Date: 24th Jun 2021 @ 8:51am
Good Morning 6A!
I hope you are all set up and ready to learn from home today :)
We are continuing with the Chester Zoo Project in English today, in Maths you will be solving word problems linked to planning a trip around the world and in RE you will reflecting on your invitation to the Kingdom of God and how, like Jesus' disciples, we too have been called to serve.
Mrs McGuningall has also asked the whole school to enter a competition that Woodchurch High School has set. To enter, you have to design a poster explaining 'How to save the Earth from global warming'.
The poster needs to be informative and eye catching.
The prizes are amazing! Go and check them out on SchoolSpider.
There are instructions for each activity on SchoolSpider.
Don't hesitate to get in touch with any questions
Miss Flynn :)