Imagine That!

Date: 23rd Apr 2023 @ 9:54pm

At the end of the Spring Term, Year 2 enjoyed a fabulous trip to Imagine That! Science and Discovery Centre, In Liverpool. They explored 4 different zones over the course of the day. We began the day in the Science Zone where we, amongst many other things, explored magnets, delved into a light and shadow room, made giant bubbles, played in a sand and water area and made snow!

We then moved into the Slime factory where the children were shown some exciting experiments and chemical reactions before making bath bombs and slime. They were then given the opportunity to play with the giant slime trays!

After that, we moved onto the Art Beatz room. The children delighted in making music on the music wall, painted magnets, made pictures using paint dabbers, produced 3D pin art, weaved ribbons and even painted a car! 

The final zine was the Imagination Village where the children could be who we they wanted to be; vets, weather reporters, builders, fire fighters, performers, shop keepers and chefs! 

We had an amazing time, and couldn't wait to write a recount of our adventures when we got back to school. Thanks to all our parent helpers, we hope you had as much fun as we did! 

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