Jumbulance Leaves for Lourdes
Date: 15th May 2019 @ 1:48pm
The Jumbulance Trust exists to make accessible travel possible for adults and children who are disabled or have a serious or complex health condition. They offer groups and individuals the opportunity to take holidays, short breaks or a day out in the UK or Europe by providing special part coach / part ambulances called Jumbulances.
Our Lady and Saint Edwards have the privilege of waving off the Jumbulance and its VIPs as they embark on their pilgrimage to Lourdes.
We are honoured to have been chosen to participate in this great event. Year 5 have made cakes for the VIPs to take on their journey to Lourdes, decorating them with hope and love. We have also made prayer cards for the VIPs to take to the grotto in Lourdes and we hope our prayers bring them strength whilst on their pilgrimage. We wish the VIPs well on their journey, and can’t wait to make contact with them whilst they are travelling. We all wish we have the chance one day to visit Lourdes. Good luck, stay strong and we can’t wait to welcome you back on your return. Au Revoir.
The jumbulance will leave school at 11am on Thursday.