Year One Challenges Week 11

Date: 21st Jun 2020 @ 11:13am

Year One Challenges   Week 11

English:  In ‘The Singing Mermaid’ the mermaid manages to escape from the circus, with help from her friends. This week we would like you to write your own adventure story and it must involve someone escaping from somewhere! It doesn’t have to be about the mermaid, you can create your own characters and settings: maybe a monkey is escaping from the zoo or someone is escaping from pirates. Use your imagination!! But don’t forget that your story must have a beginning: where you describe the characters and the setting a middle: where your character escapes and the ending: where we find out what happens to them. When you have written your story you could illustrate it (by drawing pictures) and then read it to your family!

Maths: In The Singing Mermaid there is a man in the circus who walks on stilts. This makes him very tall. This week in Maths we are thinking about measuring. First of all can you find out who is the tallest person in your family and who is the shortest person? Can you line everyone up in order from the shortest to the tallest? Use the language: taller than and shorter than to describe your position. Is there anyone who is the same size as you? Now draw pictures of things that are taller than you and things that are shorter than you. Next you are going to use the language long, longer, longest to describe playdoh snakes or maybe pieces of string, or you could build something long using Lego. Can you measure how long your hall is by counting steps from one end to the other? Remember not to leave any gaps when you put your foot down! Now measure how long your garden is and compare the two. Which is longer? You can have fun measuring using anything at all: Duplo bricks, buttons, pencils, toy cars. Remember to measure right to the end and not to leave any gaps! Draw pictures to show what you measured and how long they are and write labels to say which unit you measured with eg buttons. Finally can you find out which units we use for measuring? You could look on a ruler or a tape measure to find out. Try measuring things using a ruler if you have one!


D.T.  Can you find out why we need to be careful in the sun? Think about how we protect ourselves from the sun. Can you make a poster to help people stay safe in the sun?

Sun Safety For Kids - Don't Fry Day







History: In school we learned about Queen Elizabeth II. Can you see what you can find out about her great-great-grandmother, Queen Victoria? When was she born? When did she become Queen? When did she die? Who did she marry? How many children did she have? You could watch the YouTube video by Curious Pavel or look at  the for some answers! BBC Bitesize will help you too. You could make a little Fact File showing what you have found out.



Don’t forget to keep reading and practicing your Phonics too!

BBC Bitesize Phonics Phase 3 has lots of short video clips to remind you of the sounds we have learned and games to help you practice them.

Have a lovely week and make sure you stay safe!

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