Thursday 7th October 21: Yr6- The Wolf Wilder

Date: 8th Oct 2021 @ 2:23pm

Thursday 7th October 21: Yr6- The Wolf Wilder

Today Yr6 work really hard and were all totally brilliant. We started green screen mark filming of the script, were the children had to become characters in the script. We also explored the use of green screen and the techniques that we will use to create our own silent movie of “The Wolf Wilder”.

We started by blocking a section of the piece and gave yr6 the opportunity to make improvements based on constructive feedback on their listening skills. They were able to follow complex directions/multi-step instructions without the need for repetition and they participate confidently in a range of different performances, role play exercises.

We were able to film different sections of the book as a rough edit cut and we will review them next week when we start filming for real. Excellent work!!

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