Mental Health Week

Date: 2nd Feb 2021 @ 8:41am

This week we are celebrating Mental Health Week. The theme is "Express Yourself".
We are aiming to reduce the stigma surrounding mental health by asking our children to use their imagination and creativity to express themselves on the theme of Mental Health and Wellbeing. Children may decide to design a poster, create a performance, write a poem, make an object, as long as it is about mental health it can be anything!

Some of the following statements could be used;

"It's OK to not be OK"
"Be Kind"
"You are not alone"
Please email your creations to school, we would love to share them with our Mental Health Support Team.
We will also be celebrating inside out day on Wednesday 3rd February. We are encouraging everyone to wear an item of clothing inside out to remind us that it is important to share what's on the inside. 

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