Year 3: Blog items

Year 3 Home Learning Tuesday 09.02, by Mrs Bale

Date: 9th Feb 2021 @ 10:35am

Year 3 home learning Monday 8.2.21, by Mrs McAlynn

Date: 8th Feb 2021 @ 11:04am

Good morning Year 3! We hope you have had a lovely weekend and are ready to learn lots in the final week of the half term. Here are your learning activities for today:

Maths- it is Monday which means it is Mental Maths day! Complete the questions with your family, remembering to write down any important numbers you hear as the questions are read out.

English- we are going to be learning about Non-Chronological reports this week. Read the report about sharks and see if you can answer the questions. All the answers can be found in the report!

Science- continuing with our work about Humans and other animals, we are going to be focusing on skeletons again today and thinking about how they allow us to move in different ways.

Keep working on your timetables rockstars- Mr Worthington has set up a new battle for this week, the final one of the half term!

Have a great day! Mrs McAlynn, Mrs Bale and Mrs McGunigall :)

Year 3 home learning Friday 5.2.21, by Mrs McAlynn

Date: 5th Feb 2021 @ 10:20am

Good morning Year 3! We have come to the end of another busy week and are so proud of all the super work you have completed this week.

Here are your home learning tasks for today:

Maths- we are finishing off our work on mass this week by exploring problem including addition and subtraction of mass. Remember to look carefully at the unit of measure that is being used and remember that 1000g = 1kg.

English- we would like you to complete your poster, comparing modern Egypt and Ancient Egypt. When your poster is finished, prepare a presentation to share with your family what you have found out- you could even video your presentation and send it to your teachers!

Art- this afternoon we will be starting to make our African Masks. Hopefully you will have come to school earlier in the week to collect your resource pack so that you have all the things you need. Please follow Mrs McAlynn's step-by-step videos on our school Youtube to complete your mask. We can't wait to see photos of your finished artwork- please keep it safe and bring it in class when we return to school so that we can add it to our wall display.

The timestables rockstars battle is very close this week! Keep practising and winning lots of points for your team!

Have a lovely weekend children- speak to you on Monday.

Mrs McAlynn, Mrs Fitzgerald and Mrs McGunigall :)

Year 3 home learning Thursday 4.2.21, by Mrs McAlynn

Date: 4th Feb 2021 @ 10:11am

Good morning year 3! We hope you are having a good week! Today's learning tasks are uploaded for you on school spider :)

Maths- today we are carrying on with our work on mass and will be ordering objects from heaviest to lightest, and using the < and > symbols to compare.

English- today you will be creating an information poster to show what you have found out in your research about Ancient Egypt and modern day Egypt.

History- we will be learning about what everyday life was like for an Egyptian person. What kind of activities would they have done throughout the day- are any of them similar to things that you do? Imagine that you are an Ancient Egyptian child and write a diary entry about your day.

The timestable rockstars battle is very close this week- keep logging on each day to practise and win more points for your team!

Have a great day! Mrs McAlynn, Mrs Fitzgerald and Mrs McGunigall  :)

Year 3 Home Learning Tuesday 02.02, by Mrs Bale

Date: 2nd Feb 2021 @ 9:06am

Good Morning Children, 

We hope you enjoy today's home learning challenges. 

Have a lovely day and please continue to upload your work, we love seeing what you've done. 

Mrs Bale, Mrs McAlynn, Mrs Fitzgerald, Mrs Mayes and Miss Massie smiley

Year 3 Home Learning Monday 01.02, by Mrs Bale

Date: 1st Feb 2021 @ 10:55am

Good Morning Children, 

We hope you're all feeling well and enjoyed a relaxing weekend. 

Here is an explanation of your home learning for today. Keep working hard and uploading your work - we love seeing what you've been up to. 

It is Children's Mental Health week this week. This year's theme is 'Express Yourself'.

We know how food and exercise is important for keeping our bodies healthy and looking after our physical health, but how can we also look after our minds and our mental health? Here is a link to a brilliant webiste, where there are lots of videos to watch and activities to complete - 

Have a lovely day. 

Mrs McAlynn, Mrs Bale, Mrs FItzgerald, Mrs McGunigall, Mrs Mayes and Miss Massie. smiley

Year 3 home learning Friday 29.1.21, by Mrs McAlynn

Date: 29th Jan 2021 @ 10:12am

Good morning everyone! We have reached the end of another busy week and are so proud of all the hard work you have done at home!

Here are your home learning tasks for today- please upload evidence of your work onto school spider so that we can give you feedback.

Maths- we are finishing our week of learning about angles by looking at angles that are larger or smaller than a right angle. What do we call these angles? Log onto school spider to find out more!

English- today is your opportunity to use the checklist to go over the Tanka poem you wrote yesterday and try to edit and improve your work. Are them some words that would be replaced with better adjectives? Are you happy with the order of your lines? Remember that it still needs to follow the Tanka syllable pattern! 5-7-5-7-7

Art- this afternoon we will be pulling together all that we have learnt so far about African masks to design out own mask. Think carefully about the kind of colours you have seen used and the shapes that Artists have used to make different features like the eyes and the mouth.

I hope you have a successful day learning at home children! Pop back onto the youtube channel or the class blog this afternoon when I will be posting another video to tell you about our exciting art work next week.

Don't forget your timestables rockstars- there's not long left to help your class be champions this week!

Mrs McAlynn, Msr Fitzgerald and Mrs McGunigall :)

Year 3 home learning Thursday 28.1.21, by Mrs McAlynn

Date: 28th Jan 2021 @ 10:38am

Good morning Year 3! Hope you're having a good week! Thank you for all the super work you have uploaded and delivered to school.

Your home learning for today is uploaded on school spider. Your learning tasks today are as follows:

Maths- we are continuing with our work on right angles and will be focusing on clockwise and anti-clockwise turns. We will be exploring some maps using our knowledge of turns.

English- today you will be using what you have learnt so far about Tanka poems to write your own about the Egyptian pyramids! Think carefully about which words you can use to fit the correct syllable count.

History- this week we will be finding out about the Ancient Egyptian ritual of Mummification and why it was such an important part of their belief system. Can your order and explain the steps in the process?

Keep logging on each day to Timestable Rockstars- I wonder which class will win this week's battle?

Have a great day everyone! Mrs McAlynn, Mrs Fitzgerald and Mrs McGunigall :)

Year 3 Home Learning Tuesday 26.01, by Mrs Bale

Date: 26th Jan 2021 @ 9:41am

Good Morning children, 

Here are your home learning challenges for today. 

Keep uploading what you've done - it's so lovely to see all your hard work. 

Have a lovely day. 

Mrs Bale, Mrs McAlynn, Mrs McGunigall, Mrs Mayes and Miss Massie smiley

Year 3 Home Learning Monday 25.01.2021, by Mrs Bale

Date: 25th Jan 2021 @ 12:55pm

Hello Year 3, Happy Monday!

Sorry this is getting to you a little late - the internet is on and off in school today!

We hope you enjoy today's learning challenges. Keep uploading your work as we love to see what you've been doing. 

Take care,

Mrs Bale, Mrs McAlynn, Mrs Fitzgerald, Mrs McGunigall, Mrs Mayes and Miss Massie. smiley

Year 3 home learning Friday 22.1.21, by Mrs McAlynn

Date: 22nd Jan 2021 @ 10:32am

Good morning year 3- another week of home school done! Well done for all your effort (both children and parents!) and for all the super work you have uploaded to school spider.

In our lessons today...

Maths- we are going to be pulling together all the things we have learnt about multiplication and division this week and exploring the inverse- how multiplication and division are the opposite/inverse of each other- and thinking about how this can help us to solve problems quickly and efficiently.

English- we are moving on in our poetry unit to look at Tanka poems and will be focusing on these in our lessons next week. Tanka's are very  similar to Haiku's- can you spot the similarities and differences between them?

Art and Design- we are focusing this week on the facial features of African masks. Have a look at the different ways the eyes, nose, mouth, eyebrows and cheeks have been created- what shapes and designs have been used? What ideas would you like to incorporate into your own designs next week?

When you come to collect your packs on Monday we are going to include your logins for both timestables rockstars and the online reading scheme- it is really important that you are using this as much as you can, preferably every day. See if you can complete a times table battle to help your class be this weeks champions!!

If you are returning work on Monday for your teachers to look at please remember to put your name on your work. We have had several packs returned this week with no name on and we cannot tell who the lovely work belongs to!

Have a great weekend!! Mrs McAlynn, Mrs Fitzgerald, Mrs Bale, Mrs Mayes and Miss Massie :)

Year 3 home learning Thursday 21.1.21, by Mrs McAlynn

Date: 21st Jan 2021 @ 10:50am

Good morning year 3! Hope you had a good day yesterday despite all the rain! Thanks goodness that the sunshine has come out for us today! Your home learning activities are ready for you on school spider :)

In our maths lesson today we are carrying on learning about division, this time focusing on dividing by 4. Have a practise of your 4 times table on Rockstars before you begin, because your knowledge of multiples of 4 will help you with your division work.

In our english lesson we are going to be writing our own Haiku poems about the River Nile.  Look over what your found out about the Nile in geography yesterday to help you with your ideas. Remember to follow the 5-7-5 line syllable count!

In our History lesson this afternoon we are going to be exploring Egyptian Heiroglyphics- the symbols and pictures the Ancient Egyptians used to commuicate. See if you can decode the secret messages and write some messages of your own! 

Make sure you are using the online home reading scheme to read each day with your family!

Have a great day! Mrs McAlynn, Mrs Fitzgerald, Mrs McGunigall, Mrs Mayes and Miss Massie :)

Year 3 home learning Wednesday 20.1.21, by Mrs McAlynn

Date: 20th Jan 2021 @ 10:37am

Good morning Year 3! Another miserable, rainy day! Hopefully you will be able brighten up the day with all your super home learning today!

In our Maths lesson today we are starting to explore division. Today we are going to be dividing number and sets of objects by 3.

In our English lesson we are going to continue looking at Japanese Haiku poems. Today you need to follow the 5-7-5 syllable count to rearrange the sentences in the mixed up Haikus!

This afternoon is our Geography lesson- we are going to be finding out about the River Nile; the longest river in the world! We will explore some of the reasons it is so important to the people of Egypt and the different uses it has.

Mr Worthington has set up new battles for each year group on Timestable Rockstars- let's see which class can be the champions this week!

We would love everyone to be reading each day using the online reading scheme- please get in touch if you need a reminder of your username or reading stage.

Remember to upload photos of your work to school spider so that we can give you feedback.

Mrs McAlynn, Mrs Bale, Mrs McGunigall, Mrs Mayes and Miss Massie :)

Year 3 home learning Tuesday 19.1.21, by Mrs McAlynn

Date: 19th Jan 2021 @ 9:54am

Good morning children! What a rainy Tuesday! We hope you will enjoy today's learning activities and that they will keep you busy throughout the day!

In Maths today we will be learning about multiplication, focusing on the relationships between the 2, 4 and 8 times tables.

In English we will be starting our new unit of work on poetry and beginning to learn about Haiku poems; three line poems from Japan that need a special syllable count in each line.

In RE we will be sharing the story of the Parable of the lost sheep, thinking about the ways we can become 'lost' and how we can try to stay close to God.

Please remember to upload a photo of your work to school spider.

Mrs McAlynn :)

Year 3 home learning Monday 18.1.21, by Mrs McAlynn

Date: 18th Jan 2021 @ 10:36am

Good morning Year 3! Hope you all had a lovely weekend!

Your learning timetable for the week has been uploaded to our class page and your daily work is on school spider for you to access.

Please rememeber to upload any work that you complete so that your teachers can see it and give you feedback.

Get in touch if you have an questions or queries!

Mrs McAlynn :)

Year 3 home learning Friday 15.1.21, by Mrs McAlynn

Date: 15th Jan 2021 @ 10:15am

Good morning Year 3! Hope you've had a good week of home learning! We have missed you lots in school!

Here are your tasks for today- they are uploaded for you on school spider :) Don't forget to upload a photo of your work for Mrs Fitzgerald and I to look at!

Have a great weekend!

Mrs McAlynn, Mrs Fitzgerald, Mrs Bale, Mrs McGunigall, Mrs Mayes and Miss Massie :)

Year 3 home learning Thursday 14.1.21, by Mrs McAlynn

Date: 14th Jan 2021 @ 9:22am

Good morning children! Happy Thursday! We are nearly at the end of a long week and we have seen some really super work being uploaded onto school spider- keep it up!

Mrs Bale is introducing your learning activities today- they are uploaded for you on school spider :)

Year 3 Home Learning Wednesday 13.01.2021, by Mrs Bale

Date: 13th Jan 2021 @ 11:07am

Hello Children, happy Wednesday!

Here is your vlog for today. We hope you have a lovely day and enjoy completing your home learning.

Mrs McAlynn, Mrs Bale, Mrs McGunigall, Mrs Mayes and Miss Massie. 

Year 3 home learning 12.1.21, by Mrs McAlynn

Date: 12th Jan 2021 @ 10:41am

Good morning children and happy Tuesday! Thank you to everyone who uploaded their fantastic work yesterday :) Look on school spider for today's home learning :)

Year 3 home learning 11.1.21, by Mrs McAlynn

Date: 11th Jan 2021 @ 12:31am

Happy Monday children! We hope you have had a good weekend and are ready to learn this week! :)

Year 3 Learning at Home 8.1.21, by Mrs McAlynn

Date: 8th Jan 2021 @ 9:15am

Happy Friday Year 3 and well done everyone for getting to the end of such a busy week!

I can't wait to see the work you upload for your home learning today! 

Mrs McAlynn :)

Year 3 Learning at Home 7.1.21, by Mrs McAlynn

Date: 6th Jan 2021 @ 5:24pm

Good morning children! We hope you are well and have managed to get started on your home learning this week.

Your teachers will be in touch on a regular basis to ensure that you know what to do and are confident accessing learning at home during this lockdown period.

Each day we will be posting a blog on our year group page to outline the learning for the day. Each blog will include a video from one of the teachers, which will also be available to view on our school youtube channel.

Your learning for the week will be outlined on our weekly home learning timetable. To access this you need to login to the pupil area of our school website and click on download homework. If anyone is unsure how to do this, Mr Chamberlain has created a very informative youtube tutorial to show you how to do this (also to be found on our school youtube channel)

The school has prepared a home learning pack for each child which includes exercise books, workbooks etc.  to help you with you home learning and for you to complete your daily learning tasks in. When you have completed your work please upload it on the pupil login area, or upload a photo if you have done it in your book. Your teachers will then be able to see your work and give you feedback on what you have done.

Today we will be learning...

Maths- we are focusing on counting in multiples of 4 and practising our 4 times tables. Use your Rockstars Timestables login to practise your 4 times tables and see if you can beat your score and time- can you battle any of your classmates and try to get a new high score? Complete the questions set on your home learning timetable.

English- we are focusing on writing in the past tense. Write a recount of the things you did with your family during the Christmas break- when you have finished your writing go through and highlight/colour all the past tense verbs you have used.

Geography- we are beginning our learning about Egypt and North Africa. Watch the BBC Bitesize video using the link on the home learning timetable and complete the activity to make your own world map showing lines of longitude and latitude etc.

We hope you have a good day- if you have any questions or need any support in accessing home learning please get in touch with the school office.

Take care! Mrs McAlynn, Mrs Bale and Mrs Fitzgerald :)

Reading at Home, by Miss Flynn

Date: 6th Jan 2021 @ 2:10pm

Happy New Year to all of our Pupils, Parents and Families!

Just a quick reminder that there is a wide range of Reading Books available for you to read at home.

There are books to read as a family and staged reading books which are pitched at all ability levels so that the children can continue to practise their reading at home.

All eBooks are tablet-friendly. Just register using the above link (for free) to start reading. New users: please activate your registration by clicking the link in your confirmation email.

Keep reading!

Miss Flynn laugh

Year 3 Home Learning tasks week 9, by Mrs McAlynn

Date: 29th May 2020 @ 3:11pm

Hi Year 3!

What a beautiful sunny week we have had! We hope you have been able to enjoy it with your family.

Task 1: English

We hope that you have found lots of time for reading while school has been closed. This week we would like you to write a book review of either your favourite book or a new book that you have read at home over the past few weeks. We want to know about your favourite character, favourite part and why you would recommend the book to a friend.

Task 2: Science

We would like you to complete the following eggsperiment for your science learning this week! You will need an egg, some white vinegar and a glass.

*Place your egg in a glass and cover with white vinegar. Watch as the egg shell starts to bubble and write an observation of what you can see.

*Keep checking your egg for the next 24-48 hours- what changes can you record? What does your egg look like after 48 hours? We would love to see photos and videos!

Task 3: Design and Technology

Last week we asked you to research Parkgate and hopefully you found out that it used to be an important shipping port and then a popular seaside resort. We want you to imagine that the Council are turning Parkgate back in to a seaside resort for family holidays. Can you create a labelled design of your ideal seaside resort, including all the attraction you would like to see, for example, funfair, donkey rides, watersports etc.

Please share your learning with us on our Facebook and Twitter pages: we love seeing all the things that you are getting up to!

Take care, Mrs McAlynn and Mr Woodland

Year 3 Home Learning tasks week 7, by Mrs McAlynn

Date: 22nd May 2020 @ 2:24pm

Hello Year 3!

We hope you have had a good week and have been keeping yourselves busy with your families. This week we would like you to have a go at the following activities:

Task 1:

The PE Coach, Joe Wicks, has injured his hand and so he needs your help with his PE lessons! We would like you to create your own keep fit programme for children to join in with. You need to think of a warm up activity to get your body moving and then 10 different exercises to do for 1 minute each, for example, jumping jacks, lunges or bunny hops. Remember to include some stretches at the end to help you cool down!

Task 2:

We would like you to design a healthy menu to share with your family at home, including a starter, main course, dessert and drink. Can you write recipes for each of your dishes with clear instructions to make them? Share them with your families at home to see what they think!

Task 3:

In our History lessons we would have been starting to learn about Parkgate after the half term, and so we would like you to do some research and find out as much as you can about Parkgate. Can you find out what it was originally used for?

Please share your learning with us on our Facebook and Twitter pages: we love seeing all the things that you are getting up to!

Take care, Mrs McAlynn and Mr Woodland

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