include them
in all aspects of their children’s education. We welcome advice from outside agencies and endeavour to ensure that all pupils with special needs enjoy academic, personal and social success.
‘A child or young person has SEND if they have a learning difficulty or disability which calls for special educational provision to be made for him /her. A child of compulsory school age has a learning difficulty or disability if he/she has a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of others of the same age or has a disability which prevents or hinders him/her from making use of educational facilities of a kind generally provided for others of the same age in mainstream schools’
SEN and Disability Code of Practice (2015)
The above definition also applies to children who are below the compulsory school age.
Children will not be regarded as having special educational needs solely because the language of their home is different from the language in which they are taught.
The aims reflect the ethos of the school, legislation and advice. The school aims to be inclusive in its policies, outlook and practices.
The school aims to:
Help all children to fulfil their potential.
Promote the early identification of pupils with SEND, Meet the needs of pupils with SEND and remove barriers to learning by providing appropriate support and strategies.
Deploy resources to meet these needs wherever possible.
Ensure that there are equal opportunities for pupils with SEND.
Ensure that SEND pupils have equal access to a broad and balanced curriculum which has been differentiated to meet individual needs and abilities.
Implement the recommendations in the Special Education Needs and Disability Code of Practice (2015).
Promote an awareness amongst staff of the range of difficulties experienced by SEND pupils and provide training opportunities with the view to support high quality provision and teaching.
Maximise the opportunities for SEND pupils to join in with all school activities.
Encourage SEND pupils to express their views and to be involved with their learning.
Continue to encourage regular and effective communication between parents, guardians and school. To provide opportunities for consultation and participation. Parents to have the opportunity to review/discuss their child’s progress at least three times a year.
Ensure that parents are informed of their children’s special needs and promote effective partnership. To provide information to parents/guardians with regard to SEND policy and School Offer.
Seek advice of outside agencies and act upon it wherever possible.
Ensure that SEND pupils below the compulsory school age will achieve the best possible educational and other outcomes and become confident with a growing ability to communicate their own views and be ready to make the transition to compulsory education.
Update pupil records and data as evidence of pupil progress and to ensure continuity. To review provision whenever appropriate.
Have a complaints procedure.
Monitor and evaluate the SEND policy at least annually.
Support the ethos of Inclusion.
Ensure that the teaching and learning environment is effective and improve the educational and other outcomes for all pupils including those with special needs.
Our Lady and St Edward’s Primary School seeks to offer an inclusive learning environment which is equally accessible to all children. The schools Accessibility Plan builds on and complements the inclusive practice already in place. Under the Equality Act (2010) the school has made reasonable adjustments to ensure that disabled children are not at a substantial disadvantage compared with their peers.
The school will ensure that:
All pupils will have access to an appropriate education that affords them the opportunity to achieve their personal potential.
Barriers to learning are identified and that action will be taken which will enable pupils to participate in activities and contribute where appropriate.
Parents are encouraged to be partners with school in supporting the education of their children.
High expectations and desirable outcomes are maintained.
Systems will be established for pupils with physical, medical, sensory and communication needs that aim to minimise the negative impact of a child’s condition and maximise their individual strengths.
The ethos of the school supports inclusion.
Admission arrangements do not discriminate against pupils with special needs.
Pupils with SEND are included wherever possible in activities alongside those children who do not have special educational needs.
Areas of Special Need
Communication and Interaction
Speech/Language Communication and Autistic Spectrum Disorder
Cognition and Learning
Moderate learning difficulties (MLD) Severe learning difficulties (SLD)
Specific learning difficulties (SpLD) such as dyslexia/ dyscalculia /dyspraxia
Social Emotional and Mental Health Difficulties
Withdrawn/ challenging /disruptive behaviour.
Anxiety and depression
Attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD Attention deficit disorder (ADD))
Sensory and/or Physical Needs
Disability which hinders pupils from making use of the educational facilities generally provided. This includes hearing and vision impairments.
Pupil making less than expected progress.
Working at a significantly slower pace than peers.
Fails to match or improve on previous rate of progress.
Fails to close the gap between himself/herself and peers.
The attainment gap widens.
Record of Concern
The class teacher/key worker identifies a special need through assessment, observation and / or parental concern. This will lead to carefully adapting the provision, adapting tasks and close monitoring.
Graduated Approach
The Graduated Approach is a model of action and intervention in education to help pupils who have special educational needs. The approach recognises that there is a continuum of special needs and that where necessary, increasing specialist expertise should be brought to bear on the difficulty that a child may be experiencing. The cycle of action should be revisited in increasing detail and frequency if progress is not being made.
The class teacher/ key worker is responsible for the implementation and monitoring a range of strategies and intervention programmes but can request support from the SENCo and help from outside agencies. The class teacher/ key worker must keep the SENCo informed.
Four Part Cycle
To identify a pupil as needing SEND support, there needs to be a clear analysis of the pupils needs drawing upon the views of all concerned with the pupil especially the parents / guardians. The first response should be high quality teaching targeted at the area of weakness. Where progress continues to be less than expected, the class teacher and SENCo should assess whether the child has SEND, gather evidence and put in extra interventions.
Support and strategies should be matched to meet the pupil’s needs. The aim is to remove barriers to learning. Outside services can be called upon and progress should be recorded.
Personal Centred Plan
Consultations with all appropriate staff, adjustments and strategies need to take place and be recorded using the school’s own system. Consultation with parents and pupils are part of this process. The school will seek parental involvement, inviting parents to contribute to the plan and enabling them to support and contribute to the pupil’s progress at home.
The strategies, support, or one to one support is the responsibility of the class teacher with support from the SENCo. Further assessments may be required and advice regarding the implementation of support may be required. The Support Plan regarding Desirable Outcomes will be shared with parents/guardians.
The Review will look at the effectiveness of the support and strategies and the impact on pupil progress.
Transition Early Years and Year Six
To ensure a smooth transition the One Page Profile and support plan should be reviewed and information passed to the receiving school with the agreement of the parent.
Health Care Plan
Pupils with medical /physical needs which impact upon learning or safety in school will be provided with a Health Care Plan drawn up with the support of the parent, school nurse, paediatrician, class teacher SENCo, Physical Medical Coordinator (LA) and other appropriate persons. The pupil’s views are sought and older children would be invited to contribute to the meeting. A Risk Assessment may be necessary. A review should take place at least annually.
Requesting an Educational Health Care Needs Assessment
A request is made by the school for a Needs Assessment for an EHC Plan when the special education provision provided by the school has not enabled the pupil to make adequate progress. The L.A. will request evidence that the pupil has received additional funding to support his/ her needs and that specialist advice has been obtained. Parents can also make a request for an EHC assessment, see Wirral SENDLO for more information.
Educational Health Care Plan
An EHC Plan details the educational, health and social care support that is to be provided for a child who has SEN or a disability. It is drawn up by the L.A. after a needs assessment of the child has determined that an EHC Plan is necessary and after consultation with relevant partner agencies. A personal budget maybe agreed. This is an amount of money identified to deliver parts of the provision set out in an EHC Plan.
In the case of a Looked After Child the EHC Plan should only contain relevant information and should work in harmony with the Care Plan.
Tier 3 Emergency Funding
This can be applied for by the school to support a pupil for a time limited period. An application can be made to support a child with a short-term significant need, a child who has moved into the local area and whose needs are presenting as significant or if a child is currently undergoing statutory assessment but at the same time is presenting with significant difficulties.
Early Years Inclusive Practice Funding
This can be applied for by the school to support a child in Foundation 1. The school must have evidence of support and interventions in place. If the funding is granted a termly review will be submitted to the Early Years Team.
Annual Review
The pupil’s with EHC Plans have their needs reviewed annually. This provides an opportunity to check the pupil’s progress and provision being made to meet the pupil’s educational/social communication/ disability needs. Parents and pupils are invited to give their views. The Annual Review allows interested parties to share expertise, concerns and plans for the future. It is considered to be of vital importance that the pupil’s efforts in school are valued and that constructive comments are made by all concerned.
Assessment is not a single event but a continuous process. Our Lady and St. Edward’s use a variety of assessment tools to identify pupils with special needs and to monitor their progress. These form the trigger for additional support.
Foundation Goals are used as an observation and assessment tool in the early years. E.Y Behaviour
Assessments are recommended by L.A. and provide further information on F1and F2 pupils. WELLCOMM assessments for speech and language, NGRT reading assessment, Single Word Spelling Test, Non-Verbal Reasoning and half termly assessment meetings provide invaluable information as to pupil progress.
Staff have access to a SEND file on the google drive that contains checklists to support the identification of a pupil’s difficulty.
PROVISION FRAMEWORK School’s Graduated Approach
Provision for children with special educational needs is a matter for the whole school. The governing body, the school’s Head Teacher, the SENCo and all other members of staff, particularly class teachers and teaching assistants who have important responsibilities. All teachers are teachers of children with special educational needs.
Quality First Teaching/Year Group targeted support – Children are identified at half termly assessment meetings where pupils progress is monitored and concerns are raised. The resources within the year group are used to support appropriate interventions. Information regarding this support is brought to the next assessment meeting and a decision regarding further support is made.
Year Group Inclusion Support – Pupils are referred to the SENCO and Inclusion Team. Assessment and observations are continued by the inclusion team and a range of strategies are implemented. Advice maybe sought e.g. of the Speech and Language Therapist especially with regard to early years.
Support Plans and Support Plans + -For children who raise continued concern, further assessments will be completed and contact with the school Educational Psychologist may be sought. The provision of all children with targeted or support plans is shown on the year group overview which can be found in the year group SEND file. Children with SEND will be recorded on the school SEND list.
Additional Support Plans– an additional support plan will be completed for pupils whose progress continues to be a cause for concern. It will include the desirable outcomes which are the aspirations of pupils /parents /teachers. Additional support plans will form part of the information submitted to the LA for additional funding to support a child.
Funded Support/EHCP – For children whose progress continues to be a concern element 3 funding is sought from the LA. Progress is reviewed regularly and an annual review will take place with agencies and professionals involved.
If there is a serious and immediate concern the graduated approach will be curtailed. School will endeavour to match the intervention /support with the needs of the pupil.
The SENCo will have copies of all One Page Profiles. These will be reviewed at least annually. Plans are discussed with staff and pupils and if age appropriate the child will aid evaluation of the One Page Profile.
Adequate Progress / Success Criteria
Adequate progress can be defined as that which;
Closes the attainment gap between pupils and their peers.
Prevents the attainment gap from growing bigger
Is similar to peers starting from the same attainment baseline
Matches or betters pupils previous attainment
Ensures access to the full curriculum
Demonstrates an improvement in self help
Demonstrates an improvement in behaviour
Role of the SENCo
The SENCO must be a qualified teacher who has or is in the process of obtaining the prescribed SENCO qualification.
The Co-ordinator is responsible to the Head Teacher and School Governors for
Co-ordinating all efforts to meet SEND in school through the day to day operation of the Special Needs Policy and acting as a focal point for all enquiries about SEND in the Pre School and Main School.
Liaising with head teacher regarding all areas of SEND including the deployment of the schools delegated budget and other resources to effectively meet the pupils’ needs.
Maintaining the SEND List. Ensuring that relevant staff members inform parents of any SEND concerns.
Ensuring that staff complete One Page Profiles and give advice and support when needed.
Monitoring provision and outcomes to ensure the pupils’ needs are met.
Preparing referrals and gathering advice for EHC Plans,
Ensure that records of pupils with SEND are maintained and kept up to date. Providing the L.A with necessary documentation if requested,
Preparing paperwork for Annual Reviews / Health Care Plans.
promoting an awareness of the varying kinds of special needs to all staff and disseminating good practice
Contributing to in-service training.
Promoting Parent Partnership Informing parents of the Parent Partnership Service (Wired).
Ensuring pupil participation wherever possible,
Promoting the pupils inclusion in the school community and access to the school’s curriculum, facilities and extra-curricular activities.
Developing resources for SEND and advising on teaching methods.
Securing relevant services for the pupil where necessary.
Ensuring liaison and a working partnership with outside agencies.
Preparing reports for the Governing Body on request.
Liaising with the Governor with responsibility for SEND.
Reviewing the SEND Policy as part of the school’s evaluation policy.
Transferring documentation to feeder school with parental consent.
Contribute to the School Development Plan.
Strengthen the links between settings/ schools /parents/ health/ social care.
Advice to staff re the Graduated Approach to SEND and the requirements of the Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice (2015).
Liaising with the relevant teachers where Looked After Children are concerned.
Be aware of the provision of the Local Offer.
Work with Head Teacher and school governors to ensure that the school meets the requirements regarding reasonable adjustments and access arrangements.
Governing Body must:
Have responsibility for ensuring that the SEN and Disability reforms are implemented in the school.
Have regard to the Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice (2015).
Ensure that school has suitable arrangements for consulting with parents.
Be responsible for ensuring that the school publishes information on its website regarding SEND Policies and School Offer.
Ensure that school publishes information regarding admissions for disabled children including facilities to assist access.
Do its best to ensure that the necessary provision is made for any pupil with special educational needs or disability or health concerns and that appropriate progress is being made.
Consult with the LA and other Governing Bodies when necessary or desirable in order to coordinate provision for special needs.
Ensure that pupils with SEND are included in all school activities as far as possible.
Ensure that resources are used efficiently to support pupils and maintain a general overview of funding
Appoint a named governor to monitor the schools work on behalf of pupils with Special Needs.
Provide support information to parents who have opted for personal budget.
Ensure there is a clear procedure for complaints including access for parents to speak to the named Governor for SEND
Role of Head Teacher
The Head Teacher has responsibility for the day to day management of all aspects of school work including the delivery of reforms (Special Educational Needs and Disability C.O.P.2015) and provision for special needs.
The Head Teacher keeps the Governing Body informed and works closely with all staff
The Head Teacher makes time provision for staff to fulfil their SEND duties
Ensures that lines of communication are kept open for parents to discuss their concerns.
Continues to work in partnership with parents and value the contribution they make.
Ensure that teachers are aware of the importance of early identification and provision for pupils with SEND.
Role of Staff
All staff should be involved when possible to develop the SEND policy and be fully aware of procedures for identifying, assessing and making provision for SEND.
Subject Co-ordinators need to ensure that pupils with special needs are taken into consideration when writing policy documents.
The Senior Management Team and Governors will be responsible for the designation of resources in the school budget in the light of pupil needs.
Role of Class Teacher
The class teacher with the support of Management, SENCO and Outside Agencies will identify a pupils needs. The views of the parents/guardians will contribute to identification.
The class teacher is responsible and accountable for the progress of the pupils in their class including those who receive support from teaching assistants and outside agencies.
The class teacher will write the One Page Profile and support plans with the support of the SENCo. The plan should be shared with parents and pupils in order for them to have ownership.
Parents to be informed of their child’s progress at least three times a year.
The class teacher will be expected to adapt work for pupils and to use a variety of strategies taking into account a pupil’s preferred learning style.
Role of Parent / Carers
Parents have a critical role to play in their child’s education. They have unique strengths, skills, knowledge and experiences to contribute to the school community.
Parents have a responsibility to communicate regularly with the school, to attend parent evenings and alert the school to concerns associated with their child’s learning and /or provision.
Parents should ensure that their child is a regular school attendee.
Parents should support the school homework policy.
Parents should participate in supporting their child’s education.
Parents should encourage their children to take responsibility and to make decisions with regard to their learning and behaviour.
Role of Pupils
Children should participate in the decision-making process when their interests are involved.
They should co-operate fully with school and be prepared to do their best. Their efforts should be recognised and rewarded.
Pupils should be able to make choices and understand that their views matter and are valued.
Role of Outside Agencies
The school can call upon a range of outside agencies who will give advice, training and support for staff, pupils and parents.
Role of L.A.
The L.A. should meet the standards set out in the Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice (2015).
The school complaints policy can be found on the school website.
There is a clear mechanism in school which allows concerns to be expressed. Any parent with a concern should first raise the concern with the class teacher, SENCo, Head Teacher and if not resolved, the named Governor. Under the Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice (2015) parents are able to request independent disagreement resolution.
The school encourages an early dialogue with parents and carers. Parent views are actively sought and only when the schools own systems have been exhausted and matters have not been resolved will Resolution of Disagreement Process be enacted.
The success of the school’s SEND Policy will be judged against the aims. The Policy will be reviewed annually by staff and the Governing Body.
Further information can be found in the following policies;
Equal Opportunities, Curriculum Policies, Behaviour Policy, Anti Bullying Policy, Accessibility Plan, School Prospectus, Attendance Policy
L.A. Local Offer and School Offer
November 2024 to be reviewed in November 2025.