March 2021 - Return to School

Date: 12th Mar 2021 @ 12:25pm

Dear Parents and Carers

A very warm ‘Welcome Back to School.’ It has been so lovely to see all the children and families return to school after months in lockdown.

The children settled in well and were happy to see their friends and teachers.  We are looking forward to supporting our children for the remainder of the academic year and enabling each pupil to reach their full potential. 

We need to ensure we are all still following government guidelines and I would like to remind parents that masks must be worn on school premises at all times.  If you are exempt, please indicate this to staff.

We have heard children sharing news that they have been to each other’s houses for tea and to play. Please can I remind parents that this is not yet allowed and households are not permitted to mix. We really need to work together to ensure we are still preventing the risk of infection across the community so that we can have a safe lifting and easing of restrictions. I know we are all looking forward to a summer when we can all see our families and friends again and enjoy life as it was before Covid-19!!!

We are really looking forward to being able to share events in school as rules are relaxed and guidance allows us to widen our activities.

I have attached an overview of the key dates and easing of restrictions so I hope this is helpful.

If you have any concerns or queries, please contact the school office.

Take care and keep safe.

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