Our blogs

Year 1 Vlog 11/02/21, by Mr Chamberlain

Date: 11th Feb 2021 @ 8:36am

Year 5 Home Learning Thursday 11th February 2021, by Miss Welsh

Date: 10th Feb 2021 @ 8:34pm

Good Morning Year 5 smiley

Hope you are all ok and staying safe at home. We have uploaded a daily video explaining the activities further for you. 

Keep uploading your work, it is fantastic to see what you are doing.

Don't forget to go on the rockstars website (just let us know on the school spider if you need your log in). https://play.ttrockstars.com/auth/school. The battle is going strong, which class will be champions this week?

Miss Welsh, Mr Worthington, Mrs Scarisbrick, Mrs Daley and Mrs Barron smiley

F2 Thursday 11th February 2021 Home Learning Tasks, by Miss Ward

Date: 10th Feb 2021 @ 5:32pm

Hi F2, 

Here are today's activities: 

Literacy – Literacy Shed – ‘Tuesday’

Recap over the story ‘Tuesday’ by David Weiner The Picture Book Shed - THE LITERACY SHED

Look at the characters in the video. For example: The man in the kitchen, the frogs etc.

Can you make a frog mask and act out parts of the story? Can you describe the frog? e.g green, slimy.

Can you draw a picture of one of the characters or a frog and write some words or sentences to describe them?


Phonics – Consolidation

Can you practise these phonemes with the caption action ‘v, sh, ch, z, ll, ff, ss’

Recap the caption action for the ‘ure’. Can you form this grapheme on paper?

Ask an adult to write some words containing the ‘ure’ sound and hide them around your house. Can you go on a detective hunt to find them and try to segment and blend them?

Maths – Money

Listen to the coins song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dFzAU3u06Ps

With your role-play shop you made yesterday, can you give the different objects/items a price. Either find some pennies or make some out of paper. Can you use the coins to buy the items? Adults can you encourage your child and use language such as change, price, amount, coins, money, left over, expensive, cheap etc.


Thematic: What sounds can you hear in the Rainforest?

Can you make some shadow puppets of animals you might find in the rainforest. Can you find a torch and make the shadows move?

Have a think about animals losing their homes if the rainforest is chopped down, can you write a letter to tell people to stop cutting trees down?

Remember to write your full name at the bottom of the letter.


Wellbeing Activity: Make an obstacle course – how fast can you complete it?


Have fun and remember to post pictures of your work on Tapestry!

F2 Team

Year 3 Home Learning Friday 12.02, by Mrs Bale

Date: 10th Feb 2021 @ 3:59pm

Year 3 Home Learning Thursday 11.02, by Mrs Bale

Date: 10th Feb 2021 @ 3:58pm

Year 2 Vlog 10.02.21, by Miss Hanton-Wise

Date: 10th Feb 2021 @ 12:46pm

Home learning Jasper's Beanstalk day 3, by Miss Mclaren

Date: 10th Feb 2021 @ 10:10am

Understanding the World


Warm up

Joe Wicks


Look at the beanstalk in the story of Jasper’s Beanstalk on the story video.

Can you build a beanstalk using different things in your house? How tall can you build it?


If you have any seeds, could you plant a seed and see how it grows?

If not, watch this video of a seed growing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ECibetK2EYI

Explain that a plant grows from a seed, it needs water and light to grow.


watch this video above, this tells you about different parts of a plant.


The video above will help you to explain what a plant needs to stay alive.


After watching these videos and maybe going to look for plants outside, can you now have a go at drawing a plant and talking about it’s different parts?

Key words to use:

Flower, leaves, stem, roots.

4. Wellbeing task

Enjoy colouring in some pictures together. Maybe you could add these to your memory box?

Year 3 home learning Wednesday 10.2.21, by Mrs McAlynn

Date: 10th Feb 2021 @ 10:09am

Good morning children! What a beautiful sunny morning it is! Here are your home learning tasks for today:

Maths: we are going to be looking at properties of 3D shapes and explore their faces, edges and vertices. We will also begin building our own 3D shapes.

English: today we are going to begin drafting our non-chronological reports about the discovery of Tutankhamun's tomb in Egypt.

Geography: we are going to be exploring some of the different signs and symbols associated with Egypt, thinking about what they mean and why they are important to the Egyptian people.

Have a fantastic day children! Mrs McAlynn, Mrs Bale and Mrs McGunigall :)

Year 5 Home Learning Wednesday 10th February 2021, by Miss Welsh

Date: 10th Feb 2021 @ 9:20am

Hope you are all keeping safe and keeping busy at homesmiley

We have uploaded a video explaining the tasks for today day. If you go onto the school spider to ask any questions you might have and you can also upload your completed work here. Also on the weekly timetable of work you will be able to find some links to videos. 


Keep logging in for the time tables battle, the last one for this half term. Who will win this week’s battle?


Don't forget to take plenty of breaks and maybe try to do some exercise or get some fresh air.

Miss Welsh, Mr Worthington, Mrs Scarisbrick, Mrs Daley and Mrs Barron smiley

Year 1 Vlog 10/02/21, by Mr Chamberlain

Date: 10th Feb 2021 @ 8:13am

F2 Wednesday 10th February 2021 Home Learning Tasks, by Miss Ward

Date: 9th Feb 2021 @ 5:40pm

Hi F2, 

Here are your activities for today: 

Literacy – Literacy Shed – ‘Tuesday’

Recap over the story ‘Tuesday’ by David Weiner The Picture Book Shed - THE LITERACY SHED

Imagine you are a different character from the story e.g. the man in the kitchen. What do you think he might say about seeing the frogs flying?

Can you write a speech bubble about what you would say if you saw the flying frogs?

Please find a worksheet attached on the School Spider.


Phonics – Consolidation

Can you practise these phonemes with the caption action ‘th, oa, air, ng, ch, sh’

Recap caption/action for the ‘ear’ grapheme. Can you write it too? Can you write some words containing this grapheme? For example: dear, fear, beard.

Can you write the sound buttons underneath each ‘ear’ word.


Maths – Money

Recap the different amounts of coins and their value. Play the Top Marks Shop game https://www.topmarks.co.uk/money/toy-shop-money

Can you make a role-play shop? Can you decide on prices of objects, what is more expensive? What is cheaper? Can you write some price tags for items in your shop?  For example: 5p for an apple.

Please find an example worksheet/template on the School Spider.


Thematic: What sounds can you hear in the Rainforest?

Listen to the story ‘Slowly, slowly said the sloth’ by Eric Carle https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lZX39Nc20Ys

Can you think of different rainforest animals that are featured in the story?

Can you create a big rainforest to save the animals using a variety of materials? What does the rainforest need? Tall trees, flowers, vines etc. using paper can you make a rainforest scene and add different animals to it.

Wellbeing Activity: Make up a dance routine or song               

Have fun and remember to post pictures of your work on Tapestry!

F2 Team


Today's Home Learning Blog Wednesday 10th February, by Miss Flynn

Date: 9th Feb 2021 @ 3:56pm

Image result for wednesday gif

Good Morning Year 6!

We hope you are all ok and enjoying  the home learning. 

Today's Tasks

Maths - Constructing Line graphs and plotting the data given (worksheet uploaded onto the school spider). Make sure you give your line graph a title and label the X and Y axis. 

English - Carrying on from yesterday you are going to be carrying on with writing your story. There is a worksheet on the school spider for you to work through. There is also two new sentence types to include so please look at the examples on the attached document on SchoolSpider.

Science- We are continuing with electricity and different types of circuits. Today's task will focus on parallel circuits.. 

Have a great day! 

Miss Flynn, Miss Houghton, Miss Rylance, Mrs Worthington and Mrs Hayes laugh

Year 4 Home Learning 09/02/2021, by Mr Woodland

Date: 9th Feb 2021 @ 2:59pm

Happy Tuesday Year 4,

Today's Home Learning tasks are in the login area and their is more detail if you watch below.

A new TTRockstars battle is also set up between the 2 classes, for you to use at home.  Mr Woodland's class won last week.

We hope you are all doing well and just message if there are any problems.

Stay safe

Mr Woodland, Miss Barron, Miss Lee and Mrs Evans

Year 4 Home Learning 08/02/2021, by Mr Woodland

Date: 9th Feb 2021 @ 2:53pm

Happy Monday Year 4,

Today's Home Learning tasks are in the login area and their is more detail if you watch below.

A new TTRockstars battle is also set up between the 2 classes, for you to use at home.  Mr Woodland's class won last week.

We hope you are all doing well and just message if there are any problems.

Stay safe

Mr Woodland, Miss Barron, Miss Lee and Mrs Evans

Year 4 Home Learning 05/02/2021, by Mr Woodland

Date: 9th Feb 2021 @ 2:48pm

Happy Friday Year 4,

Today's Home Learning tasks are in the login area and their is more detail if you watch below.

A new TTRockstars battle is also set up between the 2 classes, for you to use at home.  Mrs Barron's class won last week.

We hope you are all doing well and just message if there are any problems.

Stay safe

Mr Woodland, Miss Barron, Miss Lee and Mrs Evans

Year 2 Vlog 09.02.21, by Miss Hanton-Wise

Date: 9th Feb 2021 @ 11:12am

Year 3 Home Learning Tuesday 09.02, by Mrs Bale

Date: 9th Feb 2021 @ 10:35am

Home learning Jasper's Beanstalk day 2, by Miss Mclaren

Date: 9th Feb 2021 @ 9:31am


Warm up

Cosmic Kids Yoga



Listen to the story of Jasper’s Beanstalk, stop the story in parts of the story, asking them what they think will happen during the story and what the ending might be.



Talk about the days of the week, what did Jasper find on a Monday etc, can they order the story?

Can your child draw simple pictures of what happened on each day when the seed was planted, growing etc.


Ask your child if they can draw a picture of what they think might be at the top of the beanstalk.


Wellbeing task

Enjoy going for a walk and looking at what plants might be growing in the area.

Today's Home Learning 09.02.21, by Miss Houghton

Date: 9th Feb 2021 @ 9:12am

Image result for tuesday gif

Good Morning Year 6,

Happy Tuesday! 

We hope you are all ok and enjoying  the home learning. 

Today's Tasks

Maths - Drawing Line graphs and plotting the data given (worksheet uploaded onto the school spider). Make sure you give your line graph a title and label the X and Y axis. 

English - Carrying on from yesterday you are going to be carrying on with writing your story. There is a worksheet on the school spider for you to work through. 

Geography - Today you will be focusing on 'What is Fairtrade?' there are some links to videos on the school spider for you to watch. You will be focusing on what Fairtrade looks like in South America and creating a poster. There is then a quiz for you to complete. 

Have a great day! 

Miss Houghton, Miss Flynn, Miss Rylance, Mrs Worthington and Mrs Hayes smiley

Year 1 Vlog 09/02/21, by Mr Chamberlain

Date: 9th Feb 2021 @ 8:10am

Year 5 Home Learning Tuesday 9th February 2021, by Miss Welsh

Date: 8th Feb 2021 @ 9:17pm

Good Morning Year 5 smiley

Hope you are all ok and staying safe at home. We have uploaded a daily video explaining the activities further for you. 

Keep uploading your work, it is fantastic to see what you are doing.


The Year 5 Team 

F2 Tuesday 9th February 2021 Home Learning Tasks, by Miss Ward

Date: 8th Feb 2021 @ 5:48pm

Hi F2, 

Here are your activities for today: 

Computing – Internet Safety Day

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iwv8iAjBvpE Watch the video all about Smartie the Penguin and how to stay safe online.

Can you draw a picture of someone who you would speak to if you had any worries online. Can you write their name or a sentence too? (Please find the worksheet on the school spider)


Phonics – Consolidation

In Phonics, we are practising our Phase 2 and 3 phonemes:

Phase 2 (s, a, t, p, i, n, m, d, g, o, c, k, ck, e, u, r, h, b, f, ff, l, ll, ss)

Phase 3 (j, v, w, x, y, z, zz, qu, ch, sh, th, ng, ai, ee, igh, oa, oo, ar, or, ur, ow, oi, ear, air, ure, er).

Ask an adult to write some ‘or’ and ‘oa’ words on paper. For example: fork, thorn, horn, corn, torch, goal, coat, boat, goat, soap.

Can orally segment the words and then sort them into 2 piles – ‘or’ ‘oa’ (See video on tapestry for phonics terminology support)

Challenge - Can you write some of these words in a sentence? e.g. The goat is big.

Maths – Money

Recap different coin names and what each coin looks like (1p, 2p, 5p,10p, 20p)

Listen to the coins song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dFzAU3u06Ps

Find some different coins around your house, a crayon and a piece of paper. Can you make some coin rubbings? You might want to draw a purse or wallet they can go into.

Challenge – Can you write the value of each coin?


Thematic – What sounds can you hear in the Rainforest?

Recap the story about an Orang-utan (The video is on Tapestry – Memo).

Talk about how the animals would feel about their home being chopped down.

What do you think the animals would say?

Can you write a speech bubble of what the animals would say? For example: Do not chop down my home.



Wellbeing Activity: Make a puppet using a sock. Can you give it a name?


Have fun and remember to post pictures of your work on Tapestry!

F2 Team

Food Hampers, by Mrs Harris

Date: 8th Feb 2021 @ 2:35pm

A message for our free school meal families 😊😊😊
Food hampers have today been delivered to schoolπŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘
Please email the school office on [email protected] for collection times 
Thank you 😊

Year 3 home learning Monday 8.2.21, by Mrs McAlynn

Date: 8th Feb 2021 @ 11:04am

Good morning Year 3! We hope you have had a lovely weekend and are ready to learn lots in the final week of the half term. Here are your learning activities for today:

Maths- it is Monday which means it is Mental Maths day! Complete the questions with your family, remembering to write down any important numbers you hear as the questions are read out.

English- we are going to be learning about Non-Chronological reports this week. Read the report about sharks and see if you can answer the questions. All the answers can be found in the report!

Science- continuing with our work about Humans and other animals, we are going to be focusing on skeletons again today and thinking about how they allow us to move in different ways.

Keep working on your timetables rockstars- Mr Worthington has set up a new battle for this week, the final one of the half term!

Have a great day! Mrs McAlynn, Mrs Bale and Mrs McGunigall :)

Year 2 Vlog 08.02.21, by Miss Hanton-Wise

Date: 8th Feb 2021 @ 10:26am

Student Login