Today's Home Learning 14.01.21
Date: 13th Jan 2021 @ 2:55pm
Good Morning Year 6,
We hope you are all keeping safe and enjoying some time with your families.
We have uploaded a daily video explaing the tasks we would like you to complete today.
A brief overview
English you will be completing your final letter to Boris Johnson perusading him to help you slow down deforestation and the impact it is having on our country. We would like you to edit the work from yesterday and then write your final piece.
Maths is multiplying decimals (there is a PowerPoint for you to work through on the school spider).
Art is to research a famous South American artist and create a fact file including information about his early life, his work and what inspires his artwork (more information on the school spider).
We really do love seeing your work that you have completed at home so please do send us some pictures of your work through the school spider.
We have also added some at home well-being ideas for you to complete throughout the next few weeks to keep you busy and bring some enjoyment to you and your families through this very strange time.
We hope you have a great day and we can't wait to see you all soon!
Take care
Miss Houghton, Miss Flynn, Miss Rylance, Mrs Worthington and Mrs Hayes