Our blogs
F2 Wednesday 3rd March 2021 Home Learning Tasks, by Miss Ward
Date: 2nd Mar 2021 @ 5:43pm
Hi F2,
Here are today's activities:
Literacy – Farm Animals
Listen to the story ‘Down on the farm’ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=usaNJILopQI
What animals did you spot in the story? What noises did they make? What were they doing?
Can you write some of the names of the animals? For example, pic, cow, dog, horse.
Challenge: Can you put some of these words into sentences? For example, a pig is pink.
Phonics – Adjacent Consonants
Practise these Phase 2 and 3 phonemes (or, oa, ar, oo, oo)
Can you practise writing and remembering these High Frequency Words (down, went)
Can you write these words into the phoneme frame template? (skip ,brush ,bench, desk)
Maths – Time
Practise counting using the splat square https://www.topmarks.co.uk/learning-to-count/paint-the-squares For example – counting 1-20 forwards and backwards, counting in 10’s, counting in 2’s, one more, one less, missing numbers.
Talk about different times of the day when we do things. For example: what time do you wake up, what time is lunch, what time do you have dinner?
Can you make a clock using cut up pieces of paper or draw it outside using chalk remember the 12 is a the top of the clock.
Can you make the o’clock times of the day. For example: school starts at 9 o’clock.
Remember the minute hand (longer hand) points to the 12 and the hour hand (smaller hand) points the hour it is.
Understanding the World: What animals eat?
What do different animals eat? What does a cat or dog eat?
https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/z6882hv/articles/z96vb9q Watch this 1-minute video, which explains what different animals eat.
Can you draw a picture of an animal you have learnt about and write what it eats.
Play a PE game: Can you move like different animals? For example: a cheetah, kangaroo, snake, sloth, crab, frog etc.
Wellbeing Activity: Go on a ‘senses walk’. Go to a familiar place (or somewhere completely new) and think of all of the things that you can see, hear, smell and feel.
Have fun and remember to post pictures of your work on Tapestry!
F2 Team
Year 3 home learning 2.3.21, by Mrs McAlynn
Date: 2nd Mar 2021 @ 9:45am
Good morning children! Only a few days of home learning left! We can't wait to see you next week! Here are your learning tasks for today:
Maths- we are going to be looking at our column addition this morning, focusing on what we do when we need to regroup numbers.
English- today we have a very special English lesson! The whole of KS2 will be taking part in an assembly led by one of our favourite authors: David Walliams! Go to the link at 10:30am to take part!
RE- in our lesson today we will be continuing to explore the mass, focusing on the Last Supper. We will be finding out why was such an important moment for us as Christians, and how we can show our thanks to Jesus for the sacrifice he made.
Have a great day everyone! Mrs McAlynn, Mrs Bale, Mrs McGunigall and Mrs Mayes :)
F2 Tuesday 2nd March 2021 Home Learning Tasks, by Miss Ward
Date: 1st Mar 2021 @ 7:38pm
Hi F2,
Here are the activities for today:
Literacy – Guided Reading
Choose a story to read at home with an adult. Can you find the beginning, middle and end of the story? Retell the story back to an adult or sibling at home.
Can you draw a picture of your favourite part of the story and write a sentence why?
Phonics – Adjacent Consonants
Practise these Phase 2 and 3 phonemes (sh, ch, ck, th)
Can you practise writing and remembering these High Frequency Words (have, like)
Can you cut up these words and put them in a sentence? pig, see, pink, I , can, a
Play a phase 4 game on Phonics Play https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/resources/phase/4
Maths – Time
Practise counting using the splat square https://www.topmarks.co.uk/learning-to-count/paint-the-squares For example – counting 1-20 forwards and backwards, counting in 10’s, counting in 2’s, one more, one less, missing numbers.
Recap over different types of time: analogue clock, digital clock, watches, and wall clocks. What numbers do we see on a clock?
If you have a wall clock or a watch, you might want to let your child look at it and let them explore the time and the way clocks work. If not have a look at this clock game on top marks https://www.topmarks.co.uk/time/teaching-clock
Talk to the children about the hands on the clock being different sizes and where the minute hand goes when it’s an o’clock time.
Play a game: If you have chalk at home or you might want to use paper and pencils/crayons. Can you draw a clock and add the numbers to it? Draw 4 different o’clock times and put them in 4 corners. Have an adult or sibling shout out a time, can you run to it as fast as you can?
Understanding the World: Types of animals
Can you remember what a reptile is? Can you think of any animals that are reptiles?
Watch these 1-minute videos to learn about reptiles, mammals and amphibians.
https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/z6882hv/articles/zp9pfg8 - Reptiles
https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/z6882hv/articles/zp92xnb - Mammals
https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/z6882hv/articles/zc6br82 - Amphibians
Choose an animal, either a mammal or amphibian. Can you draw the animal, you might want to colour it or paint it.
Can you write a fact about your animal too?
Wellbeing Activity: Share a story with a family member and listen to Miss Kealey’s video reading the story Owl Babies.
Have fun and remember to post pictures of your work on Tapestry!
F2 Team
Year 5 Home Learning Tuesday 2nd March 2021, by Miss Welsh
Date: 1st Mar 2021 @ 7:34pm
Good Morning Year 5,
We have uploaded a video explaining the tasks for today day. If you go onto the school spider to ask any questions you might have and you can also upload your completed work here. Also on the weekly timetable of work you will be able to find some links to videos.
There is a new time tables battle, the last one for this half term. Who will win this week’s battle?
Don't forget to take plenty of breaks and maybe try to do some exercise or get some fresh air.
Miss Welsh, Mr Worthington, Mrs Scarisbrick, Mrs Daley and Mrs Barron
Year 1 Vlog 02/03/21, by Mr Chamberlain
Date: 1st Mar 2021 @ 5:27pm
Today's Home Learning Blog Tuesday 2nd March 2021, by Miss Flynn
Date: 1st Mar 2021 @ 3:30pm
Good Morning Year 6,
Watch today's daily video to find out more about your tasks today.
Brief outline
Maths - Calculating the area and perimeter of compound shapes
English- Reading Lesson comprehension activity -Author Study- David Walliams
Geography- Naming, locating and investigating the rivers of South America
Have a great day!
Miss Flynn, Miss Houghton, Miss Rylance, Mrs Worthington and Mrs Hayes
Home learning Animals day 1, by Miss Mclaren
Date: 1st Mar 2021 @ 10:01am
Hi Preschool,
We hope you are all ok. We are missing you lots. We hope to see you very soon.
This week we are focusing on jungle animals and farm animals.
Communication and Language/Phonics
Warm up
Cosmic Kids yoga
We are thinking about animals this week and what types of animals there are.
Encourage your child to think about different animals that they know, make a list e.g. tiger,lion, elephant, dog, rabbit, cow, pig, sheep.
It doesn’t matter what type of animals they think about, this is what we want them to do so that they can begin to differentiate between the different types of animals.
Farm animals
Jungle animals and pet animals.
Encourage your child to watch this video and talk to them about the different animals they see and where they might live.
Play Bertha goes to the zoo.
Set up a small toy zoo and join the children as they play with it.
If you don’t have zoo animals maybe draw some or find pictures of them on the internet.
Look for animals starting with the same sound (e.g. a lion, a lizard, a leopard, a llama and a lobster) to act out this story.
Chant the following rhyme and allow your child to look at the animals adding an animal name to the list of animals spotted at the zoo. Bertha the bus is going to the zoo, Who does she see as she passes through? … a pig, a panda, a parrot and a polar bear.
By the end of the activity they should be beginning to: identify initial sounds of words;
reproduce the initial sounds clearly and recognisably
make up their own alliterative phrases
Year 3 Home Learning Monday 01.03, by Mrs Bale
Date: 1st Mar 2021 @ 9:35am
Good Morning Year 3,
Here is your home learning for this week. Just one week left until you'll be back in school - we can't wait to see you!
Have a lovely day, enjoy the sunshine!
Mrs Bale, Mrs McAlynn, Mrs Fitzgerald, Mrs McGunigall and Mrs Mayes
Today's Home Learning 01.03.21, by Miss Houghton
Date: 1st Mar 2021 @ 9:27am
Good Morning Year 6,
Hope you all had a lovely weekend and enjoy the sunshine.
One week left of home learning!! We can't wait to see you all soon.
Brief Overview
Maths - Area of compound shapes and finding shapes with the same area.
English - Comprehension uploaded onto the school spider with questions to answer.
History - Maya Transportation System
Year 1 Vlog 01/03/21, by Mr Chamberlain
Date: 1st Mar 2021 @ 8:45am
Year 5 Home Learning Monday 1st March 2021, by Miss Welsh
Date: 1st Mar 2021 @ 8:30am
Good Morning Year 5,
We have uploaded a video explaining the tasks for today day. If you go onto the school spider to ask any questions you might have and you can also upload your completed work here. Also on the weekly timetable of work you will be able to find some links to videos.
There is a new time tables battle, the last one for this half term. Who will win this week’s battle?
Don't forget to take plenty of breaks and maybe try to do some exercise or get some fresh air.
Miss Welsh, Mr Worthington, Mrs Scarisbrick, Mrs Daley and Mrs Barron
Year 2 Blog 01.03.21, by Miss Hanton-Wise
Date: 28th Feb 2021 @ 9:43pm
Happy Monday! |
Maths This week you will be focusing on addition and subtraction. In this lesson you will use addition and subtraction strategies to solve equations. (Lesson 1/2) Follow the link to complete the lessonhttps://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/to-explore-addition-and-subtraction-part-1-c4t32c |
English This week you will be working on describing a setting! You will be using ‘How Coyote Brought Fire to the Earth’ to help you with this!Follow the link to hear the story and complete the lesson.https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/to-listen-and-respond-to-a-story-ccrk4d |
RE To start off our RE topic of the Mass, It is important to know where Mass takes place. Today you will be learning about the church – the place of worship in Christianity. You will learn about the features of a church and also look at two very famous churches in England. https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/where-do-christians-worship-71k64t |
KINDNESS CHALLENGE How many kindness activities can you complete this week! |
F2 Monday 1st March 2021 Home Learning Tasks, by Miss Ward
Date: 28th Feb 2021 @ 9:59am
Hi F2,
Here are activities for today:
Literacy – Labelling a farm
Look at this picture of a farm. https://wallpapercave.com/wp/wp3228055.jpg
What can you see on the farm? What animals or objects are there? For example: mud, tree, sun, log, barn, farmer.
Can you write some words of things you would find on a farm?
Challenge: Can you put some of these words into sentences? For example, A big red barn.
Phonics – Adjacent Consonants
Practise these Phase 2 and 3 phonemes (i,j,v,x,w,y)
Can you practise writing and remembering these High Frequency Words (come, some)
Write ‘pot’ on a piece of paper. Can you add a ‘s’ in front of pot to make a new word? What is the word you have made?
Repeat with stop, skip, trip, plan, from.
Play a phase 4 game on Phonics Play https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/resources/phase/4
Maths – Time
Practise counting using the splat square https://www.topmarks.co.uk/learning-to-count/paint-the-squares For example – counting 1-20 forwards and backwards, counting in 10’s, counting in 2’s, one more, one less, missing numbers.
Have a look around your house, can you find anything that tells the time? Look at different types of clocks e.g. analogue clock (wall clock) or a digital clock.
Play a game of ‘What’s the time Mr Wolf’ with your family.
Write numbers on paper and place the numbers in the shape of a clock. Can you make different O’clock times?
RE: Sorrow and Joy
Look at a picture of a child who is sad (See school spider template) Can you think of a reason why the child might be sad?
What things could you do to cheer up the child? Can you think of a list of kind things you could do?
Can you make a face (either out of a paper plate or out of paper) of someone who has shown you kindness?
Can you write why they are kind too?
Wellbeing Activity: Learn how to bake or cook something. Could you make a healthy treat or a new meal?
Have fun and remember to post pictures of your work on Tapestry!
F2 Team
Home learning Dinosaurs day 4, by Miss Mclaren
Date: 26th Feb 2021 @ 9:34am
Warm up
Cosmic Kids yoga
Can you cut up some shapes of bones to hide around the house?
Hide the bones in different places with numbers on from 1-10 and higher numbers if your child is able to recognise these.
Encourage your child to find the bones and place them in the correct order.
Can you now make the correct number of dinosaur eggs to go with each number? These could be drawn, made with playdough, or any other way of making amounts that you have at home.
Once they have made the amounts use 4,5 and 6 and split these amounts up e.g. 3 and 3, explain that you have shared the amounts between you and your child, you have three and they have three. How many do they have altogether? Has the total amount changed or stayed the same?
Try this with different amounts.
Number practice 1-9
Today's Home Learning Blog Friday 26th February 2021, by Miss Flynn
Date: 26th Feb 2021 @ 9:17am
Good Morning Year 6,
Watch today's daily video to find out more about your tasks today.
Brief outline
Maths - Scale Factor - We use scale factor when we talk about increasing the size of a 2D shape. The size by which we make the shape larger is described by its scale factor. Today you will be drawing and then enlarging simple 2D shapes.
English - Reading Lesson- comprehension activity 'The Cave'- read the text, highlight any unfamiliar vocabulary and find the definition. Then answer the questions uploaded to SchoolSpider.
RE- Revisit what Lent is? What happens on Shrove Tuesday and why do we celebrate it? What happens on Ash Wednesday? Have you made a Lenten Promise?
Have a great day and enjoy your weekend!
Miss Flynn, Miss Houghton, Miss Rylance, Mrs Worthington and Mrs Hayes
Year 2 Blog 26.02.21, by Miss Hanton-Wise
Date: 26th Feb 2021 @ 9:06am
Happy Friday!! |
For your last shape lesson this week you will be learning to:
To describe and classify 2D shapes (thenational.academy)
English – Fiction
Recap the story of Beegu by following the link…
Think about how Beegu was feeling about being in school ‘She thought she found the perfect place’.
You will be writing a letter to Mrs McGunigall as if you were Beegu,
You need to: Describe yourself and why you would be a good student at our school! Try your best to use adjectives, similes and BOYS sentences.
History –
Watch this BBC bitesize video about air travel: Air travel in the 20th century - KS1 History - BBC Bitesize
You are to design their own flying machine – use things from around the house e.g. toilet rolls, playdough, books. -- OR –
Year 1 Vlog 26/02/21, by Mr Chamberlain
Date: 26th Feb 2021 @ 8:30am
Year 5 Home Learning Friday 26th February 2021, by Miss Welsh
Date: 25th Feb 2021 @ 10:02pm
Happy Fri-YAY Year 5 ,
Hope you are all ok and staying safe at home. We have uploaded a daily video explaining the activities further for you.
Keep uploading your work, it is fantastic to see what you are doing.
Don't forget to go on the rockstars website (just let us know on the school spider if you need your log in). https://play.ttrockstars.com/auth/school. The battle is going strong, which class will be champions this week?
Miss Welsh, Mr Worthington, Mrs Scarisbrick, Mrs Daley and Mrs Barron
F2 Friday 26th February 2021 Home Learning Tasks, by Miss Ward
Date: 25th Feb 2021 @ 5:56pm
Hi F2,
Here are today's activites:
Literacy – Farmer Duck
Re-listen to the story Farmer Duck. Miss Kealey has read the story on Tapestry (Memo’s).
Have a look at some of the pictures of the farmer in the story. What is he doing? What does he look like?
Can you write some words (adjectives) to describe the farmer? For example, old, lazy, grumpy. You can even draw a picture of the farmer too.
Challenge: Can you put some of these words into a sentence or caption?
Phonics – Revision and Spellings
Can you practise these phonemes with the caption action ‘j, er, w, ai, ee, igh’
Can you practise your spellings for this week. ‘and, of, is, on’. How many did you get correct?
Play some free blending games on Phonics Play or Phonics Bloom.
Maths – Ordering Numbers
Practise counting using the splat square. For example – 1-20 forwards and backwards. Counting in 10’s, counting in 2’s, one more one less, missing number etc. https://www.topmarks.co.uk/learning-to-count/paint-the-squares
Using pieces of paper can you practise your number formation by writing numbers 1-10. Can you cut them up and order them? If you want you can order numbers 1-20 or even higher!
Challenge – Ask an adult to take some numbers away can you work out the missing numbers and then count from different starting points and fill in the missing number. E.g. 12, 13, __, 15, 16.
Understanding the World – Reptiles
How many different reptiles can you remember? Draw them on a piece of paper and play the game ‘Who am I? Can you ask questions to guess which reptile you have on your head? E.g. Do I have legs? Do I slither?
Choose a reptile, can you draw a picture and label it. Then write a fact about your reptile. For example: A snake has scales.
Wellbeing Activity: Do some Yoga. Cosmic Kids Yoga on YouTube has some brilliant sessions.
Have fun and remember to post pictures of your work on Tapestry!
F2 Team
Year 3 home learning Thursday 25.2.21, by Mrs McAlynn
Date: 25th Feb 2021 @ 12:01pm
Hi Year 3! Hope you had a great day yesterday! Here is your home learning for today!
Maths: we are looking at sequencing numbers today. Can you sequence the numbers in your number grid and then identify where 3 digit numbers would be placed on the number line to 1000?
English: we will be looking at the beginning of the story 'The Egyptian Cinderella' and thinking about how Rhodopis would have felt. Using the adjectives grid to help you, can you write a diary entry imagining that you are Rhodopis?
History: we have found out lots about the famous Pharoah Tutankhamun- today we will be learning about some more famous Pharoah's and finding out why they were famous and important.
Remember to upload your finished work to the School Spider!
Mrs McAlynn, Mrs Fitzgerald, Mrs McGunigall and Mrs Mayes :)
Home learning Dinosaurs day 3, by Miss Mclaren
Date: 25th Feb 2021 @ 9:47am
Warm up
Joe Wicks
Use your drawing from yesterday and have a try at labelling the different parts using initial sounds e.g spikes, listen for the initial sounds and have a try at writing it to label your dinosaur.
Practice your mark making, can you try drawing some shapes in sand, flour or soil?
If not could your mum or dad draw some patterns on paper that you can draw over?
Parents, help children to Practice their pencil control, holding the pencil in their dominant hand and at the bottom of the pencil.
Listen to the dinosaur story I read on Tapestry or the VLOG today.
Can you think about what happened at the beginning, middle and end of the story?
Year 6 Home Learning 25.02.21, by Miss Houghton
Date: 25th Feb 2021 @ 8:38am
Good Morning Year 6,
Happy Thursday!!
Watch today's daily video to find out more about your tasks today.
Brief outline
Maths - Scale Factor - We use scale factor when we talk about increasing the size of a 2D shape. The size by which we make the shape larger is described by its scale factor. A PowerPoint and links to videos are on the school spider with a worksheet for you to complete.
English - Grammar Lesson: Exploring Complex sentences. This is an Oak Academy lesson.
DT - Investigate and explore traditional Mexican foods.
Well done to 6B (Miss Houghton's class) for winning the last TTRS class battles. There is a new battle running until 7pm on Sunday so make sure you log on and take part!
Have a great day!
Miss Houghton, Miss Flynn, Miss Rylance, Mrs Worthington and Mrs Hayes
Year 1 Vlog 25/02/21, by Mr Chamberlain
Date: 25th Feb 2021 @ 8:28am
Year 5 Home Learning Thursday 25th February 2021, by Miss Welsh
Date: 24th Feb 2021 @ 8:34pm
Good Morning Year 5,
We have uploaded a video explaining the tasks for today day. If you go onto the school spider to ask any questions you might have and you can also upload your completed work here. Also on the weekly timetable of work you will be able to find some links to videos.
There is a new time tables battle, the last one for this half term. Who will win this week’s battle?
Don't forget to take plenty of breaks and maybe try to do some exercise or get some fresh air.
Miss Welsh, Mr Worthington, Mrs Scarisbrick, Mrs Daley and Mrs Barron
F2 Thursday 25th February 2021 Home Learning Tasks, by Miss Ward
Date: 24th Feb 2021 @ 5:44pm
Hi F2,
Here are todays activities:
Literacy – Farmer Duck
Re-listen to the story Farmer Duck. Miss Kealey has read the story on Tapestry (Memo’s).
Can you remember what an adjective is? (An adjective is a word to describe something, For example, A green tractor)
Have a look at some of the pictures of the duck at the start and middle of the story. How is he feeling?
Can you write some words (adjectives) to describe the duck? For example, sad, small. You can even draw a picture of the duck too.
Challenge: Can you put some of these words into a sentence or caption?
Phonics – Adjacent Consonants
Can you practise these phonemes with the caption action - ‘t, s, ff, ur, er, air, ure’
Using the phoneme frame template on the School Spider. Ask an adult to say these words to you. Remember to segment it slowly. Can you write these words into the frame and add sound buttons. (dump, sent, milk, clown)
Challenge: Can you write a sentence containing one of these words? It can be a silly sentence if you like. (A sentence that does not make sense)
Maths – Subitising Numbers
Practise counting using the splat square. For example – 1-20 forwards and backwards. Counting in 10’s, counting in 2’s,one more one less, missing number etc. https://www.topmarks.co.uk/learning-to-count/paint-the-squares
Listen to the song by Jack Hartman all about recognising numbers in different ways and representations https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ib5Gf3GIzAg
Complete the worksheet on School Spider.
Understanding the World – Reptiles
Watch the story ‘Miles and Miles of Reptiles’ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i4q9mRd2S20
Pick an animal from the story. How do you know it is a reptile? What features does it have? E.g. legs, scales, claws etc. Can you talk with an adult about how reptiles lay eggs? They lay eggs that are soft and rubbery. How do you think the animals keep them safe?
Can you design a nesting environment to keep reptile eggs safe? Please find a template attached on School Spider.
Can you make the habitat out of materials you have at home? For example, boxes, paper etc.
Wellbeing Activity: Think of a gift that you could give to somebody. Can you draw or make something that will make them smile?
Have fun and remember to post pictures of your work on Tapestry!
F2 Team