Multi Sports Activity Club - Summer 2018

Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 .... 

Would your child like to get more active, learn something new and have fun at the same time? Mr Cullen and Mr Gateley will be running a Summer Multi Sports Club over the summer break, why not come and join in? There will be a variety of sports and challenges for the children each day and a celebration of achievement each Friday with a special guest.   

The club will run from 9am to 3pm and will cost only £15 per day, payable on the day. Registration for each day will be 9 to 9.30 in the multi practical room. Children will need to bring along a packed lunch, plenty of water, wear suitable clothing and footwear and have sunscreen applied. We have use of both the school playground and the hall should the weather not be favourable.  

Week One:  Monday 6th August to Friday 10th August

Week Two: Monday 13th August to Friday 17th August

To register your interest for any sessions or for any questions Mr Cullen will be available at reception from 08.45 to 9.00 on Wednesday and Thursday this week.

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