F2 - Home Learning Week 10
Date: 4th Jun 2020 @ 9:47pm
Hi Children,
We hope you have all had a lovely week! Please find the video attached of the story ‘Sugarlump and the Unicorn' and here are some activities for you to complete based on the story!
- Can you write or draw another wish that Sugarlump could make?
- How many animals can you spot in the story? Can you write a list of them e.g. hen, dog, lion and write how many of them you saw in the story?
- Can you make either a horse or a unicorn using different materials? (Please see some examples for inspiration attatched below)
- What 3 wishes would you make? Can you write or draw them?
Here is a video of the story and book on YouTube to help you with some of the tasks https://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=6lbiLth5CTs
Have fun and stay safe,
F2 Team x