Our blogs
F2B - Easter Egg Hunt, by Miss Kealey
Date: 31st Mar 2021 @ 4:25pm
F2 have had a brilliant week getting ready to celebrate Easter. Today, we went on an Easter Egg Hunt around our playground. It was lots of fun!
We hope you all have a fun and restful half term!
Miss Kealey and Miss Topping
F2A Easter Egg Hunt, by Miss Ward
Date: 31st Mar 2021 @ 4:19pm
We have had lots of fun this afternoon on our Easter egg hunt in the playground!
Year 1 - Clay Pinch Pots, by Mr Chamberlain
Date: 24th Mar 2021 @ 4:20pm
Year 1 had a great time today making clay pinch pots! Inspired by artist Alice Ballard, we created the pinch pots to represent a rock pool, like in our English text Lula and the Sea Monster!
March 2021 - Return to School, by Mrs Harris
Date: 12th Mar 2021 @ 12:25pm
Dear Parents and Carers
A very warm ‘Welcome Back to School.’ It has been so lovely to see all the children and families return to school after months in lockdown.
The children settled in well and were happy to see their friends and teachers. We are looking forward to supporting our children for the remainder of the academic year and enabling each pupil to reach their full potential.
We need to ensure we are all still following government guidelines and I would like to remind parents that masks must be worn on school premises at all times. If you are exempt, please indicate this to staff.
We have heard children sharing news that they have been to each other’s houses for tea and to play. Please can I remind parents that this is not yet allowed and households are not permitted to mix. We really need to work together to ensure we are still preventing the risk of infection across the community so that we can have a safe lifting and easing of restrictions. I know we are all looking forward to a summer when we can all see our families and friends again and enjoy life as it was before Covid-19!!!
We are really looking forward to being able to share events in school as rules are relaxed and guidance allows us to widen our activities.
I have attached an overview of the key dates and easing of restrictions so I hope this is helpful.
If you have any concerns or queries, please contact the school office.
Take care and keep safe.
World Book Day 2021, by Mrs Harris
Date: 5th Mar 2021 @ 12:25pm
Home learning Animals day 5, by Miss Mclaren
Date: 5th Mar 2021 @ 10:47am
Hi Preschool,
We are all looking forward to seeing you back in school next week.
For today we are completing some maths activities.
Warm up
Joe Wicks
Look at different 2D shapes.
play shape monster game.
If you have any paper, cut out some shapes, hide them around the room and ask your child to find them.
Then get out some everyday objects that are 2D shapes,
Encourage your child to match the cut out shape to the everyday object. Let the investigate the
Go on a shape hunt around your house, can they find any other objects in the home that are 2D shapes?
If you have building blocks encourage your child to make different 2D shapes using the blocks.
Today's Home Learning 05.03.21, by Miss Houghton
Date: 5th Mar 2021 @ 9:36am
Good Morning Year 6,
Only one more day of home learning!! We can't wait to see you all back in school on Monday.
We hope you all had a lovely World Book Day and enjoyed the tasks Miss Flynn uploaded.
Watch today's video to find out what your activities of the day are.
Miss Houghton, Miss Flynn, Miss Rylance, Mrs Worthington and Mrs Hayes
Year 1 Vlog 05/03/21, by Mr Chamberlain
Date: 5th Mar 2021 @ 8:14am
F2 Friday 5th March 2021 Home Learning Tasks, by Miss Ward
Date: 5th Mar 2021 @ 7:47am
Hi F2,
Here are the activities for today:
Literacy – Speech Bubble
Play a listening game on Phonics Play. The children need to listen to the animal noise and select the correct animal. https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/resources/phase/1/welcome-to-the-zoo
Think about what the animals might say on the farm in the story. Would they be happy with a lazy farmer?
Write a speech bubble as an animal on the farm. How do you think they feel? What might they say?
Phonics: Spellings and Tricky Words
Practise phase 3 tricky words (her, me, we, they)
Spelling test (be, we, me, all)
Play a phase 4 game on Phonics Play https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/resources/phase/4
Maths – Time
Practise counting using the splat square https://www.topmarks.co.uk/learning-to-count/paint-the-squares For example – counting 1-20 forwards and backwards, counting in 10’s, counting in 2’s, one more, one less, missing numbers.
Can you make different o’clock times on a clock using a clock you have at home or on the top marks game https://www.topmarks.co.uk/time/teaching-clock
Using either, card, cardboard, or a paper plate, can you make your own clock at home.
Challenge: You might want to use it to help you complete a worksheet on school spider.
PSED: Healthy Foods
Listen to the story ‘I will not ever eat a tomato’. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P3CdrVN3kgE
Why do we need to eat healthy foods? What is the big problem in the story? What did Lola learn in the end?
What foods should we eat every day and what foods should we only eat sometimes?
What kinds of foods do you eat?
Can you use the worksheet on School Spider to help create a healthy lunch for Eddy and Ronnie (our class bears). Can you draw the food and label it?
Wellbeing Activity: Play a game with a friend or family member. This might be a favourite card / board game or a new game that you have never played before. Could you make up your own game too?
Have fun and remember to post pictures of your work on Tapestry!
F2 Team
Year 5 Home Learning Friday 5th March 2021, by Miss Welsh
Date: 4th Mar 2021 @ 9:56pm
Good FRI- YAY Year 5!
This is our last home learning video, we are all so excited and ready for us all to be back together!
We have uploaded a video explaining the final tasks for today day. If you go onto the school spider to ask any questions you might have and you can also upload your completed work here. Also on the weekly timetable of work you will be able to find some links to videos.
Don't forget to take plenty of breaks and maybe try to do some exercise or get some fresh air.
We will see you all on Monday morning. We can not wait!!
Miss Welsh, Mr Worthington, Mrs Scarisbrick, Mrs Daley and Mrs Barron
F2A World Book Day, by Miss Ward
Date: 4th Mar 2021 @ 4:58pm
We have had a fantastic day celebrating ‘World Book Day’ today!
We all loved dressing up as our favourite character from a book. What characters can you spot?
We have enjoyed reading lots of different stories, joined in with quizzes, created puppet shows and created own book covers!
F2B - World Book Day 2021, by Miss Kealey
Date: 4th Mar 2021 @ 4:28pm
F2B have had a brilliant day celebrating ‘World Book Day’!
The children loved dressing up as their favourite characters and showing off their costumes.
We read lots of different stories, joined in with quizzes, created puppet shows and role played our favourite stories as well as so much more!
What a fun day!
Home learning Animals day 4, by Miss Mclaren
Date: 4th Mar 2021 @ 10:45am
Today is World Book Day!
Your teachers have dressed up as characters from our book Rumble in the Jungle.
Mrs McLaren is a cheeky monkey
Mrs Jones is an elephant
Mrs Hayes is an elephant too.
Miss Williams is a giraffe.
Miss Walker is a leopard.
Miss Houlihan is a lion and Miss Gordon is a leopard.
Can you make a costume or dress up as a character from a book?
Can you draw your favourite character and write the initial sound for your character?
Can you make a jungle animal mask?Can you sit and read your favourite book with your family?
Year 1 Vlog 04/03/21, by Mr Chamberlain
Date: 4th Mar 2021 @ 8:44am
Year 5 Home Learning Thursday 4th March 2021, by Miss Welsh
Date: 4th Mar 2021 @ 8:35am
Good Morning Everyone!!
Happy World Book Day!
Today's Online Learning will be a bit different. Instead of our ususal timetable, today we will be completing a number of World Book Day activities.
We have attached videos and activities for you to complete at home.
Below is a rough timetable of the day- whilst at home you can complete the activities in any order that you wish.
Don't forget to upload any work you complete and remember to show off your costume if you have decided to dress up! You can upload a picture to SchoolSpider or send them to the school office email!
World Book Day
Assembly and Quiz. (Uploaded to SchoolSpider) There is then a link for you to choose a story to listen to either by yourself or with your family.
Watch Bookman Powerpoint uploaded to SchoolSpider
'Fiction Fusion'
Merge two of your favourite stories together to create a new one. Write short story and then create a front cover and blurb.
There are also lots of other events on the World Book Day website. See the whole school blog on our school website for links.
World book day Maths and also a chance for you to become an author and create your own story.
Don’t forget to upload your work and pictures dressed up.
The Year 5 Team
Today's Home Learning Blog Thursday 4th March 2021, by Miss Flynn
Date: 3rd Mar 2021 @ 11:18pm
Good Morning Everyone!!
Happy World Book Day!
Today's Online Learning will be a bit different. Instead of our ususal timetable, today we will be completing a number of World Book Day activities.
We have attached videos and activities for you to complete at home.
Below is a rough timetable of the day- whilst at home you can complete the activities in any order that you wish.
Don't forget to upload any work you complete and remember to show off your costume if you have decided to dress up! You can upload a picture to SchoolSpider or send them to the school office email!
World Book Day
Assembly and Quiz. (Uploaded to SchoolSpider) There is then a link for you to choose a story to listen to either by yourself or with your family.
Bringing Books to life (30 minute live)
11(ish) am
11.30 until Lunchtime
Bookman introduction video
PowerPoint- 'Open a Book'
Powerpoint with the beginning of a poem written....can you write the rest? Complete Open Book Wksheet attached to SchoolSpider
1.30pm -
Watch Bookman Powerpoint uploaded to SchoolSpider
'Fiction Fusion'
Merge two of your favourite stories together to create a new one. Write short story and then create a front cover and blurb.
There are also lots of other events on the World Book Day website. See the whole school blog on our school website for links.
Have a great day everyone! :)
F2 Thursday 4th March 2021 Home Learning World Book Day, by Miss Ward
Date: 3rd Mar 2021 @ 5:27pm
Hi F2,
Today is World Book Day. Here are today’s activities:
Morning Activities
Look at the World Book Day PowerPoint on School Spider. Can you complete the fun quiz?
Look at the Bookman and the World of Books PowerPoint on School Spider.
Can you complete some of these activities? There are some resources on the School Spider.
- Design a front cover for a ‘fiction fusion’ story e.g. Goldilocks and Topsy and Tim
- Design a character mask
- Draw/paint yourself in your costume
- Story map for your favourite story
Afternoon Activities
Look at the Bookman Brainteaser PowerPoint on School Spider. Can you think of some of the answers to the brainteasers?
Can you complete some of these activities?
- Design a finger puppet of your favourite story character
- Complete a bookman storyboard
- Design a bookmark
- Collect a stick and make a stickman
- Make a puppet show
- Read a story with an adult or sibling
Remember to send in a picture of your costume on Tapestry. We cannot wait to see what your favourite book characters are.
Wellbeing Activity: Read a story at home with a family member.
Have fun and remember to post pictures of your work on Tapestry!
F2 Team
Home learning Animals day 3, by Miss Mclaren
Date: 3rd Mar 2021 @ 1:30pm
Understanding the world
Warm up
Cosmic kids yoga
We will be thinking about animals and their young today.
Ask the children if they know what any animals babies are called, e.g. what is a dog’s baby called?
If they can not think or have no idea ask them to watch the video below and then talk about the other animals they might be interested in and what their young is called.
Play What am I game,
the video above can be watched and children will be able to answer the questions as it plays.
3. can they draw a family of their favourite animal, thinking about what the baby is called, what they eat, what they may produce and any facts they ma know.
Parents do the same and show your child your animal family, telling them the facts you have found out about your animal.
Home learning Animals day 2, by Miss Mclaren
Date: 3rd Mar 2021 @ 1:28pm
Warm up
Joe Wicks
Encourage your child to recap on alliteration, thinking about some of the animals that started with the same sound from yesterday’s activities.
Can they draw some animals that start with the same sound and write the correct initial sound? If they can’t do this by themselves they could write over your writing or dots etc.
Think about an animal that they like, can they look on google to find out some facts about their favourite animal.
Once you have read out the facts to your child can they draw their favourite animal, write their initial sound and then talk about their characteristics and facts they have learnt.
e.g. where do they live?
What do they eat?
What is their young called?
If you have some animals make a farm/zoo or a mixture of both, this could be with cuddly toys, plastic animals etc.
Play with your child pretending to be a farmer/zoo keeper. Feed the animals, put them to bed, take them for a walk etc. If you have a pet at home maybe your child could help to feed it or groom it?
Year 2 Blog 03.03.21, by Miss Hanton-Wise
Date: 3rd Mar 2021 @ 11:02am
Your Wednesday activities ae: |
In this lesson you will be solving equations using addition and subtraction strategies. (Lesson 1/2)
Follow the link to complete the lesson.
Your tasks for today will be to use expanded noun phrases to help describe characters in the story more vividly.
Follow the link to complete the lesson.https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/to-use-expanded-noun-phrases-to-describe-c8wk2t |
Science Today you will be learning all about different plants which grow in the wild. We will be describing their appearance and looking at the importance of having wild plants in our environment.
https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/what-types-of-plants-grow-in-the-wild-70w3jt |
How many kindness activities can you complete this week! |
Year 3 home learning Wednesday 3.3.21, by Mrs McAlynn
Date: 3rd Mar 2021 @ 10:39am
Hi everyone! Hope you had a good day yesterday! I don't know about you but I am freezing today! Hopefully the sunshine will come back out when we are all back together in school next week :)
Here are your home learning tasks for today:
Maths: we are focusing on our column subtraction today- watch the video carefully to remind yourself what we do when we have to take a bigger number from a smaller number and have to use exchanging.
English: we are going to be using what we have learnt about the Egyptian Cinderella to put our own spin on a fairy tale! Share the story of the Princess and the Pea, and have a go at creating your own version of the story, changing different parts to make them more Egyptian!
Geography- this afternoon we are going to be Archaeologists and will be researching the top 10 discoveries about Ancient Egypt! What can you find out about the different artefacts? What do they teach us about the past?
Have a great day children! Mrs McAlynn, Mrs Bale, Mrs McGunigall and Mrs Mayes :)
World Book Day 4th March 2021, by Miss Flynn
Date: 3rd Mar 2021 @ 10:07am
World Book Day - 4th March 2021
World Book Day changes lives through a love of books and shared reading. Our mission is to promote reading for pleasure, offering every child and young person the opportunity to have a book of their own. Reading for pleasure is the single biggest indicator of a child’s future success – more than their family circumstances, their parents’ educational background or their income. We want to see more children with a life-long habit of reading for pleasure and the improved life chances this brings them. Designated by UNESCO as a worldwide celebration of books and reading, World Book Day is marked in over 100 countries around the globe.
Throughout the day, your child's teacher will upload activities to complete to SchoolSpider however there are also a number of free events being hosted throughout the day.
See below for further information and don't forget to send photographs in if you have dressed up!
Most importantly- keep reading!
Miss Flynn :)
In the morning…
BBC Breakfast: tune in to see Julia Donaldson, author of The Gruffalo and Malcolm Donaldson sharing stories while dressed up as the book characters! If you’re inspired, check out our ideas on how to make your own book character costume to wear while you share your favourite stories.
9:15am: Join CBBC presenter Kenzie Benali and Football School authors Alex Bellos and Ben Lyttleton for a fun, free live event! Hosted in collaboration with the National Literacy Trust and the Premier League, the event will be an interactive quiz, including a round led by footballers from the Premier League, the English Football League, and Women’s Super League! Join the event here.
9-10am: Scala Radio’s Screentime with World Book Day. Scala will be playing music from films and TV shows that have been adapted from children’s books, including The Secret Garden, The BFG and Harry Potter. There will be exciting conversations about how to get involved with World Book Day, as well guest readings throughout the day.
In the Afternoon…
1:45-2:45pm: Fonetti’s World Book Day online extravaganza! Register in advance to hear stories from Clare Balding and Christina Gabbitas, who will answer questions from young readers. Fonetti are also launching a new competition, where the winners can become a published author. Register for the event here.
2-2.45pm: KS3 event with Robert Muchamore, in partnership with South West ASCEL schools/libraries and Authors Aloud
2.30pm – 3.30pm: Twinkl’s World Book Day Quiz! Twinkl are hosting a fun, quick fire World Book Day quiz. For children in the early years there will be the reading of a short story then asking some fun, quiz questions based on the book to practice children’s retelling and recall skills. Afterwards, there’s some further quiz fun as children can try to name that story with Twinkl’s PowerPoint and/or try another scavenger hunt for some further screen free, energy-burning fun.
Big World Book Day Virtual Book Bonanza with At Home 4 Indies: Two brilliant schools events for KS1 and KS2, featuring Konnie Huq, Andy Shepherd, Jonny Duddle, Julia Patton, John Kane and Chris Wakling. Email [email protected] for more information.
Become a RECORD SMASHER! In celebration of the upcoming publication of The Incredible RecordSmashers by Jenny Pearson, Usborne and Guinness World Records are encouraging as many children as possible to have at a book-based challenge this World Book Day! Book tower & topple, book stacks, balancing books on your head… Everyone who has a go gets an official certificate to prove they are INCREDIBLE – get involved here.
For older readers…
4-5pm: Spark Your Story with this free virtual Creative Writing Workshop. Aimed for ages 16-25, join Isabelle King, Norfolk Storyteller and children’s author, to explore the stunning landscapes of Alfred Cohen, to inspire your writing. At the end of the workshop you will have created a setting, character and the start of your own amazing story. Click here to book your place.
Today's Home Learning 03.03.21, by Miss Houghton
Date: 3rd Mar 2021 @ 9:27am
Good Morning Year 6,
Only three more days of home learning!!
Watch today's video to find out your activities for the day!
Brief Overview
Maths: Area of Triangles.
English: Fronted Adverbials
Science: Reproduction of Plants
Have a great day
Year 1 Vlog 03/03/21, by Mr Chamberlain
Date: 3rd Mar 2021 @ 8:08am
Year 5 Home Learning Wednesday 3rd March 2021, by Miss Welsh
Date: 2nd Mar 2021 @ 10:21pm
Good Morning Year 5
We are half way through our week of home learning, we are so proud of all the hard work you are doing. Keep it up! Not long now before we are all back together!
We have uploaded todays video to give you an outline of today’s activities along with examples of the maths.
Don't forget to go on the rockstars website (just let us know on the school spider if you need your log in). https://play.ttrockstars.com/auth/school. The battle is going strong, which class will be champions this week?
We look forward to seeing you all soon.
Miss Welsh, Mr Worthington, Mrs Scarisbrick, Mrs Daley and Mrs Barron