Year 5 Home Learning Friday 12th February 2021

Date: 11th Feb 2021 @ 2:14pm

Good Fri-YAY Year 5!

We’ve done it, we are on the last day of the half term! We all deserve a good rest but… before we finish today we would like you to complete a few more activities.

In English today, you are performing your limerick. Think about putting actions to represent your poem.

In Maths, you are looking at scaling down.

In the afternoon we have an art project, we would like you to recreate the ruins of the ancient Greek Parthenon.

Don't forget to go on the rockstars website (just let us know on the school spider if you need your log in). The battle is going strong, which class will be champions this week?

Have a lovely half term.

Miss Welsh, Mr Worthington, Mrs Scarisbrick, Mrs Daley and Mrs Barron smiley

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