F2 Home Learning - Week 7

Date: 13th May 2020 @ 3:10pm

Hi Children,

We hope you have all had a lovely week! Please find the video attached of the story ‘Sharing a Shell’ and here are some activities for you to complete based on the story!

  1. Can you write a list of qualities that make a good friend and draw a picture of one of your friends who you miss from school!
  2. Can you gather some items in your house and see if they sink or float when you put them in water. Can you predict whether the item will sink or float and write a list of your findings!
  3. Can you use a container to have a look at different capacities. Can you use water to make the container full, nearly full, half full, nearly empty and empty?
  4. Research other animals that live under the sea and choose one to make. Have a look at the image attached with some ideas on or make one of your own!

Have fun and stay safe,
F2 Team x

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