Today's Home Learning 26.01.21

Date: 25th Jan 2021 @ 3:33pm

Tuesday GIFs | Tenor


Happy Tuesday Year 6! 

Hope you are all keeping safe and managing to keep busy at home. 

Yesterday we had a few issues with the internet in school so we will catch up on marking the home learning today. 

Today's tasks are all explained in the daily blog that we have uploaded for you to watch! 

A brief overview

English - There is an image uploaded for you to have a look at. We would then like you to use your imagination to asnwers the questions uploaded onto the spider. 

Maths - We would just like you to complete page 1 of the worksheet on volume and then have a go of the challenge uploaded on the home learning weekly timetable. 

Geography - It is thinking of biomes in South America and creating a survival guide. 

Don't forget to said some pictures of completed work. 

Well done to Miss Flynn's class who won the latest Rock Star Times Tables battle. There is another battle which is live until Sunday!! Good Luck!! 

Have a lovely day. 


Miss Houghton, Miss Flynn, Miss Rylance, Mrs Worthington and Mrs Hayes smiley

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