F2 - Home Learning Week 6
Date: 7th May 2020 @ 8:55am
Hi Children,
We hope you have all had a great week! Please find the video attached of the story ‘A Squash and a Squeeze’ and here are some activities for you to complete based on the story!
- How many animals lived in the house at different points in the story? How many eyes did they all have? How many legs? How many tails?
- Design a larger house for the old lady (and the animals) to live in.
- Draw a picture of the old lady and the animals all squashed in the same house.
- Make a new page for the book in which the old lady invites another animal into her house.
Here is a link to the story on YouTube with the pictures included to help you with the tasks! https://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=PkdX73Onf04
Have fun and stay safe,
F2 Team x