Home learning Jasper's Beanstalk day 3
Date: 10th Feb 2021 @ 10:10am
Understanding the World
Warm up
Joe Wicks
Look at the beanstalk in the story of Jasper’s Beanstalk on the story video.
Can you build a beanstalk using different things in your house? How tall can you build it?
If you have any seeds, could you plant a seed and see how it grows?
If not, watch this video of a seed growing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ECibetK2EYI
Explain that a plant grows from a seed, it needs water and light to grow.
watch this video above, this tells you about different parts of a plant.
The video above will help you to explain what a plant needs to stay alive.
After watching these videos and maybe going to look for plants outside, can you now have a go at drawing a plant and talking about it’s different parts?
Key words to use:
Flower, leaves, stem, roots.
4. Wellbeing task
Enjoy colouring in some pictures together. Maybe you could add these to your memory box?