
Our Vision

Our curriculum is our aspiration for our children.


We have high expectations of all our children enabling each and every one of them to reach their full potential.

We will enable our children to gain a deeper understanding of each subject within the Primary National Curriculum by inspiring learning and providing challenge.

Our children will enjoy learning and will become experiential and active learners.

We will have confident, resilient, independent children who are not afraid to take risks.

Our children will be enthusiastic, excited, engaged and motivated.

They will feel happy and safe.

Our children will be well rounded individuals with a strong moral compass who are prepared for life in modern Britain.

Our school community will be respectful.

Our staff will be positive role models who are knowledgeable, inspirational, reflective and empathetic. They will know their children and enable them in their learning journey.

Our environment will be stimulating and safe. It will be conducive to learning, enabling and accessible. Our children will be exposed to a rich learning environment beyond the classroom.

We will provide high quality resources to inspire and stimulate learning. Resources will be readily available to enable and scaffold learning.                                                                                  


Curriculum Intent 

To provide our pupils with an engaging, exciting and empowering curriculum that equips them for today and tomorrow rooted in Gospel values and our Catholic Faith.

At Our Lady and St Edward’s Catholic Primary School our curriculum is designed to recognise children’s prior learning, individual strengths and areas of need to enable each pupil to reach their full potential. The curriculum has been carefully designed to ensure coverage and progression with frequent opportunities to embed learning. It provides pupils with memorable experiences and opportunities to explore their locality, UK and the wider world. We enable the children to develop subject knowledge, interpersonal and communication skills, build resilience and become creative, critical thinkers. The curriculum ensures that academic success, creativity, problem solving, reliability and responsibility, as well as physical development, well-being and mental health support the development of the whole child and promote positive attitudes to learning.

The curriculum celebrates the diversity and utilises the skills, knowledge and cultural wealth of the community while supporting the children’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural development, ensuring that pupils are well prepared for life in modern Britain now and in the future

Community is an integral part of our curriculum, with pupils, families, the parish and the wider community being at the heart of everything we do at Our Lady and St Edward’s Catholic Primary School.  Families, visitors, and other agencies and businesses enhance and enrich our curriculum by sharing their, skills, knowledge and experiences in a range of activities throughout the school.

Every child is recognised as a unique individual. The ability to learn is underpinned by the teaching of basic skills, knowledge, concepts and values. We provide enrichment opportunities and a broad and balanced curriculum. We want all learners to enjoy their education and make good progress in all areas of learning. All pupils are helped and encouraged to reach their full potential. We believe that childhood should be a happy, investigative and enquiring time were there are no limits to curiosity and a thirst for knowledge.

We want our pupils to leave our school with high aspirations, a strong sense of belonging, self-worth, with the confidence and skills to make decisions, self-evaluate, make connections, and become life-long learners who make a positive contribution to their community and valued members of the wider society.



All teachers, teaching assistants, support and site staff pay important roles in our curriculum provision, the experiences and wider opportunities offered to all pupils. Subject Leaders play a key role in ensuring the success of the curriculum by actively engaging in a regular programme of training, monitoring, evaluation and review. SLT and Subject Leaders meet with staff and pupils regularly to gather a range of evidence to evaluate provision within and across subjects. The impact on pupil progress, including knowledge, skills, self-esteem, engagement and well-being are also explored and analysed.

Subject Leaders are also provided with regular opportunities to further improve their own subject knowledge through CPD (continuous professional development) including: meetings, conferences and training. Subjects are planned to ensure progression of knowledge and skills from Foundation to Year 6.

Key knowledge and vocabulary are taught progressively and re-visited regularly. The curriculum is designed to ensure that the needs of individual and small groups of pupils can be met within the environment of high-quality teaching, supported by targeted support and interventions when appropriate. This has a positive impact on pupil outcomes. There is a strong emphasis on reading, which is skilfully weaved throughout the curriculum.

We have designed the curriculum specifically within our context and to meet the diverse needs of our pupils with a focus on enjoyment which promotes achievement, confidence, engagement and positive behaviour and well-being. Carefully planned activities, experiences, visits, visitors and opportunities are used to promote creativity, problem solving and critical thinking. We work hard to make learning memorable for pupils and to encourage them to embrace the curriculum and their contribution to the life of our school.

We promote physical health and well-being through the taught curriculum and through a range of extra-curricula activities and clubs. Additional provision gives pupils access to a variety of activities including: sports, drama, arts, crafts, music, construction, Spanish, computing, games etc. Our PSHE/RSHE provides pupils with opportunities to explore, discuss and learn about personal health, well-being, safety, relationships, differences and aspirations. Pupils are given the opportunity to explore their rights and responsibilities of a child growing up in the UK and as a global citizen. We encourage each pupil to realise and understand that everyone is special and unique and we celebrate differences and different kinds of families.



The curriculum’s design and implementation ensure a layering of knowledge and concepts so that all pupils make progress. The impact of our curriculum is evident in:

  • Engaged pupils who are ready for the next stage in learning.
  • Able to apply learning to new concepts, contexts and skills.
  • Embed knowledge and skills through regular opportunities to practice prior learning.
  • A vibrant learning environment with well chosen resources to encourage, support and challenge pupils through well planned activities and varied opportunities.
  • Confident pupils who are able to embrace opportunities and follow their interests and aspirations.
  • Progress that pupils make from their starting points to the time they leave Our Lady and St. Edward’s Catholic Primary School in all aspects of school life, including the curriculum.
  • Pupils will make a positive and significant contribution to their own lives, our school, their families, their communities and to the wider world.


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