F2 - Thematic Photographs

Date: 21st Sep 2020 @ 6:49pm

Dear Parents and Carers,

Next week in our Thematic work, our topic is ‘What do you know about me?’. Within this topic the children will be looking at how they have changed since they were a baby/toddler to them now. To support this topic we would like a photograph of your child as a baby or toddler so we can use them within our work.

As we are unable to ask you to bring the photos in to school, we are asking for you to email them to us and we can print them for your child to use within their thematic work.

Please could you email your photos to [email protected] by Friday 25th September and put the subject of the email as your child’s name. This email address is only for sending photographs and any other communication should be passed through the school office.

Miss Ward and Miss Kealey

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