Foundation 2 2024 - 2025

Mrs McLaren

BA (HONS) Early Years QTS

Miss Lee

Teaching Assistant

Miss Mayes

Mrs Henderson

Welcome to Foundation 2.

Our F2 staff are: 

  • Mrs McLaren
  • Miss Mayes
  • Miss Lee
  • Mrs Henderson

When your children arrive in the morning they will be asked to place their own coats and bottles in the correct places. 

We will then register your children, before moving on to our daily Phonics session. 

Children within their day will be taught the Literacy and Mathematics in the morning in a play based way. This will allow the children to explore the areas and become more confident to complete tasks with independence, 

In the afternoon your children will take part in activities linked to Understanding the World 

                                                                                                      Expressive Art and Design

                                                                                                      Physical Development 

                                                                                                       Drama and Music. 

Our PE session is on a FRIDAY MORNING.  .

Please ensure your child has a full PE kit in school (white t-shirt, black or blue PE shorts/joggers and black pumps) and all items are clearly labelled with their name.

PE kits are kept in school and will be sent home each half term for a wash!

Homework is set each term and can be accessed on the schools website, under the page 'Curriculum' then 'Year Group Homework'.

Please try to complete at least one piece/ task of homework per week.

All F2 activities are held in the main school building. However, there will be occasions where your child will visit our church Our Lady and St Edward's.

They may also visit the annexe for outdoor activities.

On these occasions, the children will walk to and from each building in classes, supervised by the teacher/teaching assistants.


Your child's reading pack will come home on a Friday. This will include a reading record, a stage reading book and a 'share book' which your child will have chosen from our class libary to share with you at home.

Please return these on Mondayb Morning. 

You will also be given a sound sheet in your bag which your child will be familiar with. This is to help them with their reading and independent writing.

You can keep this sound sheet at home. 

Your child has their own login to Bug Club (

This includes reading books which are updated regularly and includes lots of fun games for your child to access too.

Your child will not be set up on this until after the reading meeting. 


In Autumn 1 and 2 we will be working on our Phase 2 sounds.

They are; s, a, t, p, i, n, m, d, g, o, c, k, ck, e, u, r, h, b, f, ff, l, ll, ss. 

In Spring 1 and 2  we will be learning our Phase 3 sounds they are; j, v, w, x, y, z, zz, qu, ch, sh, th, ng, ai, ee, igh, oa, oo, ar, or, ur, ow, oi, ear, air, ure, er.

In Summer 1 and 2 we will continue to practise our Phase 2 and 3 sounds (as listed above),

                                                                                  Letter names,

                                                                                 Tricky words (phases 2 and 3) 

                                                                                 High Frequency Words.

Please continue to practise these at home. Some of the websites below provide fun games and activities to support this.

Useful Websites - (A great site with some free phonics games)  - (A variety of games to support different areas of learning) - (A good site with lots of phonics games to play) - (Interactive books and reading activities to share with your child)


Your children will be working in work books for all areas of their curriculum. 

They will also have photographs uploaded to Tapestry when appropriate. 

At the end of Reception you can download your child's learning journey. 

Files to Download

Foundation 2: Blog items

Foundation 2: Calendar items

KS1 Author Visit, by Mrs Walker

KS1 Palm Sunday Assembly, by Mrs Walker

Student Login