F2 Thursday 11th February 2021 Home Learning Tasks

Date: 10th Feb 2021 @ 5:32pm

Hi F2, 

Here are today's activities: 

Literacy – Literacy Shed – ‘Tuesday’

Recap over the story ‘Tuesday’ by David Weiner The Picture Book Shed - THE LITERACY SHED

Look at the characters in the video. For example: The man in the kitchen, the frogs etc.

Can you make a frog mask and act out parts of the story? Can you describe the frog? e.g green, slimy.

Can you draw a picture of one of the characters or a frog and write some words or sentences to describe them?


Phonics – Consolidation

Can you practise these phonemes with the caption action ‘v, sh, ch, z, ll, ff, ss’

Recap the caption action for the ‘ure’. Can you form this grapheme on paper?

Ask an adult to write some words containing the ‘ure’ sound and hide them around your house. Can you go on a detective hunt to find them and try to segment and blend them?

Maths – Money

Listen to the coins song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dFzAU3u06Ps

With your role-play shop you made yesterday, can you give the different objects/items a price. Either find some pennies or make some out of paper. Can you use the coins to buy the items? Adults can you encourage your child and use language such as change, price, amount, coins, money, left over, expensive, cheap etc.


Thematic: What sounds can you hear in the Rainforest?

Can you make some shadow puppets of animals you might find in the rainforest. Can you find a torch and make the shadows move?

Have a think about animals losing their homes if the rainforest is chopped down, can you write a letter to tell people to stop cutting trees down?

Remember to write your full name at the bottom of the letter.


Wellbeing Activity: Make an obstacle course – how fast can you complete it?


Have fun and remember to post pictures of your work on Tapestry!

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