F2 Thursday 25th February 2021 Home Learning Tasks
Date: 24th Feb 2021 @ 5:44pm
Hi F2,
Here are todays activities:
Literacy – Farmer Duck
Re-listen to the story Farmer Duck. Miss Kealey has read the story on Tapestry (Memo’s).
Can you remember what an adjective is? (An adjective is a word to describe something, For example, A green tractor)
Have a look at some of the pictures of the duck at the start and middle of the story. How is he feeling?
Can you write some words (adjectives) to describe the duck? For example, sad, small. You can even draw a picture of the duck too.
Challenge: Can you put some of these words into a sentence or caption?
Phonics – Adjacent Consonants
Can you practise these phonemes with the caption action - ‘t, s, ff, ur, er, air, ure’
Using the phoneme frame template on the School Spider. Ask an adult to say these words to you. Remember to segment it slowly. Can you write these words into the frame and add sound buttons. (dump, sent, milk, clown)
Challenge: Can you write a sentence containing one of these words? It can be a silly sentence if you like. (A sentence that does not make sense)
Maths – Subitising Numbers
Practise counting using the splat square. For example – 1-20 forwards and backwards. Counting in 10’s, counting in 2’s,one more one less, missing number etc. https://www.topmarks.co.uk/learning-to-count/paint-the-squares
Listen to the song by Jack Hartman all about recognising numbers in different ways and representations https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ib5Gf3GIzAg
Complete the worksheet on School Spider.
Understanding the World – Reptiles
Watch the story ‘Miles and Miles of Reptiles’ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i4q9mRd2S20
Pick an animal from the story. How do you know it is a reptile? What features does it have? E.g. legs, scales, claws etc. Can you talk with an adult about how reptiles lay eggs? They lay eggs that are soft and rubbery. How do you think the animals keep them safe?
Can you design a nesting environment to keep reptile eggs safe? Please find a template attached on School Spider.
Can you make the habitat out of materials you have at home? For example, boxes, paper etc.
Wellbeing Activity: Think of a gift that you could give to somebody. Can you draw or make something that will make them smile?
Have fun and remember to post pictures of your work on Tapestry!
F2 Team