Pre-School Tasks Week 5

Date: 27th Apr 2020 @ 1:29pm

Hi pre-school,

Hope you are all having lots of fun taking part in the activities we are setting you.

We have seen some fantastic photographs of your work so far, so please keep sending these in. We love to see how you are getting on.

This week we are setting you some very exciting tasks. We would like you to create your own fairy garden in your house.

Task 1: Google fairy gardens and look at the pictures for some ideas.

Task 2: Draw and design your fairy garden, maybe you could create a fairy door and a place for your fairies to sit?

Task 3: Using the recipe below, make some salt dough and start to make your fairy garden, using your design help you. Bake this in the oven and you can then decorate using whatever materials you have. This could be paint, felt tips etc. 

Task 4: Can you create some signs for your fairy garden using numbers and letters, 

examples of this could be:  making a number for your fairy door, 

                                            making a sign post saying "my fairy garden"


We can't wait to see the photographs of your fairy garden that you can send to the school facebook page or email and we look forward to seeing you all very soon.

Take care of each other. 

F1 Team xxx

Salt dough recipe

1 cup plain flour

1/2 cup salt

1/2 cup of water

Mix and make your fairy garden shapes.

preheat the oven to its lowest setting

Place dough shapes on grease proof paper.

Bake in the oven on a low heat for about 3 hours, until it is hard.

The alternative is to leave it to air dry which takes a few days.

Leave to cool before you decorate.

Have fun xxx

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