Year 3 Home Learning Update 1

Date: 2nd Apr 2020 @ 1:34pm

Hello Year 3!

We hope you are all well and have enjoyed using your home learning packs over the past few weeks with your families. Here are a few more activities to keep you busy and learning while you are away from school.

Our text for the Summer Term is The Gruffalo- a story we all know very well! Can you complete the following activities based on the story?

  1. Create your own mythical character (like the Gruffalo) and draw a labelled diagram. Will your character have terrible tusks? Will it have orange horns?
  2. When you have created your character write a detailed description, trying to include adjectives, similes and alliteration.
  3. Can you use materials from your learning pack or around the house (with permission) to create a model or puppet of your character?

The Gruffalo Character Description WAGOLL

We would love to see any of the work you create shared on our school twitter or facebook page!

Daily Tasks

  • Keep practising your joined handwriting each day, trying to keep your small letters regular, your ascenders tall and your descenders long.
  • This week we would like you to all practise your 3 times table daily. Use the songs and activities on the BBC website to help you with this.

We hope you are being extra good at home for your family and helping out in any way that you can! We will be in touch soon!

Take care, Mr Woodland and Mrs McAlynn


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