Today's Home Learning Blog Monday 25th January 2021
Date: 22nd Jan 2021 @ 4:53pm
Happy Monday Everyone!
Have you had a lovely weekend?
Here is a brief overview of today's lessons;
English today will be reading/listening to Journey to the River Sea- chapter 4. Then please complete questions 8, 9 and 10 from the attached document on SchoolSpider.
In Maths we are starting a new topic on volume and capacity and there is a conversion activity to complete.
History will investigate the Mayan Number System. There is video and PowerPoint to support your learning and an attached activity to complete.
Don't forget to go on the rockstars website (just let us know on the school spider if you need your log in).
We look forward to seeing you all soon.
Miss Flynn, Miss Houghton, Miss Rylance, Mrs Worthington and Mrs Hayes