Our blogs

Year 1 Wednesday 30th June Home Learning, by Mr Chamberlain

Date: 30th Jun 2021 @ 8:57am

Good morning Year 1!

Here are your home learning tasks for Wednesday!

Once you have completed your activities, you can upload them to the School Spider or post pictures in the comment section. 
If you need any support with this, please comment below or contact the school office. 

I look forward to seeing your fantastic work!

Have a lovely day, 
Mr Chamberlain and Miss Dunlop

Home Learning 6B 29.06.21, by Miss Houghton

Date: 29th Jun 2021 @ 9:35am

Good Morning Year 6, 

Hope you are all keeping safe and well. 

I have filmed a short video outlining today's tasks for you and all the work has been uploaded onto the school spider for you to complete. 

Today's Learning 

English - listen to chapters 3 and 4 of The Butterfly Lion and answer the comprehension questions. 

Maths- coordinates - work through the PowerPoint 

RE - Research Kitty Wilkinson - why is she such a significant figure? I would then like you to create a fact file. 

Have a lovely day 6B! 
 Miss Houghton :) 

Year 1 Tuesday Home Learning, by Mr Chamberlain

Date: 29th Jun 2021 @ 7:58am

Hello Year 1!

I hope you are all well! Here is an outline of your activities for Tuesday. 

Once you have completed your activities, you can upload them to the School Spider or post pictures in the comment section. 
If you need any support with this, please comment below or contact the school office. 

I look forward to seeing your fantastic work!

Have a lovely day, 
Mr Chamberlain and Miss Dunlop x

Monday 28th June - Home Learning, by Miss Dunlop

Date: 27th Jun 2021 @ 10:11pm

Hello Year 1!

I hope you are all well! Here is an outline of your activities for Monday. 

Once you have completed your activities, you can upload them to the School Spider or post pictures in the comment section. 
If you need any support with this, please comment below or contact the school office. 

I look forward to seeing your fantastic work!

Have a lovely day, 
Miss Dunlop x

Today's Home Learning 6A Monday 28th June 2021, by Miss Flynn

Date: 27th Jun 2021 @ 1:31pm

Good Morning Year 6

    Hopefully this is the last day of Online Learning for Class 6A!

Your lessons for today have been uploaded onto SchoolSpider.

For English today you will be completing Reading Paper Set B from your brown envelope.

For Maths you need to complete Set A Paper 3: Reasoning

This afternoon you have Science and Design Technology.

For Science, you will be studying how materials have changed over time and for Design Technology you will be looking at Graphic Design.

If you have any questions, please get in touch.

See you tomorrow 

Miss Flynn :)

Confirmation of a positive COVID-19 test, by Mrs Harris

Date: 26th Jun 2021 @ 12:03pm

We have had confirmation of a positive covid test within Year 1 - Miss Dunlop's class. If your child was absent on both Wednesday 23rd and Thursday 24th June, this does not apply and your child can come to school as normal on Monday morning.

We have emailed our Year 1 families, please read and pay particular attention to the next actions you need to take.

If you have any concerns or questions, please email [email protected].

Kind regards

Mrs E McGunigall

Friday's Home Learning 25th June 2021, by Miss Flynn

Date: 25th Jun 2021 @ 9:25am

Good Morning Everyone!

    All your tasks for today are now uploaded to SchoolSpider and I have marked and commented on yesterday's work.

Please take the time to read over the comments. I have also uploaded the mark scheme for the Maths. This is so that you can identify any mistakes you have made and reflect upon any of these errors.

Don't forget to bring your competition entry into school with you on Tuesday- so far I have only seen Mia's- which is fantastic! Well done!

Today's tasks are as follows:

English- Continuing with the Chester Zoo Project focusing on retelling the story of Buddy the Orangutan. I have uploaded a PowerPoint with the story on if you have forgotten!

Maths- Revisiting finding the area of cubes and cuboids following a few errors on the recent SATS practice papers. 

Spanish- Revision of your nationality and what language you speak

History- Learning about Windrush Day and the Windrush Generation and creating an information page on this.

Reading- Chapter 9 and 10 of Micheal Morpurgo's 'The Butterfly Lion'

All tasks are explained in greater detail on SchoolSpider with videos and links to support.

If you have a question, get in touch!

Have a great weekend everyone (make the most of any outdoor space :) or complete a home workout indoors!) 

Miss Flynn :)

Thursday, by Miss Flynn

Date: 24th Jun 2021 @ 8:51am

Good Morning 6A!

    I hope you are all set up and ready to learn from home today :)

We are continuing with the Chester Zoo Project in English today, in Maths you will be solving word problems linked to planning a trip around the world and in RE you will reflecting on your invitation to the Kingdom of God and how, like Jesus' disciples, we too have been called to serve.

Mrs McGuningall has also asked the whole school to enter a competition that Woodchurch High School has set. To enter, you have to design a poster explaining 'How to save the Earth from global warming'.

The poster needs to be informative and eye catching.

The prizes are amazing! Go and check them out on SchoolSpider.

There are instructions for each activity on SchoolSpider.

Don't hesitate to get in touch with any questions

Miss Flynn :) 

Today's Home Learning Wednesday 23rd June 2021, by Miss Flynn

Date: 23rd Jun 2021 @ 8:55am

Good Morning 6A!

    I hope you are all set up and ready to learn from home today :)

I have uploaded some English work linked to the Chester Zoo Project, a Maths paper, an RE task and a Leaver's Day Assembly task for you to complete from home. 

There are instructions for each activity on SchoolSpider.

Don't hesitate to get in touch with any questions

Miss Flynn :) 

Important communication from PHE, by Mrs Harris

Date: 22nd Jun 2021 @ 6:51pm

Please find attached a joint letter from Wirral’s Director of Public Health, Julie Webster and Director of Children’s Services, Simone White

F2 Church Visit, by Miss Ward

Date: 22nd Jun 2021 @ 4:41pm

Foundation 2 had a lovely afternoon visiting and exploring our Church. We spoke to Fr Michael and he explained different features of the building and answered any questions that the children had. 

F2 Spellings, by Mrs Harris

Date: 18th Jun 2021 @ 4:41pm

F2 familes....
Just a little reminder that your child's spellings are on Tapestry 
They are posted each Monday under 'memos', you may not receive an email so please log into your account to check.
Should you have any queries please speak to your child's class teacher ???

Holy Communion 2021, by Mrs Harris

Date: 15th Jun 2021 @ 7:38pm

Year 3 and 4 families, we have a very important message from Fr Michael about Holy Communion

Thank you for your continued support 

Important message from the Mayor of Wirral and NHS England, by Mrs Harris

Date: 8th Jun 2021 @ 12:34pm

We have been asked by the Mayor of Wirral to share the following concern with parents. It appears this is the latest Tik Tok craze but is clearly a very dangerous one.
Please do chat with your children explaining the dangers of this.

Tennis, benchball and football at Holiday Club, by Mrs Harris

Date: 7th Jun 2021 @ 8:47pm

Sports themed day today ?????????

Holiday Club at Breakfast Time!!, by Mrs Harris

Date: 7th Jun 2021 @ 8:43pm

Jam on toast anyone? Cornflakes? 

Holiday Club Fun!!, by Mrs Harris

Date: 1st Jun 2021 @ 8:12pm

Fun at Holiday Club in today's glorious sunshine ???
With ice pops!!!!! ???

F2 Royal Ball, by Mrs Harris

Date: 25th May 2021 @ 5:12pm

Foundation 2's Royal Ball, by Miss Kealey

Date: 25th May 2021 @ 4:36pm

Foundation 2 have had a wonderful day at The Royal Ball. Everyone looked amazing in their costumes and had so much fun!

Year 5 Spelling 24.05.2021, by Miss Welsh

Date: 24th May 2021 @ 5:50pm

Year 5 Spellings 17th May 2021, by Miss Welsh

Date: 16th May 2021 @ 7:02pm

Year 2 Spellings W/B 10.05.21, by Miss Hanton-Wise

Date: 11th May 2021 @ 2:40pm

Here are Year 2 spellings for W/B 10.05.21

We are looking at 'Adding -y to words ending in -e'











We will be completing the test on Friday 14.05.21

Good Luck  :)


Year 1 Spellings 10/05/21, by Mr Chamberlain

Date: 10th May 2021 @ 5:13pm

Year 5 Spellings 10th May 2021, by Miss Welsh

Date: 9th May 2021 @ 9:35pm

Hello Year 5 Parents and Carers,

In an effort to reduce the use of paper in our school we will now be uploading our spellings onto the class blog on the school website!

The children will also write out their spellings in a spelling book every Monday. The children can practice their spellings and bring the spelling book back every Friday .

Thank you for your understanding,


The Year 5 team

Year 1 Spellings 04/05/21, by Mr Chamberlain

Date: 4th May 2021 @ 3:42pm

Hello Year 1 Parents and Carers,

In an effort to reduce the use of paper in our school we will now be uploading our spellings onto the class blog on the school website!

We will also be displaying the spellings by the class doors for you to take a photograph of. The pupils will verbally be told their spelling scores each week.

Thanks for your understanding,

Mr Chamberlain and Miss Dunlop 

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