Year 3: Blog items
Year 3 Home Learning Wednesday 13.01.2021, by Mrs Bale
Date: 13th Jan 2021 @ 11:07am
Hello Children, happy Wednesday!
Here is your vlog for today. We hope you have a lovely day and enjoy completing your home learning.
Mrs McAlynn, Mrs Bale, Mrs McGunigall, Mrs Mayes and Miss Massie.
Year 3 home learning 12.1.21, by Mrs McAlynn
Date: 12th Jan 2021 @ 10:41am
Good morning children and happy Tuesday! Thank you to everyone who uploaded their fantastic work yesterday :) Look on school spider for today's home learning :)
Year 3 home learning 11.1.21, by Mrs McAlynn
Date: 11th Jan 2021 @ 12:31am
Happy Monday children! We hope you have had a good weekend and are ready to learn this week! :)
Year 3 Learning at Home 8.1.21, by Mrs McAlynn
Date: 8th Jan 2021 @ 9:15am
Happy Friday Year 3 and well done everyone for getting to the end of such a busy week!
I can't wait to see the work you upload for your home learning today!
Mrs McAlynn :)
Year 3 Learning at Home 7.1.21, by Mrs McAlynn
Date: 6th Jan 2021 @ 5:24pm
Good morning children! We hope you are well and have managed to get started on your home learning this week.
Your teachers will be in touch on a regular basis to ensure that you know what to do and are confident accessing learning at home during this lockdown period.
Each day we will be posting a blog on our year group page to outline the learning for the day. Each blog will include a video from one of the teachers, which will also be available to view on our school youtube channel.
Your learning for the week will be outlined on our weekly home learning timetable. To access this you need to login to the pupil area of our school website and click on download homework. If anyone is unsure how to do this, Mr Chamberlain has created a very informative youtube tutorial to show you how to do this (also to be found on our school youtube channel)
The school has prepared a home learning pack for each child which includes exercise books, workbooks etc. to help you with you home learning and for you to complete your daily learning tasks in. When you have completed your work please upload it on the pupil login area, or upload a photo if you have done it in your book. Your teachers will then be able to see your work and give you feedback on what you have done.
Today we will be learning...
Maths- we are focusing on counting in multiples of 4 and practising our 4 times tables. Use your Rockstars Timestables login to practise your 4 times tables and see if you can beat your score and time- can you battle any of your classmates and try to get a new high score? Complete the questions set on your home learning timetable.
English- we are focusing on writing in the past tense. Write a recount of the things you did with your family during the Christmas break- when you have finished your writing go through and highlight/colour all the past tense verbs you have used.
Geography- we are beginning our learning about Egypt and North Africa. Watch the BBC Bitesize video using the link on the home learning timetable and complete the activity to make your own world map showing lines of longitude and latitude etc.
We hope you have a good day- if you have any questions or need any support in accessing home learning please get in touch with the school office.
Take care! Mrs McAlynn, Mrs Bale and Mrs Fitzgerald :)
Reading at Home, by Miss Flynn
Date: 6th Jan 2021 @ 2:10pm
Happy New Year to all of our Pupils, Parents and Families!
Just a quick reminder that there is a wide range of Reading Books available for you to read at home.
There are books to read as a family and staged reading books which are pitched at all ability levels so that the children can continue to practise their reading at home.
All eBooks are tablet-friendly. Just register using the above link (for free) to start reading. New users: please activate your registration by clicking the link in your confirmation email.
Keep reading!
Miss Flynn
Year 3 Home Learning tasks week 9, by Mrs McAlynn
Date: 29th May 2020 @ 3:11pm
Hi Year 3!
What a beautiful sunny week we have had! We hope you have been able to enjoy it with your family.
Task 1: English
We hope that you have found lots of time for reading while school has been closed. This week we would like you to write a book review of either your favourite book or a new book that you have read at home over the past few weeks. We want to know about your favourite character, favourite part and why you would recommend the book to a friend.
Task 2: Science
We would like you to complete the following eggsperiment for your science learning this week! You will need an egg, some white vinegar and a glass.
*Place your egg in a glass and cover with white vinegar. Watch as the egg shell starts to bubble and write an observation of what you can see.
*Keep checking your egg for the next 24-48 hours- what changes can you record? What does your egg look like after 48 hours? We would love to see photos and videos!
Task 3: Design and Technology
Last week we asked you to research Parkgate and hopefully you found out that it used to be an important shipping port and then a popular seaside resort. We want you to imagine that the Council are turning Parkgate back in to a seaside resort for family holidays. Can you create a labelled design of your ideal seaside resort, including all the attraction you would like to see, for example, funfair, donkey rides, watersports etc.
Please share your learning with us on our Facebook and Twitter pages: we love seeing all the things that you are getting up to!
Take care, Mrs McAlynn and Mr Woodland
Year 3 Home Learning tasks week 7, by Mrs McAlynn
Date: 22nd May 2020 @ 2:24pm
Hello Year 3!
We hope you have had a good week and have been keeping yourselves busy with your families. This week we would like you to have a go at the following activities:
Task 1:
The PE Coach, Joe Wicks, has injured his hand and so he needs your help with his PE lessons! We would like you to create your own keep fit programme for children to join in with. You need to think of a warm up activity to get your body moving and then 10 different exercises to do for 1 minute each, for example, jumping jacks, lunges or bunny hops. Remember to include some stretches at the end to help you cool down!
Task 2:
We would like you to design a healthy menu to share with your family at home, including a starter, main course, dessert and drink. Can you write recipes for each of your dishes with clear instructions to make them? Share them with your families at home to see what they think!
Task 3:
In our History lessons we would have been starting to learn about Parkgate after the half term, and so we would like you to do some research and find out as much as you can about Parkgate. Can you find out what it was originally used for?
Please share your learning with us on our Facebook and Twitter pages: we love seeing all the things that you are getting up to!
Take care, Mrs McAlynn and Mr Woodland
Year 3 Home Learning tasks week 6, by Mrs McAlynn
Date: 8th May 2020 @ 2:05pm
Hello Year 3!
We hope you have had a good week and enjoyed celebrating VE Day with your family. This week we would like you to have a go at the following tasks:
Task 1:
We are coming towards the end of Spring and our local area is full of signs of new life! We would like you to write a poem about Spring time, either as a shape poem (like you wrote when we read Stone Age Boy) or as a Haiku or Tanka poem (like you wrote when we read Ahmed’s Secret).
Remember a Haiku has 3 lines and a syllable count of 5, 7, 5. A Tanka has 5 lines and a syllable count of 5, 7, 5, 7, 7.
Task 2:
This week we would also like you to create a Spring collage; using the colours of Spring, resources from your home learning pack and any items you find in the garden or outside.
Task 3:
Keep practising your times tables using the videos on the BBC website. This week we would like you to practise your 6 x table, learning the song and dance routine.
We hope you are staying safe and keeping busy with your family while you are at home. We miss you all lots and love seeing all the things you are getting up to at home- keeping sharing them with us on our school Twitter and Facebook.
Take care, Mr Woodland and Mrs McAlynn
Year 3 Home Learning tasks week 5, by Mrs McAlynn
Date: 1st May 2020 @ 2:50pm
Hello Year 3!
We hope you are well and keeping yourselves safe and happy! Thank you to the children who have sent letters into school- we would love to receive some more and will reply to all the letters that we get!
Next week is the 75th anniversary of VE day and so all our activities this week are based around this important day.
Task 1:
Watch the following clip on the BBC website about VE day:
We would like you to create a poster explaining what happened on this day and why it was so important.
Task 2:
We want you to think back on our DT work on shelters. Can you find out what an Anderson shelter was and what it was used for during the War? We would like you to build your own shelter, thinking about what you would need to survive and be safe. This could be a model using lego etc, a shelter build with objects in your house or a shelter build outside in the garden. We would love to see photos of your shelters!
Task 3:
Design and make a commemorative medal for the veterans who fought during WW2, like Corporal Tom Moore who celebrated his 100th birthday this week. What do you think would be important to incorporate into your medal?
Remember to share your activities with us on our school twitter and facebook page. Join us on our school youtube channel to keep in touch with you teachers and be inspired with different challenges to take on!
Take care everyone, Mrs McAlynn and Mr Woodland
Year 3 Home Learning tasks week 4, by Mrs McAlynn
Date: 24th Apr 2020 @ 3:39pm
Hello Year 3!
We hope you have had a good week at home with your family, enjoying the beautiful weather we have had! Here are some more learning activities to keep you busy in the coming week.
Task 1:
We would like you to practise your letter writing skills this week. We all miss you lots and would love to hear what you have been up to while you have been away from school. Please send your letters to Mr Woodland or Mrs McAlynn- we will reply to any letters that we receive!
We have attached an example to remind you how to set your letter out correctly.
Send your letters to…
Our Lady and St Edward’s Catholic Primary School
Price Street
CH41 8DU
Task 2:
Have you played countdown before? We would like you to have a go with your family this week!
Letters: how many words can you make using the letters below? What is the longest word you
can create?
Numbers: your target is 382- can you work out how to get there using the numbers below? You can use any mathematical operations you like!
25 50 2 6 9 7
Conundrum: NYCCEGIRL
(clue- a way you can help the planet!)
Task 3:
Practise your 5 x tables using the BBC sport videos. Don’t forget to join in with the dance moves to keep yourself active!
Remember to share your activities with us on our school twitter and facebook page. Join us on our school youtube channel to keep in touch with you teachers and be inspired with different challenges to take on!
Take care everyone, Mrs McAlynn and Mr Woodland
Year 3 Home Learning tasks week 3, by Mrs McAlynn
Date: 24th Apr 2020 @ 10:02am
Hello Year 3!
We hope you had a lovely Easter and that the Easter Bunny came to visit you all! Here are a few more activities to keep you busy this week.
- Have you heard of Captain Tom Moore? He is a 99 year old former soldier who is raising money for the NHS. It is his 100th birthday next week and we would like you to create a picture, card or letter to send to him. They can be sent to:
Captain Tom Moore
C/O Post Office Limited
67 Bedford Road
Marston Moretaine
MK43 0LA
Bedfordshire, England
- Make a musical instrument using items in your house, for example, cups, bottles, rice, pebbles, and use it on Thursday night during the ‘Clap for Carers’.
- We want you to get yourselves moving this week by learning the ‘Cha cha slide’- can
We would love to see any of the work you create shared on our school twitter or facebook page!
Keep smiling and being good for everyone at home! We miss you all and look forward to being together again soon.
Take care, Mr Woodland and Mrs McAlynn
Year 3 Home Challenges Week 2, by Mr Woodland
Date: 10th Apr 2020 @ 12:52pm
Hello Year 3!
We hope you have had a good week and are looking forward to spending the Easter weekend with your family. This week we have got some Easter themed activities to keep you busy during your home learning time!
- Think about the people who live in your street- is there anyone who is elderly or lives on their own? Make them an Easter card and post it through their door to brighten their day!
- Use items from the garden or outdoor space to create an Easter garden, using the ideas on our twitter page as inspiration- we would love to see photos of what you have made!
- Create a storyboard/comic strip telling the Easter story.
- Make a freeze-frame from the Easter story using lego or any of your favourite figures- can you write speech/thought bubbles for each character?
- Ask an adult to help you hard boil some eggs to decorate with paints and pens.
- Use your weaving skills from our art lessons to create a spring nest for the garden.
- Weigh the Easter eggs in your house and order them by weight.
- This week we would like you to all practise your 4 times table daily. Use the songs and activities on the BBC website to help you with this.
This is a very different Easter weekend than what we are used to…but we hope that you enjoy spending time with your family and sharing in the joy of Easter Sunday together.
Take care, Mr Woodland and Mrs McAlynn
Year 3 Home Learning Update 1, by Mrs McAlynn
Date: 2nd Apr 2020 @ 1:34pm
Hello Year 3!
We hope you are all well and have enjoyed using your home learning packs over the past few weeks with your families. Here are a few more activities to keep you busy and learning while you are away from school.
Our text for the Summer Term is The Gruffalo- a story we all know very well! Can you complete the following activities based on the story?
- Create your own mythical character (like the Gruffalo) and draw a labelled diagram. Will your character have terrible tusks? Will it have orange horns?
- When you have created your character write a detailed description, trying to include adjectives, similes and alliteration.
- Can you use materials from your learning pack or around the house (with permission) to create a model or puppet of your character?
We would love to see any of the work you create shared on our school twitter or facebook page!
Daily Tasks
- Keep practising your joined handwriting each day, trying to keep your small letters regular, your ascenders tall and your descenders long.
- This week we would like you to all practise your 3 times table daily. Use the songs and activities on the BBC website to help you with this.
We hope you are being extra good at home for your family and helping out in any way that you can! We will be in touch soon!
Take care, Mr Woodland and Mrs McAlynn
Chester Zoo Theatre Workshop, by Mrs McAlynn
Date: 13th Dec 2019 @ 10:04am
Year 3 had a brilliant afternoon working with The Denbigh Workshop as part of our Wildlife Connections work with Chester Zoo. We learnt about the different ways we can support wildlife conservation in our own communities and why native species, such as hedgehogs and bees, are under threat. Thomas in Y3AM said "I learnt that if you find a poorly hedgehog you can feed them some catfood and water, and keep them warm." Riley in Y3RW said "I learnt that the weeds in your garden are good for hedgehogs and bees."
Edible Playground Wormery Year 3, by Mrs McAlynn
Date: 26th Nov 2019 @ 4:13pm
This afternoon Mrs McAlynn's class worked with our visitor Louise to build a wormery in the Edible Playground. We played a treasure hunt game to learn about the things worms like to eat, and we worked together to make our own wormery which we nicknamed 'The Wotel!'. We have made information posters to show pupils how to look after the worms correctly.
Chester Zoo 'Wildlife Connections'- Year 3, by Mrs McAlynn
Date: 26th Nov 2019 @ 3:56pm
We have loved learning more about wildlife each week with Alex from Chester Zoo. This week we learnt about how pollution and waste affects our environment, and the impact this has on our native wildlife. Did you know that a plastic bottle takes 450 years to break down? We played lots of different games to help us find out more facts.
Year 3 Come and Share, by Mrs McAlynn
Date: 7th Nov 2019 @ 10:08am
We all had a lovely morning at our 'Come and Share' and were so glad that so many of our parents were able to join us. We used pastels to create firework artwork, we made spinning Catherine Wheels using our weaving skills and we created some Bonfire Night acrostic poetry.
Year 3 Chess, by Miss McAlynn
Date: 30th Sep 2019 @ 2:47pm
We are loving our Chess lessons every Monday morning! This half term we have learnt about the Pawn piece, Bishop piece, Rook piece and Queen piece, and are enjoying beginning to play against our classmates.
Ranger Rob visits Year 3! 05.02.19, by Miss McAllister
Date: 11th Mar 2019 @ 4:40pm
On Tuesday we were very lucky to have Ranger Rob visit us at Our Lady and Saint Edward's to bring our Rainforest and Reptile Thematic topic to life!
We got to meet lots of different animals such as; a python, a bullfrog, lizards, dragons and even a tarantula!
Have a look at some of our new tropical friends!
Miss McAllister & Mr McLoughlin