Our News items

Wonderful news from a Royal Visit on-looker, by Walker

Date: 21st Jan 2019 @ 3:57pm

Following the royal visit we were delighted to receive an email from a member of the public. She was stood behind our pupils and commented on how well behaved they all were whilst waiting in the cold for the royal visitors. It was a lovely thought and we thank the lady who took time to write to our school and congratulate the children on their excellent behaviour.  She enclosed the following wonderful pictures of our pupils. 

Christmas Holidays and back to School, by Mrs Harris

Date: 3rd Jan 2019 @ 8:14pm

We sincerely hope our families shared the Glory, the Wonder, the Miracle of this Holy Season, and that you all had a Blessed Christmas and New Year.


School reopens on Monday 7th January 2019, and we look forward to seeing you.



Christmas Story 2018, by Walker

Date: 20th Dec 2018 @ 3:54pm


What a lovely end to the school day.

The children sat beautifully during their candle lit Christmas story.

They enjoyed listening to the story of the birth of baby Jesus.

May we wish you and your family a happy and holy Christmas.

Pudsey Colouring Competition , by Walker

Date: 19th Dec 2018 @ 2:20pm

Thank you for all of your lovely Pudsey colouring competition entries. The standard of art work was extremely high but there can only be two winners ..... Congratulations Colbie Topping and Toby Cotgrave. 


Attendance Winners , by Walker

Date: 19th Dec 2018 @ 2:14pm

Congratulations to our Attendance Winners


Weekly Winners:

James Henry F2

Mateusz Balicki Y3


Half Term Winners:

Lily Rose Taylor Y1 - Kindle Fire

Daniel Shawcross Y6 - Kindle Fire


Congratulation to all our children who collected a prize for 100% attendance for the Autumn Term.  



Well done to all children who received a raffle ticket for their 100% attendance this term.

Could you be a winner next term?

Save the Children - Christmas Jumper Day and Christmas Lunch, by Walker

Date: 14th Dec 2018 @ 2:43pm

Thank you very much for all your donation's to Save the Children, the children look very festive in their Christmas Jumpers. We have also enjoyed a lovely Christmas Lunch today and enjoyed joining in with a festive sing along lead by Mr Harrison our caretaker. 

As a school we have raised over £1000 within the last month for Children in Need, Alzheimer's and Save the Children. At this time of year it is wonderful that so many of our children and parents thought of others and spread some Christmas cheer. Thank you once again x 

London Chess Classic Festival , by Walker

Date: 14th Dec 2018 @ 2:31pm

Good luck to all our children taking part in the London Chess Classic Festival in London today. The children have travelled First Class from Liverpool to London to take part in this prestigious event. Good luck, have fun and safe journey back home. We are looking forward to hearing all about it on Monday. 


Coffee and Conversation Morning ☕🌞😀, by Mrs Harris

Date: 25th Nov 2018 @ 3:49pm

Parents, come and join us for a coffee morning!

Have a chat and a cuppa after dropping the children off!

See you there, on 10th December at 9:00 a.m. in the multi practical room / Empower Hub.


Elf Day for Alzheimer's, by Walker

Date: 9th Dec 2018 @ 8:28pm

Our school was jingling on Friday 07 December as we raised funds for Alzheimer's. Children and staff unleashed their inner Elf and their donations raised over £400! Thank you for your support :)


Diocesan Jumbulance For Lourdes visit, by Walker

Date: 3rd Dec 2018 @ 2:52pm

We have been fortunate to secure a visit on Wednesday 5 December 2018 from a very special vehicle and team; The Diocesan Jumbulance for Lourdes.  It is here for children to see how they take VIPs and pilgrims to Lourdes.  It will raise awareness and show what they can do for some of the most vulnerable, disabled and the elderly.


You are more than welcome to come along, the vehicle will be parked in Old Bidston Road (the blocked off road between the Annexe and main school) from 8:00 a.m. for approximately two and a half hours.


Christmas 2018 Newsletter, by Walker

Date: 3rd Dec 2018 @ 2:39pm

Christmas 2018 Newsletter.

Lots of information and dates for all events in December.  

Applications to F1 (Pre-School) in September 2019, by Mrs Harris

Date: 20th Nov 2018 @ 3:38pm

For Families of Children Eligible to start F1 (Pre-School) in September 2019

The last day that we will accept applications to F1 (Pre-School) for September 2019 is Friday 15 February 2019.

Applications must be accompanied by birth AND baptism certificates.

All applications will be ranked according to our Admissions Policy.

Offer letters will be sent to families via 2nd class post on Monday 15 April 2019.  These letters will be sent to the address logged on the admission form.



Children in Need Friday 16 November 2018, by Mrs Harris

Date: 15th Nov 2018 @ 6:52pm

Come to school dressed to impress on Friday 16 November for Children in Need. 

Wear your spots and stripes, brightest clothes or Pudsey wear and join in the fun!!

October Half Term Attendance, by Walker

Date: 15th Oct 2018 @ 11:04am

Congratulations to our October Half Term Attendance Winners


Weekly Winners:

Tobias Jones Y2 - Chocolate Bar Maker

Matylda Byrne Y3 - Designer Denin Set


Half Term Winners:

Cailen Fay Y1 - Kindle Fire

Harley Woods Y4 - Kindle Fire


Well done to all children who received a raffle ticket for their 100% attendance this term.

Could you be a winner next term?

School closes for half term - Wednesday, 17 October 2018 at 3.35 p.m., by Miss Houlihan

Date: 15th Oct 2018 @ 12:44am

To remind all Parents and Carers; children's last day in school in Wednesday, 17 October.

Staff Inset days will take place on Thursday, 18 and Friday, 19 October.

School will re-open to pupils on Monday, 29 October.


Parent's Evening - Monday, 15 and Tuesday, 16 October 2018, by Miss Houlihan

Date: 15th Oct 2018 @ 12:35am

Please remember it is Parent's Evening on Monday, 15 October 4.00 p.m. - 7.00 p.m. and Tuesday, 16 October 4.00 p.m. - 5.30 p.m.

Appointments should be booked through your School Spider app (downloaded from Apple Store or Google Play).

Please call the school office on 0151 652 3366 with any School Spider enquiries you may have. 


Dates for Diary Autumn 2018, by Walker

Date: 25th Sep 2018 @ 11:56am

Multi Sports Activity Club - Summer 2018, by Walker

Date: 24th Jul 2018 @ 3:09pm

Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 .... 

Would your child like to get more active, learn something new and have fun at the same time? Mr Cullen and Mr Gateley will be running a Summer Multi Sports Club over the summer break, why not come and join in? There will be a variety of sports and challenges for the children each day and a celebration of achievement each Friday with a special guest.   

The club will run from 9am to 3pm and will cost only £15 per day, payable on the day. Registration for each day will be 9 to 9.30 in the multi practical room. Children will need to bring along a packed lunch, plenty of water, wear suitable clothing and footwear and have sunscreen applied. We have use of both the school playground and the hall should the weather not be favourable.  

Week One:  Monday 6th August to Friday 10th August

Week Two: Monday 13th August to Friday 17th August

To register your interest for any sessions or for any questions Mr Cullen will be available at reception from 08.45 to 9.00 on Wednesday and Thursday this week.

Break up for Summer - Thursday 26 July 2018, by Miss Houlihan

Date: 18th Jul 2018 @ 10:53am

We would like to remind parents and families that our school closes at the end of the school day on Thursday 26 July 2018

School will re-open on Tuesday 5 June 2018!!, by Mrs Harris

Date: 5th Jun 2018 @ 3:00pm

School will be open to pupils on tuesday 5 June 2018.

The Royal Wedding Party! , by Mrs Harris

Date: 18th May 2018 @ 2:02pm

The children (and staff) enjoyed the Royal Wedding Party today.  All were in attendance; from Prince Harry, Princesses, to the Queen, and even her corgis!!


Pizza Express Visit, by Mr Ellis

Date: 5th Apr 2018 @ 4:50pm

On Tuesday 13 June 2017, as part of our pupil reward system, children visited Pizza Express to make their own pizzas. A great time was had by all and we believe the pizzas were scrummy! Well done to all the children who were selected.

World Book Day, by Mr Ellis

Date: 5th Apr 2018 @ 4:47pm

The children had a fantastic day participating in World Book Day, dressed as their favourite characters.  We also had a visit from children’s author Susanne T Schroder.

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