Today's Home Learning 04.02.21
Date: 4th Feb 2021 @ 9:05am
Good Morning Year 6,
Happy Thursday!
Hope you are all ok and keeping safe!
A brief outline of today's tasks
Listen again to the end of Chapter 9
The Plan.
In your own words explain the plan that Finn, Clovis and Maia have hatched.
You need to understand the plan – who is involved, what they are going to do and how this looks to others. Imagine you are Finn and you are faced with the task of explaining the plan to others.
Imagining you are Finn…write down the plan to send Clovis back to England so he can stay in the Amazon.
Forming Equations - Algebra. A PowerPoint is uploaded onto the school spider for you to work through.
Today you will look at some of the work of Mexican artist, Frida Kahlo’s artwork.
On the PowerPoint attached you will find several images of her work.
Create a short factfile about who she was, note key information about her life and some key points about her style of artwork.
Have a great day!
Miss Houghton, Miss Flynn, Miss Rylance, Mrs Worthington and Mrs Hayes