Year One Weekly Tasks Week 2
Date: 3rd Apr 2020 @ 2:55pm
Year One Weekly Tasks: Week 2
- People often celebrate Easter by eating chocolate, buns or cakes. Try making a sweet treat to share with your family! Can you follow the instructions in the recipe?
- Egg starts with the letter e. Write a list of things that start with the letter e. Now can you make a list of words that have these e sounds in them? ee, ea, e-e, ey, y.
- At Easter time lots of flowers start growing. When you go out for a walk see how many different plants you can see growing. Do you know the names of any?
- Try making a model basket to hold some Easter treats!
- Use this Easter Egg template to design your own egg. Decorate it with flowers, chicks or bunnies
- Over the Easter weekend why not create your own Easter Garden with your family, while you think about what happened to Jesus at this time. Look online for ideas to get you started.