Year One Challenges Week 6

Date: 15th May 2020 @ 10:09pm

Year One Challenge Tasks Week 6

This week we are looking at how to write a postcard to our friends or family. I know we haven’t been able to visit anywhere lately but have a think of somewhere you have been or would like to go. When we write a postcard, we need to include some writing about what you have been doing on your holiday and write the name and address of who you are sending it to.

Ask a grown-up to help you look for examples and show you where to put the stamp. Have you learnt your address yet? Maybe this week you could learn your phone number too!


See the source image


For Maths we are looking at money. Using different coins e.g. 1p, 2p, 5p, can you find ways of making 10p, 20p, 50p and £1. How many variations can you create?

If you have time you could create a little holiday shop. Draw some pictures of items you might buy on holiday, ice-creams, drinks, toys and souvenirs. You could then put prices on them and play shop with another member of your family.


See the source image

In History, we are looking at holidays in the past. Can you find some old pictures of holiday destinations? Have a look at the similarities and differences. What is your favourite thing to do on holiday? the source image

We hope you are all keeping well and enjoying time with your families.

From all your Year One Teachers.

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