Our blogs

Planet Heroes!, by Mrs Schultz

Date: 9th Oct 2023 @ 6:14pm

As part of the RE retreat last Friday 6th October, the children in Year 1 made a pledge to become a Planet Hero. They each made a badge to take home and attended a theatre workshop and production. In class, they learned all about the plastic that ends up in our oceans and how it affects the wildlife and ocean creatures. They used old plastic bags to make jellyfish. They worked really well in their teams and it was lovely to hear them talk through their designs and ideas. Then we talked about the wonders of nature and how beautiful God's world is. The children used natural materials to make art. Most of our children made faces using the conkers, pine cones, leaves and flowers. What a lovely day it was, we can't wait for them to share the news and recruit more Planet Heroes!

Year 6 Poetry Day, by Mrs Harris

Date: 9th Oct 2023 @ 4:37pm

Year 6 Poetry Day - Drama with Mrs Nunnery 

We looked at the poem 'The Day War Came' and put together some short performances using narrative and freeze frames ✨️

Year 3K - God’s Planet, by Mrs Harris

Date: 6th Oct 2023 @ 10:30pm

Today, Year 3RK enjoyed taking part the RE retreat day – ‘God’s Planet’. The children spent the day thinking about God’s wonderful creation – our planet! The children enjoyed engaging in a range of activities such as learning new songs, listening to the creation story and making their own ‘God’s Creation’ salt dough craft. We also learnt about how we can become a ‘Planet Hero’ and play our part in protecting God’s special creation.

What a lovely way to celebrate the wonderful things God gifted to us!

Year 3M God's Planet, by Mrs Harris

Date: 6th Oct 2023 @ 10:06pm

Mrs McGunigall’s Year 3 class had such a fantastic day full of fun and creation with the theme of looking after our planet earth which God created. We brought in lots of recyclable materials (which we will definitely be using in the upcoming weeks), and resources from nature walks. We thought about what we collected to help create our own ‘God’s Creations’ dough plaque. We also had fun making Our Planet badges with our ‘pledges’ to help keep our earth protected ❤️ 🌎

Mini Vinnies, by Mrs Harris

Date: 5th Oct 2023 @ 10:21pm

This week in Mini Vinnies we created cards of kindness ✨️ 

We wrote happy messages to people who might be feeling lonely ❤️

Sign Language Club, by Mrs Harris

Date: 5th Oct 2023 @ 10:13pm

Sign Language Club learnt to 'sing a rainbow' last week 🌈🌈🌈

Year 6, by Mrs Harris

Date: 5th Oct 2023 @ 10:06pm

Year 6 have been learning about refugees this morning. As a class we read the poem ‘Refugees’ by Brian Bilston. It was an interesting poem as when we read it from the bottom to the top it changed the meaning of the poem. The children enjoyed discussing the meaning of the poem. 

Some children performed the poem and we also reflected on what we had learnt and prayed for refugees around the world.

F1 2s / 3s Learning about the Farm, by Mrs Harris

Date: 5th Oct 2023 @ 9:58pm

F1 2s / 3s - Miss Massie's Class

We are learning about the farm in F1 🚜🐖

We had the best time being farmers 👩‍🌾👨‍🌾 in our puddle suits and wellies 😊😊😊

Look at how beautifully we can line up too!! 👍👍👍

Sports Stars of the Week!, by Miss Hanton-Wise

Date: 2nd Oct 2023 @ 1:36pm

Well done this week to...


Freddie (Y1) for receiving Player of the Week for his rugby club! 

Blake (Y3) for receiving a medal for competing in Taekwondo!

Holden (Y2) for achieving the Chief Scouts Bronze Award (The HIGHEST award a Beaver can earn).

Enya (Y1) for receiving Star of the Class at Gymnastics!


If you have any exciting sporting news from the past week please send it to us! 

We will upload our Sports Stars at the end of each week, so keep an eye out!

Well done and thank you, 

Miss Wise and Mr Sandham

Sports Star of the Week!, by Miss Hanton-Wise

Date: 29th Sep 2023 @ 9:07am

Well done this week to...


Sebastian (Y1) for receiving Player of the Week for his rugby club! 

Joni (Y2) for passing her grading....with an advanced pass (the HIGHEST grade)!


If you have any exciting sporting news from the past week please send it to us! 

We will upload our Sports Stars at the end of each week, so keep an eye out!

Well done and thank you, 

Miss Wise and Mr Sandham

Year 6 Residential Day 2 Activities, Part 1, by Mrs Harris

Date: 28th Sep 2023 @ 5:40pm

Wax art.....

Year 6 Residential Day 1 Activities, Part 1, by Mrs Harris

Date: 27th Sep 2023 @ 9:19pm

Zip wire!!!!

Day 1!! Year 6 Residential 2023, by Mrs Harris

Date: 27th Sep 2023 @ 1:18pm

Year 6 are excited for the trip!!

F2M - Our World and the Creation Story, by Mrs Harris

Date: 25th Sep 2023 @ 8:28pm

This week Mrs McLaren’s F2 class have been thinking about Our World and the Creation story. We created a prayer focus together, lighting our candle and singing our song 'I can pray'.

We also learnt our new song, 'My God is so Big'. 

We really enjoyed going on a nature walk around our playground. Whilst we did this we thought about things that God created for us. 

We then brought back a leaf and spoke about each leaf being unique, just like us. 

The children have also been working hard on their drawing skills. They made rainbows out of different coloured resources, and faces using loose parts play. We have had lots of fun and we are working hard each day. 

Keep up the good work F2 ? ? ?

Year 3K - Sneak peak of what we've been upto, by Mrs Harris

Date: 22nd Sep 2023 @ 8:49pm

Year 3RK have continued to settle well into the juniors. Here is a little peek and what the children have been up to! We’ve developed our map work skills through ‘map bingo’, worked on our Spanish speaking skills through a ‘Hola’ throw and catch game and enjoyed our collective worship time together as a class family ? ? ?? ?

Year 1W - Welcome back to School!!, by Mrs Harris

Date: 22nd Sep 2023 @ 8:31pm

Year 1 Miss Welsh's Class

What a start to Year 1!!! We have investigated in science what plants we can find and identify ????

We........also........held the stick insects!!! ???

Year 6 Miss Houghton's class - Art, by Mrs Harris

Date: 22nd Sep 2023 @ 8:20pm

Year 6 Miss Houghton's class 

Year 6 have enjoyed learning about pop artist Andy Warhol. Children found out about the life and work of the famous artist and then had a go of recreating a piece of repeated art in the style of Warhol ??‍??‍?

Year 3's Busy Week........, by Mrs Harris

Date: 22nd Sep 2023 @ 7:53pm

What a busy week we have had! 

Year 3 have been busy getting hands on with Place Value, going back in time to the Stone Age and reflecting on World Peace for our Prayer with Liturgical Shape. Great work Year 3 ?

Sports Stars of the Week!, by Miss Hanton-Wise

Date: 21st Sep 2023 @ 9:10am

Well done to...


Zofia (Y1) for receiving Player of the Match in her game on Sunday! 


If you have any exciting sporting news from the past week please send it to us! 

We will upload our Sports Stars at the end of each week, so keep an eye out!

Well done and thank you, 

Miss Wise and Mr Sandham

Science Club, by Mrs Harris

Date: 20th Sep 2023 @ 6:05pm

Science club had an exciting time learning all about a wind turbine technician - Georgia Grace. Children learnt all about her role working on the wind turbines and even found out that she spends 2 weeks at sea each month. 

Children then made their very own wind socks which they were all very excited to test on their way home. Some children were even lucky enough to win some very special badges #OrstedStemettes 

Year 6B Welcome back to School!!, by Mrs Harris

Date: 20th Sep 2023 @ 5:21pm

Year 6 Miss Barron's Class
Year 6 have had a great start to their year! Take a look at what they've learnt ?????

Year 4W and Y4N Welcome to School!!, by Mrs Harris

Date: 20th Sep 2023 @ 4:57pm

Year 4 Mr Nelson and Miss Williams' Class
Year 4 have planned their first Collective Worship, discussed the Bible and drew their favourite story from the Bible
They enjoyed learning about the structure of the earth and making the layers out of play-doh

Science Club, by Mrs Harris

Date: 20th Sep 2023 @ 4:36pm

A very exciting day for our Science Club! Just before summer, Miss Houghton applied to win a very exciting box of goodies to run a Science Club......................................................and we won!!
Our Stemettes club will engage in a a fun range of STEM activities related to real role resources.
There is going to be a lot of fun taking place in Science Club, Miss Houghton can’t wait! ? ?

F1 2/3s Welcome to School!!, by Mrs Harris

Date: 20th Sep 2023 @ 4:19pm

F1 2/3s Miss Massie's Room
Our F1 2/3s children are settling in great!
Playing, exploring and making new friends! Here are some highlights of the fun they have been having over the last few weeks ??????

F1 2s Welcome to School!!, by Mrs Harris

Date: 20th Sep 2023 @ 4:02pm

F1 2s - Mrs Jones' Room
Our F1 2s in Mrs Jones' room have really enjoyed settling in, exploring all of the new areas and making lots of new friends.
We are so proud of you!!??

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