Today's Home Learning 11.02.21
Date: 11th Feb 2021 @ 9:16am
Good Morning Year 6,
Hope you are all ok!
It's almost Friday and it's almost half term!!
Watch today's video where the tasks of the day are explained.
Maths - Reasoning and Problem solving - Line Graphs. There is a worksheet uploaded on the school spider for you to work through.
English - Listen/Read chapter 14 and 15 of Journey to the River Sea- you can read ahead if you like as we need to finish before we return from half term.
Please read ALL of the information below…..
Today you are going to put the last three days’ worth of work together to write your own short section of the story.
You will start from when Maia took off her mask…
Art -
Create a South American Landscape using a medium focus of your choice (paint, crayons, tissue paper, and coloured pencils).
Make sure your piece is bold and bright. Think about how it represents South America.
Use the internet to find some inspiration for your own piece.
Have a lovely day!
Miss Houghton, Miss Flynn, Miss Rylance, Mrs Worthington and Mrs Hayes