Our blogs

Safer Internet Day - Tuesday 9th February, by Mr Chamberlain

Date: 8th Feb 2021 @ 10:26am

On Tuesday 9th February it is Safer Internet Day!

At the moment we are more reliant on the internet than ever before! It is very important to keep safe online and to teach our children how to stay safe too! We need to know how to make the internet a safer place for everyone.

Tomorrow BBC Teach have a live lesson all about online safety and the issues that we may face when we're online: "we learn about how we can stay safe, responsible and wise in an increasingly digital world, with tips and advice from some of the biggest personalities on the web"

The Safer Internet Day website has lots of amazing resources for ages 3-11 about online safety, take a look! "Here you will find films, storybooks and other fun sites, with plenty of information to help you enjoy your time online and stay safe on the internet."

Have an amazing Safer Internet Day and send in any thing you do to the School Office! We'd love to see it! 
[email protected]

Home learning Jasper's Beanstalk day 1, by Miss Mclaren

Date: 8th Feb 2021 @ 9:55am

Phonics and Physical Development


Warm up

Joe Wicks



Finish the rhyme

If you have any predictable rhyme books, e.g. and Julia Donaldson books, read these to your child. I will be uploading a predictable rhyme story time too.

Use books with predictable rhymes that children are familiar with and then stop as you come to the final word in the rhyme. Invite children to complete it. Use plenty of intonation and expression as the story or rhyme is recounted.



Use tweezers and work on your fine motor skills,

You could use anything small that you have in the house or in the garden. It could be rice, pasta, beads, buttons, small blocks, shells,leaves etc.

Use your tweezers to pick up the objects and separate them into different containers.



Listen to our Jolly Phonics sounds, practice writing your s, a and t sounds.



Wellbeing task

Have a try at making a new recipe from our pop up pantry, make a video of you making it and upload it to Tapestry.

Year 1 Vlog 08/02/21, by Mr Chamberlain

Date: 8th Feb 2021 @ 8:56am

Year 5 Home Learning Monday 8th February 2021, by Miss Welsh

Date: 7th Feb 2021 @ 9:22pm

Good Morning Year 5,


Here we are, our last week before half term. Can you believe it? We hope you've had a lovely weekend and are ready for our final week ahead. 

We have uploaded a video explaining the tasks for today day. If you go onto the school spider to ask any questions you might have and you can also upload your completed work here. Also on the weekly timetable of work you will be able to find some links to videos. 

There is a new time tables battle, the last one for this half term. Who will win this week’s battle?

Don't forget to take plenty of breaks and maybe try to do some exercise or get some fresh air.

Miss Welsh, Mr Worthington, Mrs Scarisbrick, Mrs Daley and Mrs Barron smiley

Today's Home Learning Blog Monday 8th February 2021, by Miss Flynn

Date: 7th Feb 2021 @ 7:04pm

Image result for monday meme

Good Morning!!!

We hope you have had a lovely weekend! What did you get uptp?

Here is an overview of today's lessons....

Maths- interpreting line graphs

English-creating a dream-like/magical setting

History-end of half term quiz on the Mayas and you have a map to accurately label

Have a lovely day!

Don't forget to send in pictures of anything fun you get up to :)

Miss Flynn, Miss Houghton, Mrs Worthington, Miss Rylance and Mrs Hayes laugh

F2 Monday 8th February 2021 Home Learning Tasks, by Miss Ward

Date: 7th Feb 2021 @ 11:39am

Hi F2,

We hope you have had a lovely weekend. Here are today's activities: 

Literacy – Literacy Shed – ‘Tuesday’

Watch ‘Tuesday’ by David Weiner  The Picture Book Shed - THE LITERACY SHED

Explain to children that this story doesn’t have any words. How are we going to know what is happening without words? Discuss what happened in the video – beginning, middle and end. Role-play the story. What happens at the very end? Where might they go?

Draw a picture of the frogs and where they might go can you write a caption for the drawing?


Phonics – Consolidation

In Phonics, we are practising our Phase 2 and 3 phonemes:

Phase 2 (s, a, t, p, i, n, m, d, g, o, c, k, ck, e, u, r, h, b, f, ff, l, ll, ss)

Phase 3 (j, v, w, x, y, z, zz, qu, ch, sh, th, ng, ai, ee, igh, oa, oo, ar, or, ur, ow, oi, ear, air, ure, er).

Recap caption/action for the ‘th’ grapheme. Can you write it too? Can you write some words containing the ‘th’ grapheme?


Maths – Money

Recap different coin names and what each coin looks like (1p, 2p, 5p,10p, 20p)

Have a look at some coins that you might have at home. Talk about when we use coins and when we might spend them. When might we choose to keep them in our purses/wallets instead of spending them?

Can you draw some different coins and write the amounts too?

RE: Jesus heals a man at the pool of Bethesda

Read the story - Cure of the man at the pool. Talk about how Jesus helped a person who was ill and how he healed him. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y1cykPOiMuY

Key Questions

Where did Jesus go? Who did he see? Why were the people there? What were they waiting for? What was going to happen? Who did Jesus speak to? What did he say to him? What happened next?

Write simple sentences/phrases for different ways they could help the sick e.g. We can send flowers.

Watch another of Jesus’ miracles of how he heals a man born blind. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X4qZ2KSbdxI

Key Questions – What did Jesus do with the mud? What happened when the man washed the mud away?

Wellbeing Activity: Go for a walk can you collect some twigs and make a picture using them?


Have fun and remember to post pictures of your work on Tapestry!

F2 Team

Year 2 Vlog 05.02.21, by Miss Hanton-Wise

Date: 5th Feb 2021 @ 1:20pm

TT Rockstars Demonstration Video, by Mrs Harris

Date: 5th Feb 2021 @ 12:04pm

The wonderful Faith demonstrating how to access TT Rockstars 😍

Pop up Pantry, by Mrs Harris

Date: 5th Feb 2021 @ 11:59am

Pop up Pantry will be open 10am - 1pm today

We have had a fresh produce delivery this morning, our school families are encouraged to come and collect today 😊😊😊

Home learning Keeping healthy and Growing day 5, by Miss Mclaren

Date: 5th Feb 2021 @ 10:35am

Hi Preschool, keep doing your amazing work and uploading when you can.

Start off today with a warm up with Joe Wicks

Today we are focusing on  Expressive art and design


Today we will be thinking about different patterns and prints we can make using different objects.

If you have any left over fruit that you will not be using and some paint, have a go at printing using different fruits.

If you don’ have paint but you have food colouring you can mix a small amount of flour and water together with the food colouring so it’s a very wet consistency and try painting with that. Can you make a pattern?

What do you notice? If it is an apple can you see the seeds?

An orange/tangerine can you see the segments?

If you are unable to do the painting, try having a go at drawing the Hungry caterpillar and the beautiful butterfly. Can you create a pattern for the caterpillars body using different colours?


Egg box caterpillar,

Can you make a caterpillar using an egg box and some resources from the garden/park or from around your house? Glue on some eyes and antenna and legs.


Well being activity

Make a fruit pizza, using a biscuit as a base and then adding on top your favorite fruit, I like using strawberries and grapes.

Have fun and have a loveky weekend. 

Year 3 home learning Friday 5.2.21, by Mrs McAlynn

Date: 5th Feb 2021 @ 10:20am

Good morning Year 3! We have come to the end of another busy week and are so proud of all the super work you have completed this week.

Here are your home learning tasks for today:

Maths- we are finishing off our work on mass this week by exploring problem including addition and subtraction of mass. Remember to look carefully at the unit of measure that is being used and remember that 1000g = 1kg.

English- we would like you to complete your poster, comparing modern Egypt and Ancient Egypt. When your poster is finished, prepare a presentation to share with your family what you have found out- you could even video your presentation and send it to your teachers!

Art- this afternoon we will be starting to make our African Masks. Hopefully you will have come to school earlier in the week to collect your resource pack so that you have all the things you need. Please follow Mrs McAlynn's step-by-step videos on our school Youtube to complete your mask. We can't wait to see photos of your finished artwork- please keep it safe and bring it in class when we return to school so that we can add it to our wall display.

The timestables rockstars battle is very close this week! Keep practising and winning lots of points for your team!

Have a lovely weekend children- speak to you on Monday.

Mrs McAlynn, Mrs Fitzgerald and Mrs McGunigall :)

Today's Home Learning Blog Friday 5th February 2021, by Miss Flynn

Date: 5th Feb 2021 @ 9:35am

Image result for happy friday gif

Good Morning!!!

Happy Friday!!

Here is an overview of today's lessons....

Maths- Please complete the algebra booklet attached to SchoolSpider- there is a PowerPoint to support.

English- Please read/listen to chapter 10 and complete the activity outlined on SchoolSpider

RE- Explore and understand the Penitential Act and complete the activities on SchoolSpider.

Have a lovely weekend!!

Don't forget to send in pictures of anything fun you get up to :)

Miss Flynn, Miss Houghton, Mrs Worthington, Miss Rylance and Mrs Hayes laugh

Year 1 Vlog 05/02/21, by Mr Chamberlain

Date: 5th Feb 2021 @ 8:21am

F2 Friday 5th February 2021 Home Learning Tasks, by Miss Ward

Date: 4th Feb 2021 @ 7:29pm

Hi F2,

Here are today's activities: 

Literacy – Alliteration

Write and sing the alphabet with someone at home.

Can you think of something that begins with each letter of the alphabet? For example: c –cat, f- frog, a – ant etc.

Complete the worksheet attached on the School Spider.

Challenge: Can you make a ‘Silly Soup’ of words all beginning with the same letter? For example: Dan danced dinosaurs.

Phonics – Consolidation

In Phonics, we are practising our Phase 2 and 3 phonemes:

Phase 2 (s, a, t, p, i, n, m, d, g, o, c, k, ck, e, u, r, h, b, f, ff, l, ll, ss)

Phase 3 (j, v, w, x, y, z, zz, qu, ch, sh, th, ng, ai, ee, igh, oa, oo, ar, or, ur, ow, oi, ear, air, ure, er).

Look at a picture of a woodland scene https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/assets/resources/shared/pdf-thumbnails/printables-scene-woodland.jpg and can you write words for some of the objects you can see?

Challenge- Can you write some of these words in a caption. I see a fox.

Maths – Halving Objects

Join in with the video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OYMBQ92RoVw

Can you match the halves of the objects to make a whole on the worksheet?

Challenge – Can you draw your own object and cut it into two halves.


PSED: Lost and Found

Go on to Tapestry (Memo). Watch Miss Kealey’s video reading the story ‘Lost and Found’.

Look at the front cover of the book – how are the characters feeling? Why?

Read through the story. What does it mean to be lonely? Have you ever felt lonely before? Did anyone make you feel better? How do you know if someone is feeling lonely? What could you do to make them feel better? Talk about friendship in school.

Activity: Draw around your hand. On each finger can you write a name of someone you could talk to if you felt lonely? Can you decorate your handprint too.

Challenge - Write a sentence about what you could do if you or your friend was feeling lonely.


We have started uploading videos of stories on Tapestry (Memo). In addition, there is a video on Tapestry explaining some Phonics terminology.

This week is Children’s Mental Health Week there are lots of activities that you can do on https://www.childrensmentalhealthweek.org.uk/ Place 2B website.

Wellbeing Activity: Play a game. For example: jigsaw, musical statues, board game.


Have fun and remember to post pictures of your work on Tapestry!

F2 Team


Activity packs for children not attending school during the current lockdown, by Mrs Harris

Date: 4th Feb 2021 @ 4:54pm

If your child is not attending school right now and are accessing home learning, please collect an activity pack from the multi practical room tomorrow  Friday 5 February at 10 - 11am and 2 - 3pm


Home learning Keeping healthy and Growing day 4, by Miss Mclaren

Date: 4th Feb 2021 @ 11:21am

Hi Preschool, hope you are enjoying doing all of our activities.

Have a try at starting today with your Cosmic Kids Yoga. 

Today we are focusing on maths.




Today we will be thinking about the days of the week.

Listen to the days of the week song and see if you can recognise any of them.




Now we are going to think about the different food the caterpillar at on each day of the week.


If you are able to draw the different fruits and make labels for the days of the week, encourage your child to place the food in the correct order, on the correct day. Focus on Monday –Friday thinking about the amounts.

1 apple

2  pears

3 plums

4 strawberries

5 oranges



Once you have ordered them correctly have a try at writing out your numbers 1-5.

The number rhymes I posted on Tapestry will help with this.

If you are able, draw the correct amount of fruits with each number, can just be coloured circles or dots or lines.



If you still have the exploratory tray out,from yesterday or would like to make one, ask your child to make a caterpillar using 3 pieces of cucumber/paper whatever you have then ask them to pick a number card and make a caterpillar using the correct amount of circles that correlates to the card.


Well being activity

Draw a picture of you and your family and place it in the memory box. Make sure you ask what colour eyes and hair you and your family have.

Year 3 home learning Thursday 4.2.21, by Mrs McAlynn

Date: 4th Feb 2021 @ 10:11am

Good morning year 3! We hope you are having a good week! Today's learning tasks are uploaded for you on school spider :)

Maths- today we are carrying on with our work on mass and will be ordering objects from heaviest to lightest, and using the < and > symbols to compare.

English- today you will be creating an information poster to show what you have found out in your research about Ancient Egypt and modern day Egypt.

History- we will be learning about what everyday life was like for an Egyptian person. What kind of activities would they have done throughout the day- are any of them similar to things that you do? Imagine that you are an Ancient Egyptian child and write a diary entry about your day.

The timestable rockstars battle is very close this week- keep logging on each day to practise and win more points for your team!

Have a great day! Mrs McAlynn, Mrs Fitzgerald and Mrs McGunigall  :)

Year 2 Vlog 04.02.21, by Miss Hanton-Wise

Date: 4th Feb 2021 @ 10:08am

Today's Home Learning 04.02.21, by Miss Houghton

Date: 4th Feb 2021 @ 9:05am

Image result for good morning gif

Good Morning Year 6, 

Happy Thursday! 

Hope you are all ok and keeping safe! 

A brief outline of today's tasks 


Listen again to the end of Chapter 9

The Plan.

In your own words explain the plan that Finn, Clovis and Maia have hatched.

You need to understand the plan – who is involved, what they are going to do and how this looks to others. Imagine you are Finn and you are faced with the task of explaining the plan to others.

Imagining you are Finn…write down the plan to send Clovis back to England so he can stay in the Amazon.


Forming Equations - Algebra. A PowerPoint is uploaded onto the school spider for you to work through. 


Today you will look at some of the work of Mexican artist, Frida Kahlo’s artwork.

On the PowerPoint attached you will find several images of her work. 

Create a short factfile about who she was, note key information about her life and some key points about her style of artwork.


Have a great day! 

Miss Houghton, Miss Flynn, Miss Rylance, Mrs Worthington and Mrs Hayes smiley


Year 4 Home Learning 04/02/2021, by Mr Woodland

Date: 4th Feb 2021 @ 8:54am

Happy Thursday Year 4,

Today's Home Learning tasks are in the login area and their is more detail if you watch below.

A new TTRockstars battle is also set up between the 2 classes, for you to use at home.  Mrs Barron's class won last week.

We hope you are all doing well and just message if there are any problems.

Stay safe

Mr Woodland, Miss Barron, Miss Lee and Mrs Evans

Year 4 Home Learning 03/02/2021, by Mr Woodland

Date: 4th Feb 2021 @ 8:49am

Happy Wednesday Year 4,

Today's Home Learning tasks are in the login area and their is more detail if you watch below.

A new TTRockstars battle is also set up between the 2 classes, for you to use at home.  Mrs Barron's class won last week.

We hope you are all doing well and just message if there are any problems.

Stay safe

Mr Woodland, Miss Barron, Miss Lee and Mrs Evans

Year 5 Home Learning Thursday 4th February 2021, by Miss Welsh

Date: 4th Feb 2021 @ 8:36am

Good Morning Year 5 smiley

Hope you are all ok and staying safe at home. We have uploaded a daily video explaining the activities further for you. 

Keep uploading your work, it is fantastic to see what you are doing.

Have a lovely day, have a go at the wellbeing activities it is important to do both your school work and enjoy time with your family.

Don't forget to go on the rockstars website (just let us know on the school spider if you need your log in). https://play.ttrockstars.com/auth/school. The battle is going strong, which class will be champions this week?

Miss Welsh, Mr Worthington, Mrs Scarisbrick, Mrs Daley and Mrs Barron smiley

Year 1 Vlog 04/02/21, by Mr Chamberlain

Date: 4th Feb 2021 @ 8:17am

F2 Thursday 4th February 2021 Home Learning Tasks, by Miss Ward

Date: 3rd Feb 2021 @ 5:38pm

Hi F2, 

Here are today's activities:

Literacy – Alliteration

Listen to the story (Akira’s Animal Alphabet Alliterations) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O-IpfL1uCgc

Can you think of any more alliterative animal phrases? E.g. blue bird, green grasshopper, ruby ring.

Can you write an alliterative poem all about animals or objects? It doesn’t have to rhyme.

For example: I can see a blue bird.

I can see a big brown bear.

I have a ruby red ring.


Phonics – Consolidation

In Phonics, we are practising our Phase 2 and 3 phonemes:

Phase 2 (s, a, t, p, i, n, m, d, g, o, c, k, ck, e, u, r, h, b, f, ff, l, ll, ss)

Phase 3 (j, v, w, x, y, z, zz, qu, ch, sh, th, ng, ai, ee, igh, oa, oo, ar, or, ur, ow, oi, ear, air, ure, er).

Play a game of splat the sound. Can you write some of your Phase 2 and 3 sounds on paper and have an adult say a sound. Can you splat it with your hand?

Challenge – can you write a word containing that sound?


Maths – Halving

Watch and join in with the lesson about halving https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/understanding-the-concept-of-half-part-1-ccvp8t  

Can you complete the worksheet all about halving? (You will find this on the School Spider)

Thematic: What sounds can you hear in the rainforest?

Go on to Tapestry (Memo). Watch Miss Kealey’s video reading a story all about an Orang-utan.

Talk to children about the issues the rainforest animals are facing due to the trees being cut down and their habitat destroyed.

Can you use a range of materials to make a ‘Save our rainforest’ poster, think about what you could write on the poster.


We have started uploading videos of stories on Tapestry (Memo). In addition, there is a video on Tapestry explaining some Phonics terminology.

This week is Children’s Mental Health Week there are lots of activities that you can do on https://www.childrensmentalhealthweek.org.uk/ Place 2B website.


Wellbeing Activity: Play a game of hide and seek with your family

Have fun and remember to post pictures of your work on Tapestry!

F2 Team

Year 2 Vlog 03.02.21, by Miss Hanton-Wise

Date: 3rd Feb 2021 @ 4:18pm

Student Login