Our blogs

Sports Stars of the Week!, by Miss Hanton-Wise

Date: 22nd Apr 2024 @ 9:19am



Well done this week to...


Fletcher (Y1) for trying extremely hard in his football match!

Frankie (Y2) for receiving a certifcate for her progression in Dance!


We will upload our Sports Stars at the end of each week, so keep an eye out!

Well done and thank you, 


Miss Wise



Earth Day 2024 - 22 April, by Mrs Harris

Date: 21st Apr 2024 @ 9:40pm

Earth Day 2024 

🌎 Earth Day is marked on 22 April each year. The very first Earth Day was held in the USA in 1970, in response to a spill from an oil tanker. It has since grown to become and global event, during which as many as 1 billion people around the world mark the need for action on the environment and living sustainably

🌎 The theme for Earth Day 2024 is 'Planet vs. Plastics'

🌎 To celebrate Earth Day, we will take part in activities to encourage us all to think and learn about what we can do to look after our planet 

Small steps to help save our planet:

🌎 reduce use of plastic and avoid single-use plastic

🌎 walk or cycle to school if possible

🌎 recycle 

🌎 turn off lights when not in use

🌎 use less water


I'll upload some photos of how we learned to help by the end of the week 👍



Sports Stars of the Week!, by Miss Hanton-Wise

Date: 19th Apr 2024 @ 9:06am



Well done this week to...

Enya (Y1) for getting star of the class in gymnastics!

Blake (Y1) for receiving a medal after his first gymnastics showcase!

Harper (Y2) for receiving a medal at football!

Heidi (Y2) for receiving a trophy at football!

Aleah (Y2) for making the finals at Eurodance 2024 and coming runner-up at her dance Trophy Day!

Azed (Y2) for receiving MULTIPLE medals at football!

Halle (Y4) for winning first place in her dance competition!

Lucy (Y4) for winning a trophy, medal AND certificate at her dance presentation!

Scarlet (Y4) for getting star of the week for her Street and Contemporary dance classes!

Roxanne (Y5) for achieving her level 6 in gymnastics!

Robyn (Y6) for getting Player of the Month at football!



We will upload our Sports Stars at the end of each week, so keep an eye out!

Well done and thank you, 


Miss Wise



Year 6 trip to Western Approaches, by Mrs Harris

Date: 13th Apr 2024 @ 7:25pm

Western Approaches HQ - The Battle of the Atlantic Experience 

On Thursday, Year 6 visited the secret bunker and nerve centre used to command the Navy, RAF and to crack codes during the Battle of the Atlantic. The children participated in workshops, had a guided tour of the bunker and took part in a walking tour around Exchange Square. They were shown damage caused during the Blitz and learnt all about the important role that Liverpool and Birkenhead played in being victorious in WW2

🐰🐣 Easter Holiday Club - Mon, 8 April.........Day 5!!, by Mrs Harris

Date: 8th Apr 2024 @ 6:44pm

🐰🐣 Easter Holiday Club - Mon, 8 April.........Day 5!!

The day began with 🍞🥯🧀🍯😋

We started colouring and indoor play, and as soon as the rain 🌧 stopped, we enjoyed playing outside 😀 

After lunch, we made beautiful, bright stained glass Easter eggs and displayed then on the window 🪟 ☺️

As the afternoon stayed dry, we continued with lots of free play outside, including the hula hoops and building crawl-through tunnels!! ⚽️ 🥅 🚲 🛴 🏃‍♀️

When the 🌧 returned, we decided to watch a film and ate a biscuit snack 😋 🍪🍪🍪

🐰🐣 Easter Holiday Club - Fri, 5 April.........Day 4!!, by Mrs Harris

Date: 8th Apr 2024 @ 6:37pm

🐰🐣 Easter Holiday Club - Fri, 5 April.........Day 4!!

...breakfast buffet 😋🍞🥯🧀🍯😋

...painting 🎨🎨🎨

...made Easter nest cakes 🐣🐰🪺🪹🧁🧁🧁

...kinetic sand 🏖🏖🏖

...outdoor play 🏃‍♀️🕺 🛴 🚲 ⚽️ 🥅 🌞🌞🌞

Phew!! Busy day ☺️☺️☺️

🐰🐣 Easter Holiday Club - Thur, 4 April.........Day 3!!, by Mrs Harris

Date: 4th Apr 2024 @ 7:26pm

🐰🐣 Easter Holiday Club - Thur, 4 April.........Day 3!!

Today is International Carrot Day! 🥕🥕🥕🥕🥕

Today consisted of, yes, the usual Breakfast Buffet 😋 🍞🥯🧀🍯 with a side of 🥕🥕

With today's lovely weather 🌞🌞🌞, the children enjoyed playing outside - we had outdoor colouring, hula hooping, football, bicycles and tricycles and THE BEST ride on car convoy 🚗 🚗 🚗 🚗 🚗 BEEP BEEP!!

We coloured in lots of pictures and had many snacky carrots 😍🥕🌤️  

To end our great day, we all sat to watch the Year 3 and 4 production of Peter Pan!! 👏👏🤩 🤩 🤩

🐰🐣 Easter Holiday Club - Wed, 3 April.........Day 2!!, by Mrs Harris

Date: 4th Apr 2024 @ 4:08pm

🐰🐣 Easter Holiday Club - Wed, 3 April.........Day 2!!

***apologies I'm late posting Wednesday's fun***

On Wednesday, we started with our Breakfast Buffet 😋 🍞🥯🧀🍯

We had a very 'in, out, shake it all about day' - dodging the rain ☔️☔️☔️.........playing out when we could, enjoying free play in the playground 😄 

We then did some origami and had so much fun making fish!🐠 🐟 🐠 🐟

The children loved dressing up and creating their own puppet show too 🎭 😊 

Check out how fantastic our older children are, playing, sharing with and helping our younger children ❤️❤️❤️

🐰🐣 Easter Holiday Club - Tue, 2 April.........Day 1!!, by Mrs Harris

Date: 2nd Apr 2024 @ 9:32pm

🐰🐣 Easter Holiday Club - Tue, 2 April.........Day 1!!

The children have had a really fun first day in Easter Holiday Club 😊🐰🐣 Everyone was so well behaved and the bigger children were so kind helping the little ones

We started the day with a colouring marathon 🎨, before heading outside to enjoy the nice weather 🌞🌞🌞 

The children enjoyed playing on the bikes 🚲 and scooters 🛴 and even enjoyed a football match ⚽️ 🥅. After lunch we had another biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig play were the children made paper aeroplanes ✈️ ✈️ and each took turns to try and get the biggest score

We then came inside to ice biscuits and choose our own ice cream with chocolate or strawberry sauce 🍦🍦🍦They were so yummy 😋😋😋

Easter Bunny visit 2024, by Mrs Harris

Date: 28th Mar 2024 @ 11:33pm

The Easter 🐣 Bunny 🐰 caused a little bit of chaos in both KS1 and KS2 Assemblies today............

An Easter egg was delivered to every class for every child 🐰🐣🐰🐣🐰🐣

(hint - very noisy, lower your volume! 🤣)

Attendance Winners Easter 2024, by Mrs Harris

Date: 28th Mar 2024 @ 11:24pm

Take a look at our Easter winners!!

We have 100% attendance winners, weekly winners....and half term winners! 😀 👏👏👏

We hope you have a cracking holiday! 🐣


Y6 Visit from the Deputy Lieutenancy of Merseyside, by Mrs Harris

Date: 28th Mar 2024 @ 10:54pm

Last week, we had a fantastic visit from Professor Michael Brown CBE DL (Deputy Lieutenant of the County of Merseyside) on behalf of the Lieutenancy of Merseyside, who came in to give a presentation to our Y6 children about King Charles III and the Royal family!

We were able to show just how much we had learned by answering all the quiz questions too!

#olseps #RoyalFamily #lordlieutenantofmerseyside

Y3 Easter 'Design an Egg' Competition, by Mrs Harris

Date: 28th Mar 2024 @ 10:02pm

year 3 RK Easter 'Design an Egg' competition. Our winner was Mae for her fantastic and creative chick! 🐣

Easter 2024 Competition Winners!!, by Mrs Harris

Date: 28th Mar 2024 @ 8:46pm

Well done to all of our fabulous Easter picture competition winners 🐰🐇

We had a winner in every class 👏 🙌 

What lovely Easter pictures you made 😊😊😊

Here's a handful of pics 📸 🐰🐣🐰🐣

Sports Stars of the Week!, by Miss Hanton-Wise

Date: 28th Mar 2024 @ 5:47pm



Well done this week to...


Freddie (Y1) for gaining his 15m swimming badge!

Joni (Y2) for gaining her red belt in Taekwondo!

Kyle (Y3) for gaining his 15m badge, Octopus badge AND Water Skills badge! 

Mae (Y3) for gaining her 100m swimming badge!


We will upload our Sports Stars at the end of each week, so keep an eye out!

Have a great Easter!

Well done and thank you, 


Miss Wise



Years 3 and 4 Spring Production 'Peter Pan', by Mrs Harris

Date: 23rd Mar 2024 @ 11:27am

The Year 3 and 4 Spring production 'Peter Pan' is now on our YouTube channel and the school website 😀




F1 Colour in Nature, by Mrs Harris

Date: 22nd Mar 2024 @ 8:57pm

Mrs Jones' F1 2s & Miss Massie's F1 2s/3s

As part of our current topic, 'Colour in Nature', the children enjoyed exploring our outdoor area in search of lots of different colours in our natural environment 😀

Peter Pan...Years 3 and 4 Production, by Mrs Harris

Date: 21st Mar 2024 @ 9:06pm

How amazing were our Year 3 and 4 children???😃👏🐊⭐️

The children in year 3 and 4 have worked incredibly hard to learn, practice and perform their version of 'Peter Pan'. 

The show was amazing! Every single child was star and made us all so proud! Take a bow Year 3 and 4! 🌟 🌟🌟🌟🌟👏👏👏👏


Video of the performance coming soon! 🎥

Sports Stars of the Week, by Miss Hanton-Wise

Date: 18th Mar 2024 @ 10:17am



Well done this week to...

Freddie (Y1) for receiving Player of the Week at his rugby club!

Lola (Y1) for winning 2 medals at Thai Boxing!

Toby (F2) for receiving a medal at his Inter Club Thai Boxing Competition!!

Harper (Y2) for receiving 'Opposition's Player of the Day' in football!!

Holden (Y2) for his effort in Judo!!
If you have any exciting sporting news from the past week please send it to us! 

Eva (Y3) who received a medal for completing a football tournament. She had to play 6 games! 

Flynn (Y4)  who
was mascot at the TRANMERE GAME on Tuesday night!!!


We will upload our Sports Stars at the end of each week, so keep an eye out!


Well done and thank you, 


Miss Wise



Year 5 History, by Mrs Harris

Date: 14th Mar 2024 @ 10:08pm

Miss Henderson's Year 5 class making Grecian pillars 🏛

Lenten Trail, by Mrs Schultz

Date: 8th Mar 2024 @ 12:36am

All classes have visited Church over the last couple of weeks to follow the Lenten Trail. It was Year 1's turn yesterday. We walked around four stations, all supporting the children to understand the meaning of Lent and how we can pray, fast and give on the run up to Easter. The children learned how Jesus resisted temptation in the desert and how we should try to give up something for Lent to remember how Jesus gave his life for us on Earth. The children talked about how they give to charity- helping others less fortunate than ourselves. They suggested that giving away their own toys and old clothes would help charities raise money for others. They also had lots of suggestions for helping the homeless. Lots of children decided that they would like to give up sweets and treats for Lent, whilst others decided that they would try to be more kind and helpful to their families and others. We're really proud of how they are becoming great followers of Jesus and learning to follow the right path this Lent. 

World Book Day, by Mrs Schultz

Date: 8th Mar 2024 @ 12:24am

Year 1 have been celebrating World Book Day throughout this week. We have had a number of online author workshops, some reading stories and others have been teaching us how to illustrate. We have met Bernard Menzah, the author of Kwame's Magic Quest; Liz Pichon, author and illustrator of the Tom Gates books and also joined in with a draw along session with the author, Raahat Kaduji. Today, the children have been excitedly drawing themselves in their costumes- They all looked amazing! They have created shoe box story settings using collage materials, read lots of stories, made bag tags and completed World Book Day puzzles and colouring sheets. What a day! We hope to complete our story setting shoe boxes tomorrow so that we can use them as inspiration for our seaside setting description. Here's a sneak peek of them so far...

Pinch Pots Inspired by Alice Ballard, by Mrs Schultz

Date: 8th Mar 2024 @ 12:03am

Last half term, the children explored a famous sculptor called Alice Ballard. We looked at how she is inspired by nature and her preference of blues and greens to decorate her work. Influenced by our English text, 'The Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch', the children took to designing their own sea themed pinch pots. They first rehearsed with sculpture using playdough, creating waves with the clay tools. They then modelled a pot with clay and decorated with various clay tools. The final step was to paint. We hope you love your little trinket dishes as much as the children did. Well done Year 1! 

Hoylake Lifeboat Station, by Mrs Schultz

Date: 7th Mar 2024 @ 11:50pm

We had a fantastic trip last week to Hoylake Lifeboat Station. The children learned all about the hard work of the RNLI and how lifeboats have changed from the past to the present. The Hoylake Lifeboat Station celebrated 200 years of dedicated service last Monday 4th March. Each lifeboat class is named after a River and the one that they house in Hoylake is a Shannon Class. We were surprised to learn that a Shannon lifeboat costs £2.4 million! We also saw their hovercraft and experienced life in the the crew rooms, where we saw where the selfless volunteers dress in their all weather suits and can look out over the River Mersey. We had a great time and thanked them for their service to the community and for giving their time to teach us all about horse power and engines! We found out that the 200 year celebration flotilla of lifeboats was actually interrupted last Monday, by a mud rescue operation. This just goes to show how important the RNLI's role is in saving lives. 

Y2LW World Book Day, by Miss Ward

Date: 7th Mar 2024 @ 5:35pm

What a great day we've had for World Book Day, the costumes have been amazing! We've wrote our own sequel to a story, made bookmarks and had a virtual author visit from Rabat Kaduji where we listened to her new book 'I'm Not Sleepy'. We even had the opportunity to draw some of the pictures from her book too. We've played lots of games and read countless stories and poems. Well done Year 2!

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