Year One Challenges Week 9

Date: 1st Jun 2020 @ 1:37pm

Year One Challenges   Week 9

English: This week we have a new book to look at. It’s a book by an author we already know…Julia Donaldson and the title is The Singing Mermaid. Read the book, if you have it at home, or find it online.

Make a list of the characters and choose two of them to describe, using lots of adjectives. Then think about the settings and choose one of them to describe too.

Maths: In our story, the circus toured for a whole year. So this week we will be thinking about time. Practice saying the days of the week and the months of the year. If your grown-up says a day or a month can you say what comes next or what comes before it? The year is split into 4 seasons and the names of them are in the book, can you find them? Now divide a piece of paper into 4 sections and label each one with a different season. Find out which months belong in each one and draw some of the things that happen eg leaves change colour, flowers start to grow, Father Christmas visits. Think about what you wear in the different seasons too. See if you can find out how many days are in one week,  how many weeks are in one month and how many months are in one year. How many days are there in one year and is that number always the same? If not, then why? Which month sometimes has an extra day? Find out which month your birthday is in and count how many months you have got to wait. Ask the people in your family when their birthdays are and work out the order in the year, starting from January. Whose birthday is first and whose is last?


Geography: In the story the mermaid liked to sit on the beach and sing. Think about going to the seaside eg New Brighton and imagine you are walking along the prom. Find out what the word prom is short for, and what the word means! Draw pictures of some of the things you might see eg café, fun fair, lighthouse and write labels for them. These things are all man-made features. Can you think of some things you might see at the seaside that are natural features? Write a list of both.


P.E. This week we would like you to join in the Cosmic Kids Yoga session about Mimi the Mermaid, which you can find on YouTube.

Have fun, enjoy the sunshine, and stay safe!

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