Our blogs
Tuesday 5th October 21: Yr3- Stone Age Boy, by Mr Glen
Date: 5th Oct 2021 @ 3:02pm
Tuesday 5th October 21: Yr3- Stone Age Boy
Yr3 were brilliant today. We recapped on the last session, where they carefully listened to the next part of the development of the project and could answer questions that were posed in our agreed format. They followed all instructions and they have started to recognise when it is need to ask for additional information or clarification.
We started green screen filming of the book “Stone Age Boy”, were the children had to become different elements in the story (Tree, animals, ETC) they all move together and how to participate in a role.
They had to rehearse reading the stories aloud, which we then recorded to create the beginning of our audio track for the film.
Everyone today participate in role play tasks, showing an understanding of
character by choosing body language or inflection in their voices to indicate a person’s emotions in the story.
Everyone took direction extremely well today, and I was amazed at how well the performed and waited as each scene was filmed or set up.
Excellent work again from both groups as they used body language and the inflection of their voices to communicate to the audience. Next week we will continue to film the rest of the book, and audio narration to film.
Year 5 Weekly Spellings 04.10.21, by Miss Flynn
Date: 3rd Oct 2021 @ 4:16pm
Year 1 - Acting Annie & Annie-Rose, by Mr Chamberlain
Date: 30th Sep 2021 @ 8:41pm
Our English book for the start of the year has been Alfie Gets in First, the children have been fantastic at sequencing the story, working out the beginning, middle, and end, as well as beginning to use time adverbials such as firstly, next, after that, and lastly to describe what happens in the story! They also impressed with their amazing acting too, and put on a great performance of the story!
Year 1 - Plant Hunters, by Mr Chamberlain
Date: 30th Sep 2021 @ 8:35pm
Our first topic this year in Science is learning all about plants, and to begin we started with a plant hunt around the school! The children explored to find the plants and ticked off all the ones they could find, well done plant hunters!
Year 1 - Measuring fun!, by Mr Chamberlain
Date: 30th Sep 2021 @ 8:29pm
Last week in Year 1 we learnt all about measuring, and all the different ways we could measure length and height. The children loved measuring using cubes and paperclips, but especially loved measuring length using their handspans! We've even begun using rulers to measure using centimetres, well done Year 1!
Thursday 30th September 21: Yr6- The Wolf Wilder, by Mr Glen
Date: 30th Sep 2021 @ 3:25pm
Thursday 30th September 21: Yr6- The Wolf Wilder
Two exceptional session with Yr6 today. I was absolutely amazed at the level of work from both classes, and their input and creativity. We continued exploring back story of “The Wolf Wilder” and the subtext, set in the beginnings of the Russian revolution. The class listened very carefully and made fantastic contributions to the lesson or asked relevant questions on the topic, which help the group move one together. They activity engaged in the questioning and gave their own structed opinions and thoughts based on their learnt knowledge in the groups they were split in to and demonstrated brilliant team work and communication skills and all completed the tasks set. Next week we will be looking in to the setting (blocking) for our silent movie, based on the text. Excellent work by all.
Wednesday 29th September 21: Yr5- Ice trap- Shackleton, by Mr Glen
Date: 30th Sep 2021 @ 8:42am
Wednesday 29th September 21: Yr5- Ice trap- Shackleton’s Incredible Expedition
Two amazing sessions with year 5 today. We continued exploring the incredible expedition made by Sir Ernest Shackleton, where the class listened very carefully and made contributions to the lesson or asked relevant questions on the topic. They activity engaged in the questioning and gave their own structed opinions and thoughts based on their learnt knowledge. Our warm up game “Shackleton” is designed to warm up the body and the mind, as it helps the children focus on the tasks and the subject matter. All of the children then took part in the 3rd draft reading of our script and they contributed and collaborated in the editing of the script to make it more suitable to the speech of a Yr5. I was totally blown away in how supportive the classes were with each other and help others with words or with other needs in the group.
Excellent work year 5, next week we start filming.
Tuesday 28th September 21: Yr3- Stone Age Boy, by Mr Glen
Date: 28th Sep 2021 @ 3:10pm
Tuesday 28th September 21: Yr3- Stone Age Boy
Yr3 were brilliant today. We learnt more about the time period and recapped on the last session, where they carefully listened to the next part of the development of the project and could answer questions in the agreed format. They followed all instructions and they have started to recognise when it is need to ask for additional information or clarification.
We played our warm up game, that is designed to increase listening skills and to help children in the decision-making process and to get them focused on the task ahead.
We started a blocking rehearsal of the book “Stone Age Boy”, were the children had to become different elements in the story (Tree, animals, ETC) and we looked at how they move together and how to participate in a role. This was then peer evaluated with WWW (what went well) and EBi (even better if..). From this the children are learning how to use feedback to improve their performance.
Excellent work again from both groups as they used body language and the inflection of their voices to communicate to the audience. Next week we will start to block out the rest of the book, and start to film.
Year 5 Spelling Homework 27.9.21, by Miss Flynn
Date: 26th Sep 2021 @ 12:07pm
New to F2 September 2021, by Mrs Harris
Date: 25th Sep 2021 @ 11:06pm
New to F2
The children in Foundation 2 have had a brilliant few weeks settling into school ?
They have loved exploring the outdoor area, singing songs ? ? dancing ?? and joining in with lots of different activities in the classroom.
We are all looking forward to the year ahead! A super start F2!
New to F1 September 2021, by Mrs Harris
Date: 25th Sep 2021 @ 11:02pm
F1 2s
The children have all started to settle in really well ? We are loving getting to know the children and their little personalities ???
Music ? and song ? time has been a big hit within the 2 year old room
The children have been keen to join in and have enjoyed showing us some of their own dance moves ????
We are slowly starting to introduce circle time and have some topics in place to explore, which will bring about some exciting new activities ?
Last week we enjoyed:
•sand / water play
•puddle splashing out on the big playground & visit to edible garden
•musical instruments and dancing to the music
School Council 2021, by Mrs Harris
Date: 25th Sep 2021 @ 10:59pm
“I have learned you are never too small to make a difference.” - Greta Thunberg
What is School Council?
The School Council is a group of children who meet regularly to discuss issues within the school. There is one Children’s School Councillor from each class in F2, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2.
Why do we have a Children’s School Council?
•To empower children to have a voice.
•To improve the school according to the children's point of view.
•To make sure each class has a platform to voice their opinions.
•To discuss and raise issues.
Our School Council representatives
F2 - Orla and Teddy
Year 1 - Zain and Zofia
Year 2 - Ollie, Thea and Halle
Year 3 - Martyna and Mason
Year 4 - Owen and Katelyn
Year 5 - Olivia and Noah
Year 6 - Liam and Aeva
Yr 6 Drama Club 23rd September 21, by Mr Glen
Date: 24th Sep 2021 @ 3:18pm
Absolutely brilliant 1st session with year 6 tonight. We played some games and started to look and act out three different Pantomimes. Amazingly silly fun
Friday 24th September21: Yr4- Escape from Pompeii, by Mr Glen
Date: 24th Sep 2021 @ 1:57pm
Friday 24th September21: Yr4- Escape from Pompeii
We had our third sessions on Pompeii today with Yr4. We started with a warm up and a game and then we looked at current news reports from the volcanic eruption in the Canary Islands and compared them to the event in Pompeii in 79AD. Each class had to divide in to four/five groups and they had to create a live BBC news report of the events in Pompeii during the eruption. Each person interviewed had to have a “back story” and a real name from Pompeii and put a back story to their newly created character. Good strong work from Yr4 cannot wait for next weeks session. Well done Yr4
F2 - Development Matters 2021, by Mrs Harris
Date: 23rd Sep 2021 @ 10:21pm
In July the DfE published a revised version of Development Matters, the government's non-statutory curriculum guidance for the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS).
The DfE have stated that changes to content are minor and providers will not need to alter any planning based on the September 2020 version that they may have already made.
You can download your own copy here ??????
"Minor changes include: updated links, making minor tweaks to wording for clarification purposes, updates to the Introduction and Characteristics of Effective Teaching and Learning sections to ensure the wording is aligned with the aims of the reforms and reflects the most recent research and evidence ensuring the document is accessible, inclusive, and easier to navigate which includes a new design, layout and colour coding.
No major changes have been made to the curriculum guidance under the seven areas of learning and therefore this update should not impact planning based on the early adopter version of Development Matters."
Tuesday 21st September 21: Drama Club Yr5, by Mr Glen
Date: 23rd Sep 2021 @ 3:21pm
Thursday 23rd September 21: Yr1- Allan's Big Scary Teeth, by Mr Glen
Date: 23rd Sep 2021 @ 3:19pm
Thursday 23rd September 21: Yr1- Allan's Big Scary Teeth
Today was another brilliant session with Yr1 and they loved it. We did our warm up song We played some listening games (Musical Statues) and read our book “Alan's Big Scary Teeth”. The children could recall items from the story and even remembered extra bits from the pictures.So proud of them and they all worked so hard and were brilliant. I also had some of the children up to lead the songs and dances (Josie, Ava, Zain, Ivy, Eliza) and Baby Shark was simply amazing. We finish as we always do with "Hop little Bunnies". Absolutly love Thursday Afternoons.
Thursday 23rd September 21: Yr6- The Wolf Wilder, by Mr Glen
Date: 23rd Sep 2021 @ 12:53pm
Thursday 23rd September 21: Yr6- The Wolf Wilder
Today Yr6 work really hard and were all totally brilliant. It was the second time that we had the class together in two sessions (one for each class) and they were amazing. We looked at the text and the themes of the book, and also at the sub-text of the story and got them to recall key points in the book. After a warm up and a game, we started to explore the idea of status and who it changes throughout the book. We broke out in to group and start to construct our descriptive words, which will form the basis of our soundscape. As we are still reading the book, we speculated on the possible outcome in the chapters to come. Yr6 listened extremely well to the instructions and everyone worked hard and joined in, with a lot of laughs too. Excellent work!!
Wednesday 22nd September 21: Yr5- Ice trap- Shackleton, by Mr Glen
Date: 22nd Sep 2021 @ 12:49pm
Wednesday 22nd September 21: Yr5- Ice trap- Shackleton’s Incredible Expedition
Two amazing sessions with year 5 today. After the children had warmed up and played our new game “Shackleton” based on the game “Pirates”, they continued to explore the incredible expedition made by Sir Ernest Shackleton using video clips and sound recordings. The children then sat together and started looking at a scripted piece. Following this, the children participated in their first “read through” in preparation for a class performance later this month.
There was excellent reading and great concentration from all today!
The children also created their own word banks using a range of descriptive language. These will form the basis of their “soundscape” .
Well done year 5!!
Tuesday 21st September 21: F2- singing, Dancing and stories, by Mr Glen
Date: 22nd Sep 2021 @ 8:53am
Tuesday 21st September 21: F2- singing, Dancing and stories
Today F2 had their third drama session. They warmed up to "Five little Joey's" and played a fun game of "Rockets".
The session then focused on this week's story- "Alan's Big, Scary Teeth", which the children really enjoyed listening to. The children then got into character and acted out freeze frames from the text. The children worked really hard and produced some fantastic freeze frames! Well done F2!
Tuesday 21st September 21: Yr3- Stone Age Boy, by Mr Glen
Date: 22nd Sep 2021 @ 8:46am
Tuesday 21st September 21: Year 3- Stone Age Boy
Year 3 were brilliant today! The children started the session by learning more about 'The Stone Age' and recapped what was covered in their previous session. The children discussed the evolution of the 'cave man' to the 'modern man' and recreated this transition as they walked around the room.
The children were then given different scenarios that they had to cast and direct themselves, the children had to act out the scenarios without using any language and the rest of the class had to guess what they were doing. Both groups used body language to communicate to their audience. Next week we will start using the text to create a short script to perform.
Good work today everyone! Pictures to follow.....
Monday 20th September 21: F1- Fun with Friends, by Mr Glen
Date: 22nd Sep 2021 @ 8:45am
Monday 20th September 21: F1- Fun with Friends
Today we had our first drama sessions with the children in F1 and they were absolutely wonderful! We had two sessions, the first in the morning and the second in the afternoon. We got to know each other through games, dancing, stories and song. We had such a great time, I can’t wait for next week! Pictures to follow........
Weekly Spellings, by Miss Flynn
Date: 19th Sep 2021 @ 1:04pm
Thursday 16th September 21: Yr1- Alfie and Annie-Rose Stories, by Mr Glen
Date: 17th Sep 2021 @ 8:29am
Thursday 16th September 21: Yr1- Alfie and Annie-Rose Stories
Today was the second session with Yr1 and they loved it.
The children warmed up with a song and dancedto “Rock your Bear”. The children then played some listening games and listened to “Alfie gets in First”. The children could recall items from the story and even remembered extra bits from the pictures!
All the children were brilliant and worked really hard! Well done Year 1!
Thursday 16th September 21: Yr6- The Wolf Wilder, by Mr Glen
Date: 17th Sep 2021 @ 8:28am
Thursday 16th September 21: Year 6- The Wolf Wilder
Today Year 6 worked really hard. The children began their session by discussing the themes of the book and the sub-text of the story. After some warm up games, the children started to move around the room and created a moving tableau of the riot in St Petersburg. Yr6 listened extremely well to the instructions, everyone worked hard and all children joined in. There was a lot of laughing too! Excellent work!!