F2 Wednesday 27th January 2021 Home Learning Tasks

Date: 26th Jan 2021 @ 5:40pm

Hi F2, 

We can't wait to see all of your hard work on these tasks. 

Literacy –Finger Spaces and Sentence Building

Ask an adult to write a simple sentence on paper and cut it up. Have the adult hide the words around your house. Can you find them and put the words into a sentence?

For example: The bear is big. The chair is hard. The bears walk in the woods.

When you have put your sentence together, can you write it in your book using finger spaces between each word?

Challenge: Can you think of your own simple sentence or caption to write?


Phonics – Consolidation

In Phonics, we are practising our Phase 2 and 3 phonemes:

Phase 2 (s, a, t, p, i, n, m, d, g, o, c, k, ck, e, u, r, h, b, f, ff, l, ll, ss)

Phase 3 (j, v, w, x, y, z, zz, qu, ch, sh, th, ng, ai, ee, igh, oa, oo, ar, or, ur, ow, oi, ear, air, ure, er).

Can you read and practise remembering these High Frequency Words: the, to.

Can you have a go at writing some captions? Begin each caption with ‘I can…..’

For example: I can run. I can dig. I can quack.

Maths – Patterns and Models

https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zf33y9q/articles/zrmkcqt Watch the video about 2D shapes. Can you remember any? Can you play the shape matching games too?

Cut out some different 2D shapes. Can you make a picture using them? For example: a house, a car, a robot etc.

Challenge: Can you describe the properties of the 2D shapes?


Thematic: Who’s print is this?

Think of an animal, can you describe the animal to an adult or a sibling but don’t tell them what the animal is. For example: It is green. It has scales. It has no legs. What am I?

Draw an animal in your book. Then draw that animal’s print on a piece of paper and stick it over it, to make it look like a flipbook. Can you write some words or sentences describing the animal without saying what animal it is? Can you family guess what animal it is?


Wellbeing Activity: Do yoga – There are some brilliant yoga activities on YouTube on Cosmic Kids  https://www.youtube.com/user/CosmicKidsYoga


Have fun and remember to post pictures of your work on Tapestry!

F2 Team


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