F2 Friday 26th February 2021 Home Learning Tasks
Date: 25th Feb 2021 @ 5:56pm
Hi F2,
Here are today's activites:
Literacy – Farmer Duck
Re-listen to the story Farmer Duck. Miss Kealey has read the story on Tapestry (Memo’s).
Have a look at some of the pictures of the farmer in the story. What is he doing? What does he look like?
Can you write some words (adjectives) to describe the farmer? For example, old, lazy, grumpy. You can even draw a picture of the farmer too.
Challenge: Can you put some of these words into a sentence or caption?
Phonics – Revision and Spellings
Can you practise these phonemes with the caption action ‘j, er, w, ai, ee, igh’
Can you practise your spellings for this week. ‘and, of, is, on’. How many did you get correct?
Play some free blending games on Phonics Play or Phonics Bloom.
Maths – Ordering Numbers
Practise counting using the splat square. For example – 1-20 forwards and backwards. Counting in 10’s, counting in 2’s, one more one less, missing number etc. https://www.topmarks.co.uk/learning-to-count/paint-the-squares
Using pieces of paper can you practise your number formation by writing numbers 1-10. Can you cut them up and order them? If you want you can order numbers 1-20 or even higher!
Challenge – Ask an adult to take some numbers away can you work out the missing numbers and then count from different starting points and fill in the missing number. E.g. 12, 13, __, 15, 16.
Understanding the World – Reptiles
How many different reptiles can you remember? Draw them on a piece of paper and play the game ‘Who am I? Can you ask questions to guess which reptile you have on your head? E.g. Do I have legs? Do I slither?
Choose a reptile, can you draw a picture and label it. Then write a fact about your reptile. For example: A snake has scales.
Wellbeing Activity: Do some Yoga. Cosmic Kids Yoga on YouTube has some brilliant sessions.
Have fun and remember to post pictures of your work on Tapestry!
F2 Team