F2 Thursday 28th January 2021 Home Learning Tasks
Date: 27th Jan 2021 @ 5:24pm
Hi F2,
Here are todays activties for you to complete.
Literacy – Instructions
Look at the picture of the classroom (see attached). Speculate what might have happened to the classroom. Read the letter from Goldilocks to your child. Can you think of instructions to help tidy up the mess that Goldilocks has made?
For example: Pick up the pen. Sort the books. Bin the paper. Get the chair.
Can you write some instructions or words to help tidy the classroom? Remember to use your ‘bossy verbs’ such as ‘put, pick up, get’
Phonics – Consolidation
In Phonics, we are practising our Phase 2 and 3 phonemes:
Phase 2 (s, a, t, p, i, n, m, d, g, o, c, k, ck, e, u, r, h, b, f, ff, l, ll, ss)
Phase 3 (j, v, w, x, y, z, zz, qu, ch, sh, th, ng, ai, ee, igh, oa, oo, ar, or, ur, ow, oi, ear, air, ure, er).
Practise the tricky words – we, me, be. Can you challenge yourself and write them too?
Read together and model blending tricky words and sounds.
We can be rich. She is in a rush to get it to me. He had a big shock.
Play a free blending game on Phonics Play. https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/resources
Maths – Shape Repeated Patterns
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8EU1OpHyHnU Join in with the video. Can you work out what shapes come next in the pattern?
Cut out some 2D shapes out of paper. Can you make different repeated patterns? Challenge yourself and use three shapes in a pattern.
Can you count each shape and record how many you have used? e.g. 4 circles, 3 squares.
Thematic: Who’s print is this?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oqBg8Vvvleg Join in with the song all about animal patterns.
Play the hot seat yes or no game. Pretend to be an animal and have an adult ask you some questions about your animal. Remember you can only answer with yes/no. For example: Is it brown? Is it bigger than a tree?
Create a piece of artwork of different animal prints using sponges and other materials around your home. For example: For a snake you might print with bubble wrap.
Wellbeing Activity: Draw or paint a picture of everyone in your home with you.
Have fun and remember to post pictures of your work on Tapestry!
F2 Team