

At Our Lady and St. Edward’s we want to offer our pupils  a high-quality and enjoyable music curriculum underpinned by  EYFS, Development Matters where pupils explore music through Expressive Arts & Design, and Y1 to Y6,  the National Curriculum, Model Music Curriculum:Key Stages 1 to 3 and the National Plan for Music June 2022. We follow the music scheme Charanga which supports teaching and learning across the school. Music contributes significantly in developing language, reasoning and memory. Engaging in music leads to improved motor skills, co-ordination and listening skills. Participation in music requires pupils to co-operate and collaborate together playing and performing music. 

Music lessons at Our Lady and St. Edward’s encourage pupils to explore new musical ideas and genres through listening, performing, playing instruments and composing. Music is linked to other subjects such as History, P.E and Art whenever possible  to enhance learning. This approach raises aspirations, inspires imaginations and encourages our pupils to develop a love of music and their talents as musicians and composers.Music teaches discipline, relieves stress, builds self-confidence, encourages creativity and enables pupils to succeed. As a school we understand the value and enrichment music brings to the life of each one of us, particularly children. We recognise that music, as a practical subject, should be an integral part of a rich, broad and balanced curriculum.

 All children from EYFS to Year 6 have access to a variety of musical activities in school. Pupils will have experience of playing simple instruments, singing and learning practical music skills such as listening, appraising, composing and performing.They will also gain a wider appreciation of a broad range of musical compositions and famous composers. Music is a powerful force for creative energy – stimulating and guiding the imagination. While developing musical skills, pupils will gain understanding of musical elements, develop a critical engagement with music, listen with discrimination and realise their creativity by engaging in musical activities.



 Above all we want our pupils to develop a  lifelong love of music  and the enrichment and joy it brings to life.We have high expectations of all pupils providing  support and guidance which enables pupils to meet their potential. Pupils are able to increasingly use musical vocabulary with confidence and accuracy when talking about their own musical experiences, compositions and their appraisal of others. Pupils are able to perform, listen to, review and evaluate music across a range of traditions , styles, genres and historical periods, including the works of the great composers and musicians. Pupils sing and use their voices for different audiences and in a wide range of contexts.Pupils are able to use technologies, equipment and musical instruments to support their learning within music and to maximise progress. Pupils understand and explore how music is created, produced and communicated, including through the inter-related dimensions: pitch, duration, tempo, timbre, texture, structure and appropriate musical notations. Pupils develop a good level of  the knowledge, understanding and enjoyment of music through the combined experiences of performing.composing, listening and appraising  as stated in  EYFS Statutory Framework and National Curriculum.

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