More than just a Building: Blog items
F2 - God's Planet Retreat Day, by Mrs Harris
Date: 11th Oct 2023 @ 9:53pm
F2 - God's Planet Retreat Day
We had lots of fun being planet heroes on Friday. We learnt about looking after God's earth. We created salt dough patterns using natural resources.
We created octopus using plastic bags and created badges to be planet heroes 🌎❤️
Planet Heroes!, by Mrs Schultz
Date: 9th Oct 2023 @ 6:14pm
As part of the RE retreat last Friday 6th October, the children in Year 1 made a pledge to become a Planet Hero. They each made a badge to take home and attended a theatre workshop and production. In class, they learned all about the plastic that ends up in our oceans and how it affects the wildlife and ocean creatures. They used old plastic bags to make jellyfish. They worked really well in their teams and it was lovely to hear them talk through their designs and ideas. Then we talked about the wonders of nature and how beautiful God's world is. The children used natural materials to make art. Most of our children made faces using the conkers, pine cones, leaves and flowers. What a lovely day it was, we can't wait for them to share the news and recruit more Planet Heroes!
Year 3K - God’s Planet, by Mrs Harris
Date: 6th Oct 2023 @ 10:30pm
Today, Year 3RK enjoyed taking part the RE retreat day – ‘God’s Planet’. The children spent the day thinking about God’s wonderful creation – our planet! The children enjoyed engaging in a range of activities such as learning new songs, listening to the creation story and making their own ‘God’s Creation’ salt dough craft. We also learnt about how we can become a ‘Planet Hero’ and play our part in protecting God’s special creation.
What a lovely way to celebrate the wonderful things God gifted to us!
Year 3M God's Planet, by Mrs Harris
Date: 6th Oct 2023 @ 10:06pm
Mrs McGunigall’s Year 3 class had such a fantastic day full of fun and creation with the theme of looking after our planet earth which God created. We brought in lots of recyclable materials (which we will definitely be using in the upcoming weeks), and resources from nature walks. We thought about what we collected to help create our own ‘God’s Creations’ dough plaque. We also had fun making Our Planet badges with our ‘pledges’ to help keep our earth protected ❤️ 🌎
F2M - Our World and the Creation Story, by Mrs Harris
Date: 25th Sep 2023 @ 8:28pm
This week Mrs McLaren’s F2 class have been thinking about Our World and the Creation story. We created a prayer focus together, lighting our candle and singing our song 'I can pray'.
We also learnt our new song, 'My God is so Big'.
We really enjoyed going on a nature walk around our playground. Whilst we did this we thought about things that God created for us.
We then brought back a leaf and spoke about each leaf being unique, just like us.
The children have also been working hard on their drawing skills. They made rainbows out of different coloured resources, and faces using loose parts play. We have had lots of fun and we are working hard each day.
Keep up the good work F2 ? ? ?