Today's Home Learning Blog Wednesday 10th February
Date: 9th Feb 2021 @ 3:56pm
Good Morning Year 6!
We hope you are all ok and enjoying the home learning.
Today's Tasks
Maths - Constructing Line graphs and plotting the data given (worksheet uploaded onto the school spider). Make sure you give your line graph a title and label the X and Y axis.
English - Carrying on from yesterday you are going to be carrying on with writing your story. There is a worksheet on the school spider for you to work through. There is also two new sentence types to include so please look at the examples on the attached document on SchoolSpider.
Science- We are continuing with electricity and different types of circuits. Today's task will focus on parallel circuits..
Have a great day!
Miss Flynn, Miss Houghton, Miss Rylance, Mrs Worthington and Mrs Hayes