Our blogs

English, by Mrs Schultz

Date: 7th Feb 2022 @ 5:25pm

Today, in English, we have been learning how to write lists. We had to choose whether we wanted to visit Africa or the Antarctic and then write a list of items to pack for our trip. We will be using commas to separate these items in sentences and then we will be using our lists to create 'list poems' later on in the week. I think Mr Ball and Miss Welsh have got a little bit confused with this task! 

Mocktails!, by Mrs Schultz

Date: 7th Feb 2022 @ 5:11pm

Year 2 have been learning all about capacity and volume. We have been learning to read measurements in millilitres and litres. Last week, We concluded out topic by making mocktails. We filled a litre jug, using only 3 different juices. The challenge was to make sure each of the measures were different and had to add up to 1000ml/ 1 litre! We only had measuring cylinders that measured up to 200ml, so the groups had to work out how many they would need to fill to make up their chosen volume. It was tricky, but we got to enjoy our cocktails afterwards! It was worth the hard work! 

Computing Club 04/02/22, by Mr Chamberlain

Date: 6th Feb 2022 @ 6:37pm

In Friday's Computing Club the pupils had a fantastic time using the ChatterKids app to bring objects to life. Pupils were able to photograph objects and drawings and record their own voice to bring the objects to life. They learnt to edit the video and add stickers, frames and filters to make a finished product. Well done!

Clapping using rhythm, by Miss Markey

Date: 4th Feb 2022 @ 2:03pm

In Music, the children used clapping techniques to form different rhythms, using different tones of pitch and tempo. We then applied this technique when we performed the song 'In the Groove'. The children had so much fun singing and clapping along to the rhythm! 

Sign Language Club - Year 2, by Mrs Harris

Date: 3rd Feb 2022 @ 7:02pm

It's Year 2's turn today. Another fabulous rendition of the 'Rainbow' song in sign language. Well done Year 2!

Sign Language Club - Year 1, by Mrs Harris

Date: 3rd Feb 2022 @ 9:30am

Year 1 Sign Language Club have been learning to sign their colours this week. This performance is just after 1 session! We'll have some fluent signers very soon! Well done! (Apologies for the camera wobble, Mrs Schultz was signing and filming at the same time!).

Sharing Books at Home, by Miss Flynn

Date: 1st Feb 2022 @ 12:02pm

Dear Parents,

As you know, reading together at home has astonishing benefits for children: comfort and reassurance, confidence and security, relaxation, happiness and fun. Giving a child time and full attention when reading builds self-esteem, vocabulary, feeds imagination and even improves their sleeping patterns. Is also shows them how important and enjoyable reading is- helping them become lifelong readers.

As of Friday 4th February, alongside your child’s reading book which is matched to their reading ability, your child will also bring home a book they have chosen to share with someone at home. This book will be referred to as their ‘share’ book.

Please return both books in your child’s reading pack each week.

Here are some more tips to help you enjoy story-time together:

  • Ask your child to choose what they’d like to read. They’ll feel more interested in the story if they’ve picked it out themselves. (And don’t worry if they keep returning to the same story, either!)
  • If you can, turn off the TV, radio and computer. It’s easier for both of you to enjoy the story without any other distractions.
  • Sit close together. You could encourage your child to hold the book themselves and turn the pages, too.
  • Take a look at the pictures. You don’t just have to read the words on the page. Maybe there’s something funny in the pictures that you can giggle about together, or perhaps your child enjoys guessing what will happen next.
  • Ask questions and talk about the book. Ask your child to make predictions about what they think will happen in the story or ask who their favourite character is and why?
  • Picture books can be a great way to talk through your child’s fears and worries, or to help them deal with their emotions. Give them space to talk, and ask how they feel about the situations in the story.
  • Have fun! There’s no right or wrong way to share a story – as long as you and your child are having fun. Don’t be afraid to act out situations or use funny voices…

Please send in any pictures of you reading at home, so we can share them on our website!

Happy reading,

Miss Flynn ?

Ways to keep your child's reading up while schools are closed | National  Literacy Trust

F2 - Habitats, by Miss Kealey

Date: 31st Jan 2022 @ 4:56pm

The children have been developing their understanding of the world by exploring different habitats around the world. We looked at the environment, weather and animals that live in different habitats. The children loved using different materials and tools to create their own habitat boxes. The children made The Rainforest, The Arctic, The Desert and The Ocean.

Brilliant creations F2 – Well done!

Sign Language Club, by Mrs Harris

Date: 28th Jan 2022 @ 5:53pm

Year 1 and 2 have had a very successful first week in Sign Language club. We have been learning the finger spelling alphabet so we can say ‘hello’ to all our friends and teachers in school! The children took an alphabet home so they can learn their family names too! See if you can spot our super signers, in and around school, they’re very keen to say ‘hello’ in sign language! ?  

Miss Markey's Class say goodbye to Miss Mayes!, by Miss Markey

Date: 28th Jan 2022 @ 4:11pm

After 11 weeks, we finally said goodbye to Miss Mayes, our PGCE student. Miss Mayes has been an incredible role model, organiser, helper and dedicated trainee teacher in our class. We have thoroughly enjoyed her company and wish her every success in her next placement and future teaching career! Thank you and good luck Miss Mayes! X

Reading digital scales, by Miss Markey

Date: 28th Jan 2022 @ 12:14pm

Today Year 1 learnt about reading digital scales. They were taught how many grams were in a kilogram and then completed a practical activity using digital scales to predict and weight different objects using digital readings. Some children selected their own objects to weigh too! The children's favourite object to weigh was their shoe!

Drama with Mr Glen!, by Miss Markey

Date: 27th Jan 2022 @ 3:23pm

Year 1 thoroughly enjoyed Drama with Mr Glen today! We started with a story and a game and then... we pretended to be a ship, using the theme tune and song 'Wellerman', a famous sea shanty, to take turns at being different parts of the boat. We had some super singing and acting which linked well to our current book 'The Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch'. Well done Year 1.

Predicting weight!, by Miss Markey

Date: 27th Jan 2022 @ 12:12pm

This week in Maths we have been learning about weight. Today in Year 1, we were predicting how much different objects weighed. After the children had wrote their predictions, they used cubes practically to balance the balancing scales and work out how many cubes it took to balance each object. They showed some great counting and predicting skills! Well done Year 1!

Paper planes, by Mrs Schultz

Date: 27th Jan 2022 @ 11:26am

We made our own paper planes in Design Technology today. We looked at what all paper planes have in common, and used our knowledge from our work on aerodynamics to discuss what good planes all have. We then explored different thicknesses of card and paper. We made predictions on which material would work best to make a plane with, based on what we already know about those materials. The paper group thought the paper would be best because it was the lightest, the card group said the card would be the strongest, the coloured paper group (medium thickness of paper) said theirs would be the smoothest and finally the origami paper group predicted that theirs would be the best because their paper squares were the smallest. We followed instructions to make the planes and then flew them to test. The planes that flew the furthest were made out of card or medium thickness paper!

Year 2 Weather Forecasters, by Mrs Schultz

Date: 27th Jan 2022 @ 11:04am

We have been looking at different weather patterns and climates in Geography. The children became weather forecasters, reporting on the different weather patterns in the polar region, the tropical region and the desert (arid region).

Science- Materials, by Mrs Schultz

Date: 27th Jan 2022 @ 10:55am

We made an investigation to see which materials are the most durable. The children used mini sanding blocks to rub different squares of material. We made the test fair by rubbing each material only 10 times...we tried really hard to not get too carried away! Some of the materials had the pattern rub away and some materials got holes in them! The most durable materials were fleece and denim.

European Sandwiches, by Mrs Schultz

Date: 27th Jan 2022 @ 10:18am

Last half term, we were looking at sandwiches from around the world. We then focussed on different European sandwich fillings. The children tasted and evaluated different meats and cheeses from around Europe. They then looked at what makes a healthy, balanced meal plate and had a practise in school at making a healthy sandwich. The children then designed a sandwich, taking care to choose a meat/ cheese filling that they liked and adding 2 healthy salad items. We concluded our last DT project by having a European afternoon tea! 

Up, up and away continued, by Mrs Schultz

Date: 27th Jan 2022 @ 9:47am

We continued our Design Technology project by looking at how aeroplanes fly and how important wings are. By blowing on strips of paper, we realised that fast air blown over the top of the paper makes the strip go up (not down as we expected!). This helps to explain how the wings work on an aeroplane; with the air moving faster over the top than the bottom, lift is created. We experimented with 2 different paper planes to see which would fly the best. One plane had some air blocking 'flaps' at the top. After a lot of fun, we discovered that the planes with the flaps did not fly very well because the fast air was being blocked from moving over the wing. One of the children recognised that the flaps on a real aeroplane help to slow it down when it lands! We are fast becoming experts on aerodynamics!

Year 5 Trip to Hoghton Tower ?, by Miss Flynn

Date: 25th Jan 2022 @ 4:23pm

Today, Year 5 visited Hoghton Tower as past of our History topic. Upon arrival, the children were welcomed by experienced tour guides dressed in Tudor clothing! They were then taken around the house including the state bedroom and ballroom. After lunch we got to see the underground passages and dungeons along with our new video about the visit of King James I. We also held our own ceremony to ‘knight’ some of the children during the day. Although the castle was really cold ? we all had a great day! ?

Year 5 Physical Education~Dance, by Miss Flynn

Date: 25th Jan 2022 @ 4:14pm

As part of this term's dance topic we learnt and performed the 'Lindy Hop' dance....

Up, up and away!, by Mrs Schultz

Date: 24th Jan 2022 @ 9:46am

Year 2 have had a great time in our DT lessons over the last couple of weeks. We have been learning all about aerodynamics. We started by looking at how hot air balloons fly. In groups, we made our own hot air balloons using different plastic bags. The children chose their own materials and had different ways of joining them together. We had so much fun trying to get some of them to fly! Some of them were too heavy, some had holes in them and one of the groups forgot to leave an opening for the hot air to be put in! But we learned a lot from our mistakes.

Following Instructions - Jam Sandwiches, by Mr Chamberlain

Date: 18th Jan 2022 @ 4:22pm

Year 1 had an amazing time today following instructions and making their fantastic jam sandwiches. We looked at what instructions are and how to write them, as well as looking at adverbials and imperative (bossy) verbs in the instructions! They looked (and tasted) brilliant!

Well done Year 1!

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