Year 3: News items

Meet our Family Support Workers, by Mrs Harris

Date: 29th Jun 2022 @ 2:59pm

We would like to introduce you to our school Family Support Workers - Leanne Brown and Julie Harrison
A Family Support Worker can provide emotional support, guidance and encouragement to children and families.  
At Our Lady and St Edward's Catholic Primary School School we understand that children learn better when families, schools and children work together.  Leanne and Julie encourage families to come in for an informal conversation when support is required. They work with multiple outside agencies to establish the very best support for you and your children.  If you have concerns or are experiencing any personal difficulties, sharing these concerns can often help. They can support without judgement and signpost you to the most relevant agency

Grace - Tumbling Championships, by Mrs Harris

Date: 29th Jun 2022 @ 2:40pm

We have some wonderful news to share!!! ???
Grace competed in the National Age Tumbling Championships on Saturday................she competed against other elite gymnasts from Great Britain.
Grace came away with a bronze medal, upping her difficulty for the final.  This means Grace is now 3rd in the UK ???  Grace has also recently been selected for the GB Development Squad!!!
How fantastic!! Well done Grace, we are all very proud of you ?
Videos to follow

Reading for Good!!!, by Mrs Harris

Date: 21st May 2022 @ 8:50pm

"Join the Reading for Good reading adventures!!!

Read for Good motivates children to read for fun because we know that loving reading changes lives.


Our regular supply of beautiful, brand-new books and visits from professional storytellers, offer children in hospital the chance to escape to other worlds in their imagination. 


Children in schools are motivated to read using our free Readathon kits, which encourage them to choose whatever they like to read – from comics to classics, and audio books to blogs – all whilst raising money to get books to children in hospital, and books for their school"


Please click to see more!




Get together with ConnectUs, by Mrs Harris

Date: 25th Apr 2022 @ 9:27pm

The ConnectUs team will be our guests at our new networking coffee mornings for our parents and carers.

Please see the information leaflet attached and join Julie and Leanne, our Family Support Workers with a coffee while we introduce ConnectUs and explain how it can be of help and support.


World Book Day 2022, by Mrs Harris

Date: 19th Feb 2022 @ 10:50pm

World Book Day

On 3 March 2022 we will be celebrating World Book Day. Children may come to school dressed as a character from a book. If they do not wish to dress up as a character, they must wear their school uniform. Children can also bring in their favourite book or prop from a book. The children will participate in a range of fun activities throughout the day including a ‘design your own book cover’ competition.

March 2021 - Return to School, by Mrs Harris

Date: 12th Mar 2021 @ 12:22pm

Dear Parents and Carers

A very warm ‘Welcome Back to School.’ It has been so lovely to see all the children and families return to school after months in lockdown.

The children settled in well and were happy to see their friends and teachers.  We are looking forward to supporting our children for the remainder of the academic year and enabling each pupil to reach their full potential. 

We need to ensure we are all still following government guidelines and I would like to remind parents that masks must be worn on school premises at all times.  If you are exempt, please indicate this to staff.

We have heard children sharing news that they have been to each other’s houses for tea and to play. Please can I remind parents that this is not yet allowed and households are not permitted to mix. We really need to work together to ensure we are still preventing the risk of infection across the community so that we can have a safe lifting and easing of restrictions. I know we are all looking forward to a summer when we can all see our families and friends again and enjoy life as it was before Covid-19!!!

We are really looking forward to being able to share events in school as rules are relaxed and guidance allows us to widen our activities.

I have attached an overview of the key dates and easing of restrictions so I hope this is helpful.

If you have any concerns or queries, please contact the school office.

Take care and keep safe.

Chess Tournament with CSC (Chess in Schools and Communities) on Saturday 30 November 2019, by Mrs Harris

Date: 2nd Dec 2019 @ 11:38am

Our lady and St. Edwards Catholic Primary School were fortunate enough to be asked to host the Chess in Schools and Communities chess tournament on Saturday 30 November 2019.

The tournament was very well attended and all the young people who took part had an opportunity to practice the skills they had been learning in school.

The standard was incredibly high and there were many closely fought contests!!!

As observers it was a privilege to watch the children demonstrate such resilience and ability.


Well done to everyone who took part ♟♟♟

Sponsored Walk , by Mrs Walker

Date: 19th Nov 2019 @ 10:57am

Fr Philip receives an Honorary degree! , by Mrs Walker

Date: 16th Jul 2019 @ 12:53pm

Hundreds of former students who studied to be teachers at Liverpool Hope University's founding colleges were given Honorary degrees in a special celebration on Friday 12 July. 

The University welcomed around 600 alumni who received a CertEd before 1980. 

Many have now retired from long careers in teaching and are thrilled to be receiving Honorary Bachelor of Education Degrees. 

One very proud recipient of this very special Honorary degree is our own Fr Philip!!

We hope you had a lovely day Fr Philip.





Our Lady and St Edward's host Chess Championship!!, by Mrs Harris

Date: 7th Jun 2019 @ 5:11pm

FIFTY girls from eight school across Merseyside are gearing up to take part in a chess competition in a bid to get women to play the game.

Organised by charity Chess in Schools and Communities (CSC), the first Empower Girls Chess Tournament will take place on Monday, June 10 at Our Lady and St Edward's RC Primary School, Birkenhead.

Please click to view the Wirral Globe article

Our Lady's Grotto in Lourdes, by Mrs Harris

Date: 23rd May 2019 @ 4:12pm

Our school represented by our wonderful flag at Our Lady's Grotto in Lourdes

Parking and Medical appointments, by Mrs Price

Date: 22nd May 2019 @ 2:34pm

Family Activity Days, by Mrs Price

Date: 21st May 2019 @ 12:56pm

Update dates for diary summer 19, by Mrs Price

Date: 21st May 2019 @ 12:30pm

New F2 parent meeting, by Mrs Price

Date: 15th May 2019 @ 11:03am

Dates for diary summer 2019, by Mrs Price

Date: 10th May 2019 @ 1:47pm

Superhero day 10.5.19, by Mrs Price

Date: 3rd May 2019 @ 3:25pm

Attendance Winners Spring Term 2019, by Mrs Walker

Date: 29th Mar 2019 @ 3:02pm

Congratulations to our Attendance Winners


Weekly Winners:

Larissa Giroldo Y1

Summer Smith Y3


Half Term Winners:

Harry Thelwell-Swann – Y1 - Outdoor Games

Abdul Arafat - Y6 – Outdoor Games


Congratulation to all our children who collected a prize for 100% attendance for the Spring Term.  



Well done to all children who received a raffle ticket for their 100% attendance this term.

Could you be a winner next term?

Family Activity Days, by Mrs Walker

Date: 26th Mar 2019 @ 10:42am

We had great fun at our last Family Activity Day, why not pop along to the next sessions? A perfect chance to spend time with your family and enjoy the company of others. It's all free and you can pop along at anytime that suits you. Hope to see you there. 

Family Support Drop In Sessions, by Mrs Walker

Date: 8th Mar 2019 @ 12:07pm

February Half Term Attendance Winners, by Mrs Walker

Date: 15th Feb 2019 @ 12:15pm

Congratulations to our February Half Term Attendance Winners


Weekly Winners:

Lettia Macphee F2 - My Little Pony

Isabelle Carver Y5 - Colouring in Kit


Half Term Winners:

Ruben Maguire Y1 - Kindle Fire

Evan McKeever Y3 - Kindle Fire 


Well done to all children who received a raffle ticket for their 100% attendance this term.

Could you be a winner next term?

Family Support Activity Day, by Mrs Walker

Date: 13th Feb 2019 @ 2:36pm

This half term we will be holding two family support activity days. The session will be run by Christina Johnson our new family support worker. There will be lots of activities for you to enjoy with your children and enjoy a cuppa with other families. You can pop in any time and stay and play as long as you like.

Hope to see you and your family there.

Sessions will run: Monday 18 February and Tuesday 19 February 10am to 3.30pm and will be based in the Annexe building. 

Attendance Winners , by Walker

Date: 19th Dec 2018 @ 2:14pm

Congratulations to our Attendance Winners


Weekly Winners:

James Henry F2

Mateusz Balicki Y3


Half Term Winners:

Lily Rose Taylor Y1 - Kindle Fire

Daniel Shawcross Y6 - Kindle Fire


Congratulation to all our children who collected a prize for 100% attendance for the Autumn Term.  



Well done to all children who received a raffle ticket for their 100% attendance this term.

Could you be a winner next term?

School closes for half term - Wednesday, 17 October 2018 at 3.35 p.m., by Miss Houlihan

Date: 15th Oct 2018 @ 12:44am

To remind all Parents and Carers; children's last day in school in Wednesday, 17 October.

Staff Inset days will take place on Thursday, 18 and Friday, 19 October.

School will re-open to pupils on Monday, 29 October.


Parent's Evening - Monday, 15 and Tuesday, 16 October 2018, by Miss Houlihan

Date: 15th Oct 2018 @ 12:35am

Please remember it is Parent's Evening on Monday, 15 October 4.00 p.m. - 7.00 p.m. and Tuesday, 16 October 4.00 p.m. - 5.30 p.m.

Appointments should be booked through your School Spider app (downloaded from Apple Store or Google Play).

Please call the school office on 0151 652 3366 with any School Spider enquiries you may have. 


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